- Navel piercing - care after puncture
- Advice
Once you make a navel piercing, you will have a fairly long and hard to care for puncture that it has healed properly. Otherwise, the possibility of infection and irritation, because of which even the most beautiful jewelry in the navel will not look impressive.
There are three stages of tissue healing:
- Inflammatory stage. Your piercing is now - an open wound. Bleeding, swelling, soreness are normal for this stage.
- Stage of healing may take several months. At this stage, the body reacts somehow to the wound. From the puncture site stand out fluids that dry out the skin and decoration, forming a crust of a yellowish or reddish color. (Do not confuse these with pus discharge - it is a thick, yellowish-white and usually has an unpleasant odor). In no case do not remove the crust - especially with dirty hands. About how it can be removed, we will discuss below. The puncture site is gradually tightened, and at the end of the second stage, it is considered zazhivshim although him still need regular care.
- Phase formation of scar tissue. Along the edges of a puncture scar tissue is formed. Sometimes it is damaged, and again there are signs of healing phase - this may happen several times before the puncture edges covered with dense, mature scar tissue.
Terms pierced navel care
All (rather numerous) rules navel pierced care can be divided into five: Practice good hygiene, monitors the health, avoid injury, wash the puncture brine and clean it regularly.
- Wash your hands every time before touching the skin around the puncture or decoration in the navel;
- Change bed linen and towels at least once a week.
- Do not sleep with pets;
- Avoid contact with saliva and other body fluids in the area of the belly button (no matter your these fluids, or your sexual partners);
- Wipe the skin in the area of navel piercing with disposable paper towels;
- Clean the puncture after every load, causing excessive sweating.
Watch for health:
- Observe the optimal balance of work and rest;
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet;
- Drink plenty of water;
- If possible, avoid strong emotional stress
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- Do not abuse alcohol and caffeine;
- Do not take drugs;
- Do not smoke, or at least try to smoke less - because smoking narrows the blood vessels, so that blood flow and oxygen to the damaged skin is limited, and slows down the healing of tissues.
Avoid damage:
- Do not play with the decoration in the navel - not fumble, do not rotate and dragged it through without having a puncture;
- Do not change jewelery too quickly;
- Be very careful when you clean the punctured stomach;
- Wear clothes and undergarments that do not rub on the stomach and does not cling to the decoration;
- While piercing has healed completely, swim in the pool and open water, and do not take a hot bath - often these places are hotbeds of infection. However, you can protect yourself by using waterproof plasters, just do not wear them for too long, so that the skin can breathe.
How to care for a navel piercing
In the first days after you thrust it through the navel, carefully try to avoid damage to the area. If the bleeding starts, stop it by pushing a piece of bandage to the skin. The patches should be avoided, since they restrict the access of oxygen to the skin.
Swelling and pain can be removed using a cold compress - it can be a towel soaked in cold water, chilled metal object or ice (to avoid caused by exposure to low temperature damage, between the ice and skin should put a piece of cloth - for example, you can put on your skin towel and have at it - ice).
In the first few weeks or even months punctured stomach should be thoroughly washed at least twice a week.
Before that, you need to properly wash their hands with warm water and soap. Do not touch the navel or earrings with dirty hands (live on human skin staphylococci, which are usually not harmful, but if it enters the open wound can lead to infection).
First, soak a cotton ball with warm water several times and gently slide it across the skin to remove the resulting dry crust. Used cotton balls should be thrown away immediately.
Then you need to lather the navel and the skin around it (usually recommend using antibacterial soap), and a few seconds to wash off the soap with warm water. Apply to the skin soft paper napkin - it rapidly absorbs moisture.
Some master piercer recommend rotating jewelry in the navel to better clear the hole in the skin, but many experts believe this method is outdated - it causes more problems than it solves. The rotation and, as a consequence, the friction, the bacteria were on the shackle, can reach the skin. Typically, this leads to a slight irritation (if you take good care of the piercing), but sometimes this can be the result of an infection. Therefore, the less you touch the earring at the navel, the better.
The antimicrobial ointment should only be used if you have any signs of infection. Such ointments kill bacteria, but does not accelerate the healing process of tissues. Also, certain ingredients of these ointments may cause some people have an allergic reaction.
For at least three to four weeks after the piercing, try not to wear clothing that puts pressure on the stomach or cause friction in this area. It is desirable as little as possible to wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics - they do not give the skin to breathe properly.
If there are signs of infection, start to look more carefully for pierced navel - clean skin 3-4 times a day, use antimicrobial ointment (such as Neosporin). For the relief of symptoms can also take acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen
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and others). If you are pregnant, without prior consultation with your doctor, you can take only paracetamol. If the symptoms of the infection have appeared in your child, remember that aspirin is recommended to give only to children older than 16 years. If after 3-4 days there are signs of improvement, you need to see a doctor - probably for the treatment of infections require antibiotics
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The process navel piercing
The best remedy for the treatment of navel piercing
Navel piercing - only for the most distinguished
They are warm water and soap - in most cases for the normal healing puncture nothing more is needed. Salt water also helps to cleanse the skin and stimulates the healing process - a piece of cloth soaked in salt water, can be applied to the skin for a few minutes a day. You can prepare your own saline solution or purified seawater to buy at the pharmacy.
Tea tree oil mixed with distilled water, soothes and cleanses the skin. This oil also has anti-microbial properties.
To care for the piercing is not recommended to use alcohol and hydrogen peroxide - they dry the skin, cause irritation, and may slow the healing process of the skin.
Washing with brine
In the first few weeks of the puncture to be washed brine daily. Just moisten a piece of cotton in the solution and apply it to the navel 5-10 minutes once or twice a day. If around the puncture formed dry crust when it razmoknet, carefully remove it.
Brine can prepare yourself - it needs to dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt in one cup of clean, warm water. You can also buy a saline solution at a pharmacy. Washing with brine must continue for some time after the puncture heals, and it will no longer appear crust - how much time to do it, let's say you master the piercing.
Not in his case, do not use for cleaning puncture alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. Clean it with antibacterial soap and warm water twice a day - the best at the time, when you take a shower. Before proceeding to the purification of body piercing, wash your hands. A dry crust can be removed with a damp piece of cotton wool - not nails.
Jewellery: materials, accelerating the healing piercing on the navel
To speed up the healing process, you should choose the jewelry for the navel of materials that reduce the likelihood of infection.
Some of these materials - Bioplast. It does not cause rejection, and jewelry out of it are very diverse - they come in a variety of colors and shapes. The first ornament navel can also be made of gold, titanium and stainless steel medical. In addition, today earrings are quite common, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, he - Teflon). Physiological fluid does not adhere to the surface, which greatly simplifies the care of the pierced navel. Jewellery polytetrafluoroethylene are white only; This material is very flexible, so it is often used by women who want to wear jewelry in the navel during pregnancy.
Some stores colorful earrings navel sold as polytetrafluoroethylene products. In fact, they are made of a different material, it is possible that dangerous; Remember that at this time are not made of polytetrafluoroethylene colored ornaments.