All tablets for emergency contraception have side effects and contraindications for use. In order not to hurt yourself, a woman should use such drugs only on prescription. The right thing would be to always use the services of the same obstetrician-gynecologist.
The main principle of the emergency contraceptive pill
The action of emergency contraceptive pill is a sharp suppression of acts of female sex hormones estrogen or progesterone. And with that, and the other case is delayed ovulation and a violation of the state of the inner layer of the uterus: violated his willingness to receive the embryo.
All preparations for emergency contraception has an effect as a hormonal impact, which is not indifferent to the woman's body. It is especially dangerous to use these drugs in adolescence, when still not fully formed the menstrual cycle. These drugs have contraindications and side effects, sometimes quite significant. Therefore, they are sold in pharmacies by prescription, which determines whether this woman used the drug or not.
Total produced two types of emergency contraceptive pills, some of them are hormones (Postinor eskapel), others do not apply to hormones, but also affect the hormonal system (zhenale, ginepriston).
How do the pills Postinor and eskapel
The main active ingredient tablets postinor
Postinor - used very carefully!
and eskapel (producer - Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter) is a synthetic analogue of progesterone levonorgestrel. In eskapel, which was released after Postinor, it twice, so it is taken disposable, as a single tablet. Postinor take a tablet twice with an interval of 12 hours (which is allowed a break of up to 16 hours). Since levonorgestrel can give the side effect of emesis, if it occurs within three hours after administration of the tablet, it is recommended to adopt another tablet. Take postinor and eskapel as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, but no later than 72 hours.
Levonorgestrel can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, uterine bleeding unrelated to the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, on the contrary, the delay of menstruation, but no more than a week. If the delay lasts longer, then you need to take a pregnancy test.
Application Postinor and eskapel contraindicated in severe liver disease with impaired function of the body, intolerance to lactose deficiency of the enzyme lactase or malabsorption of simple sugars in the intestine (tablets have lactose - milk sugar), in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets of the female organism and during pregnancy. But if, despite the use of Postinor or eskapel pregnancy did take place, it can be saved, since these drugs do not have a negative impact on the child.
During feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
their breasts should be used with caution and not put baby to the breast within a day (levonorgestrel is excreted in human milk).
How do the pills and zhenale ginepriston
In tablets zhenale (producer - Russian pharmaceutical company Izvarino Pharma) and ginepriston (Nizhpharm pharmaceutical company, which now became part of the international concern STADA), the main active ingredient is mifepristone - a drug that previously used for the production of tablets of abortion. But zhenale ginepristone and it is contained in a small dosage and does not have an abortive action. Mifepristone - is not a hormonal drug, which, however, has a hormonal effect, as inhibits the function of the female sex hormone progesterone.
Since progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
promotes the release of mature egg from the ovary, the suppression of his actions leads to ovulation does not occur, and hence it is impossible to conceive. There is also the suppression of the second (secretory) phase of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterus), making it impossible to consolidation and development of the embryo in the uterine wall.
Zhenale or ginepriston take as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, but no later than three days. Take one tablet per two hours before or two hours after a meal.
Mifepristone can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
, Dizziness, headache, uterine bleeding.
Tablets are contraindicated zhenale ginepriston and in violation of the kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, severe diseases of internal organs, prolonged use of glucocorticoid hormones and increased sensitivity to the woman's body mifepristone. If after mifepristone still become pregnant, it is better to interrupt, because of possible adverse effects of mifepristone on the child. If the drug is used during breast-feeding, it should be stopped for two weeks.
All tablets are used for emergency contraception prescribed by a doctor.
Galina Romanenko