Douching - a controversial procedure - Diseases

December 16, 2007

  • Douching - a controversial procedure
  • Diseases
  • Benefit or harm

 douching and diseases

Douching and diseases

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis - a violation of the main symptoms of which are abundant vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Every year tens of millions of doctors to treat women with symptoms of bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis - sex is not recommended  Bacterial vaginosis - sex is not recommended
 But the same or even a greater number of cases are not diagnosed vaginosis. For clinical diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is required to meet three criteria: vaginal pH greater than 4.5, positive amine test and the presence of liquid homogeneous vaginal discharge The whole truth about vaginal secretions  The whole truth about vaginal secretions
 . Several studies have shown that bacterial vaginosis occurs most frequently in women who do douching regularly.

It should be noted that vaginal flora may change due to the application of vaginal medications and spermicides frequent intercourse and many partners. Moreover, the flora is subject to change at different stages of the menstrual cycle. However, these factors, as opposed to douching, the vaginal environment seldom change so as to result in the development of vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis can lead to problems such as endometriosis, premature birth, low birth weight, premature rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis (inflammation of the membranes), and infection of the amniotic fluid.

 Diseases | Douching - a controversial procedure

Gonorrhea, chlamydia and other STDs

Many STDs are asymptomatic and therefore a long time - if ever - do not diagnose. Two bacterial infections, sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
   and chlamydia - are most often causes of pelvic inflammatory disease. Chlamydia can cause scarring and obstruction of the fallopian tubes and lead to the onset of ectopic pregnancy. In addition, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, can contribute immunodeficiency virus.

In one study it was found that women who douche regularly, the risk of disease chlamydia was twice higher than normal. Furthermore, douching increases with frequency and the risk of contamination.

The report of another study noted that girls who do periodically douching with a history of STDs are more likely than girls who do not resort to this procedure.

The study is conducted in Indonesia found that women who douche soapy water, broth of betel leaves and special commercial means, STDs occur more frequently than others. Moreover, among these women, the risk of STDs is particularly high for those that do douching immediately before intercourse, or before and after sexual intercourse. The means they use for irrigation, irritating, which is why the vaginal environment becomes even more vulnerable to infectious agents.

 Diseases | Douching - a controversial procedure

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease (VZTO) - a polymicrobial infection of the pelvic organs, agents which generally fall into the reproductive tract of the vagina. The physical pressure of the fluid in the process of douching contributes to the displacement of pathogens. Annually recorded several million cases VZTO; 20-30% of women with this diagnosis are hospitalized, about 25% of patients develop long-term complications, such as obstruction of the fallopian tubes Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic  Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic
 , Endometriosis, chronic pain in the pelvic area, recurrent inflammatory disease. In some cases VZTO causes infertility.

Risk factors for the development of VZTO are: the use of intrauterine contraception, the availability of multiple sexual partners, early sexual activity at an early age. Douching can also cause VZTO, and the more often a woman douche, the greater the likelihood of developing the disease. The first study, the results of which it was concluded that douching may contribute VZTO, conducted in 1952. Then, it was noted that women who douche after menstruation, more frequently diagnosed VZTO. In subsequent years, many studies conducted on this subject, and the results of some of them contradictory, but you can with certainty say that between douching and VZTO really have a connection.

 Diseases | Douching - a controversial procedure

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer - one of the most common cancers in women .  Every year hundreds of thousands of recorded cases of cervical cancer, and tens of thousands of women die from this disease .  In many cases of cervical cancer associated with human papilloma virus - one of the most common STDs .  In several studies, it was found that cervical cancer is most common in the same groups of women who practice regular douching .  This is probably due to the fact that douching helps HPV pathogens move through the reproductive tract .  Furthermore, it is assumed that the vaginal environment changes that occur due douching make the cervix more susceptible to pathological change and, as a consequence, the development of cancer .  It is unclear how much douching increases the risk of cervical cancer, and some studies equivocal .  In addition, due to the fact that cancer develops over a long period, to ascertain the causal link between it and syringing difficult .

 Diseases | Douching - a controversial procedure

Human immunodeficiency virus

STDs and other reproductive tract infections increase the likelihood of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Changing the pH of the vaginal environment also makes a person more vulnerable to HIV agents. Lactobacilli which produce hydrogen peroxide, to a certain extent able to block the activity of HIV agents. This suggests that douching can increase the risk of HIV and scientific data support this assumption.

In a study conducted in Côte d'Ivoire, HIV was diagnosed twice as often in women who have used for irrigation antiseptics .  Another study, also held in Africa, showed that regular douching-profit that do not contain antiseptic agents, is also associated with a higher chance of contracting HIV .  At the same time, women who douche periodically antiseptics, HIV was less frequent .  However, it should be noted that the women who used antiseptics on average were trained in various educational institutions for 8 years, and enjoyed learning all for-profit facilities for two years, so the results may be associated with socioeconomic status .  In general, given the fact that douching increases the risk of infringements, which, in turn, increase the likelihood of HIV infection, it can be concluded that the refusal of irrigation can, to some extent protect against immunodeficiency virus (though, of course, this does not negate the need to use barrier contraception) .

 Diseases | Douching - a controversial procedure


So far, none of the official organization on health issues did not make any statement about the dangers of douching. More research is needed to be able to draw definitive conclusions about how, in fact, the procedure is dangerous and may reveal its useful properties is unknown. However, experts say that while there is no evidence indicating that douching is necessary to women's health, but on the contrary, many data indicate that it could be dangerous, this procedure should refrain.
