Postcoital contraception - a kind of emergency contraception, which is why it can not be permanent. Methods of postcoital contraception nazaschischennogo applied after sexual intercourse and avoid unwanted pregnancies. But neither of these methods is not one hundred percent reliable.
Methods for postcoital contraception
The modern, female literacy reasons for postcoital contraception should be slightly. It is a rape, a violation of the barrier methods of contraception (eg, condom broke) and other similar situations. For continuous use, there are other ways in which women can introduce an obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation.
There are several ways postcoital contraception. Immediately after sexual intercourse can be performed followed by douching vagina spermicidal preparations for the first two days, you can take a pill Postinor, within three days, you can take any combination (consisting of two types of hormones) hormonal contraceptives. Finally, if after unprotected intercourse took place five days (but no more), you can enter an intrauterine device (it will establish an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic). The latter method of emergency contraception is both constant.
Followed by douching vagina spermicidal agents
The method consists in the fact that the sperm is mechanically removed from the vagina by its washing. This can be done simply with boiled water and then used spermicides (spermicides).
The method is very unreliable, since the sperm after 1 and 5 minutes to penetrate through the cervix into its cavity, and then into the fallopian tube. Therefore, all you need to do very quickly during these one and a half minutes.
By spermicides include such contraceptives as farmateks, kontseptrol, Delphine, ortho, koromeks and others. They are produced in many forms, such as creams, vaginal suppositories, foams, films, tablets for topical use.
Hormonal drugs as a means of postcoital contraception
These tools include postinor
Postinor - used very carefully!
and combined hormonal contraceptives.
Postinor is specifically designed for emergency prevention of unwanted pregnancies. It contains a synthetic analogue of the female hormone progesterone levonorgestrel, which inhibits the activity of other female sex hormones estrogen, thus preventing conception.
After unprotected intercourse need to take one pill Postinor. Better to do it right away, but it is possible and within three days. 12 hours after taking the first tablet second tablet.
After receiving Postinor can appear side effects such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
Spotting, shortening of the menstrual cycle.
Contraindications Postinor are diseases of the liver and gall bladder, minor age, pregnancy and breast-feeding
Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
Postinor recommended for women with a regular menstrual cycle, since large doses of hormones can cause persistent disturbances in hormonal levels. For the same reason postinor it can not be used as a regular contraceptive.
Combination hormonal contraceptives may also be used for postcoital contraception. But they can be used only after consulting an obstetrician - gynecologist in their assigned dose.
IUDs for emergency contraception
The next day, after unprotected intercourse can turn to a gynecologist in order to enter into the uterus intrauterine device (IUD). If the sexual intercourse was not more than five days, the Navy introduced containing copper.
IUD (coil) is a small, flexible device that is inserted into the uterus for a long time to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are of two types: non-drug and drug (eg, containing progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
, Copper, and so on).
The mechanism of action of the IUD is that it slows the rate of movement through the pipes egg and its introduction into the uterine lining as well as the speed of advance of sperm in the uterine cavity. That is why the time the IUD is able to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
IUDs are inserted into the uterus of a gynecologist, the woman or anyone else in any case should not do it, because you can injure the cervix.
IUD insertion is contraindicated nulliparous women with suspected tumors or inflammatory disease, uterine bleeding and other violations on the part of the female genital organs.
Postcoital contraception - is emergency contraception, so use it often is not recommended. An exception is the IUD, which can be used for a long time.
Galina Romanenko