Navel piercing - the consequences may not be good news - Infections
September 2, 2013
- Navel piercing - the consequences may not be good news
- Infection
Consequences of navel piercing: infections and their treatment
In specialized piercing parlors you can not only pierce the belly button and insert first ornament, but also give detailed instructions for care pierced navel. Typically, following this instruction helps prevent infection, but in some cases, contamination still occurs. Its main features are:
- Redness of the skin in the area of the puncture;
- Pain;
- Pus;
- An unpleasant odor.
When an infection is suspected, the most important thing - as soon as possible to begin treatment. In some cases, infectious agents can penetrate into the bloodstream and lead to the death of a person - it happens rarely, but less serious infections can greatly complicate the life.
If from the punctured skin began to stand out greenish or yellowish pus with an unpleasant odor, it should go to the doctor - when such symptoms usually require treatment with antibiotics
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In less severe symptoms, you can try self-treatment.
- Apply hot packs to the navel. Dampen a clean cloth with hot water, attach it to the navel, and hold until the compress to cool. Repeat several times during 10-15 minutes. Exposure to heat stimulates blood flow to the site of infection and speeds recovery.
- Flush contaminated skin with salt water. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in 250 g of water, moisten it with a solution of pieces of cotton wool or cloth and gently rub their stomach, and the skin around it. Each time use a new piece of cotton or cloth.
- While the symptoms of infection will not pass, and the puncture heals, do not take a bath and Jacuzzi not swim in pools, lakes, rivers and other open water - there live microorganisms that can lead to new infections.
- Use OTC antimicrobial ointment. Before use, carefully read the instructions.
- Flush contaminated skin with hydrogen peroxide. Apply it only to treat; discontinue use after infection symptoms disappear.
If the above methods do not help, and the symptoms of the infection have not been 4-5 days after emergence, consult a doctor.
Navel piercing - the effects and precautions
Piercing the navel is now extremely popular, and it is not surprising that it attracts the attention of doctors - the more people do the piercing, the more often there are cases where this method of decorating your own body leads to various health problems. According to approximate data, one out of ten adults have punctures in the body anywhere, apart from the earlobes.
Navel - the second most popular place after piercing lobes (among women). According to statistics, 28% of the people doing the piercing, there are a variety of complications, and 13% they lead to serious health problems. On average, one person out of a hundred does piercing (aged 16 to 24 years) require some form of medical care. In this age group, more or less serious complications occur in 31% of cases.
According to experts, one of the main reasons for this is that young people often do navel piercing themselves or seek such a service to the non-professionals - tend to your friends. Severe complications are rare, but they may be even less, if you follow the simple rules. Firstly, we should not do on their own navel piercing. Second, before you get pierced, you need to learn more about the procedure, about the basic requirements to the piercing parlors, and on the basis of the acquired knowledge to choose the best room of those that are in your city. Third, you need to exactly follow the recommendations for the care of pierced navel that gave the master, doing the piercing.
If these rules are not followed, the consequence of navel piercing can become infected with hepatitis B and C and HIV - the probability of this is rather small, but everything must be done to minimize the risk (this requires, first and foremost, thorough disinfection of all the tools that are used repeatedly). If such instruments are disinfected properly and directly used for piercing the skin only disposable needles, the risk of contracting these dangerous infections to zero.
Possible complications
In addition to the risk of infection, there is the likelihood of abscess
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the puncture site, which in the absence of treatment sometimes leads to the formation of excessive scar tissue. Sometimes the navel form keloid scars, which are required for the removal of special beauty treatments.
One of the rarest and most severe consequences of navel piercing
Navel piercing - only for the most distinguished
is blood poisoning (septicemia) and toxic shock syndrome. The main symptoms of sepsis - high body temperature (above 38C), chills, rapid heartbeat and breathing, confusion and delirium, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Toxic shock syndrome can cause symptoms such as vomiting, skin rash, redness of the whites of the eyes, diarrhea, fainting or lightheadedness, nausea, dizziness,
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, muscle aches. If you have any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.
The most common complication of navel piercing is a bacterial infection - as a rule, it can be easily cured with antibiotics, or even non-prescription antimicrobials. The main symptoms of infection - redness, pain (usually weak or moderate), pus, fever skin. Often similar symptoms usually cause irritation, but when they occur after all, consult your doctor.
Ultraviolet therapy: effective treatment of skin diseases - Narrowband ultraviolet
May 27, 2010
- Ultraviolet therapy: effective treatment of skin diseases
- Narrowband ultraviolet
- Treatment
Phototherapy: key facts
Phototherapy - the process of irradiation of certain parts of the skin of the patient specific dose of light. Artificial light, which is irradiated by the patient during the procedure, a beam of ultraviolet rays generated from fluorescent lamps, laser or light emitting diodes. Traditionally, ultraviolet light is divided into three main categories: the rays of the spectrum of A, B and C. Each of the spectra is characterized by intensity sufficient for the treatment of skin diseases. Artificial light source allows much more accurately dosed exposure than the use of sunlight.
- A spectrum: the wavelength of 320-400 nanometers, the tanning effect is achieved, the lowest intensity.
- Spectrum B: the wavelength of 290-320 nanometers, the highest intensity, you may receive burns.
- With spectrum: the wavelength of 100-250 nanometers, the use is fraught with fatal consequences for living organisms.
Before the spread of the practice of radiation narrowband ultraviolet light to treat a number of skin diseases broadband UV irradiation was used, but this procedure is accompanied by a host of side effects. Narrowband ultraviolet irradiation, meanwhile, is characterized by minimal risk of burns, although a few years, scientists have not been able to prove whether such exposure increases the risk of skin cancer
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Narrowband ultraviolet irradiation is particularly effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Ultraviolet spectrum C in medicine does not apply, however, is used to purify the air and water. Lamps that emit ultraviolet rays of the spectrum C, installed in operating rooms and laboratories.
Narrowband ultraviolet
Narrowband UV therapy involves the wavelength of 311-312 nanometers, quite intense for the treatment of many skin diseases.
- It is believed that the use of narrowband ultraviolet safe for both adults and children.
- Narrowband ultraviolet irradiation is suitable for light and for dark skin.
- Ultraviolet rays affect only certain areas of the epidermis, allowing you to achieve the most accurate exposure.
- Success rate reaches 0.8 - practically, this means that 8 out of 10 patients as a result of ultraviolet therapy there is a significant improvement.
- Side effects of UV therapy - burns or cataract formation
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- Are due to a medical error or neglect the necessary precautions.
- Narrowband UV therapy is used in the treatment of common skin diseases - such as psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema.
- Certain types of dermatitis, prurigo, porphyria, pruritus also provide narrowband ultraviolet irradiation.
- Compared with traditional broadband UV treatment, such a procedure is much more efficient.
Narrowband UV therapy
This procedure is painful sensations, requires neither anesthesia nor even hospitalization, and the duration of the procedure itself is extremely low: each radiation session lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. Narrowband ultraviolet irradiation procedure is conducted in conventional hospitals, dermatologist's office, physical therapy clinics.
Widespread narrowband ultraviolet treatment procedures due to the simplicity and efficiency achieved results. Typically, most of narrowband ultraviolet therapy combined with other treatments - for example, with taking medications prescribed by a physician. The attending physician may recommend ultraviolet therapy if the effect of ointments, creams and other drugs maloznachitelen.
Best results are achieved when certain showtimes exposure. As a rule, this schedule provides for two to five sessions a week, ultraviolet therapy and a full course of treatment takes 12 weeks. However, depending on several factors - including the type of skin
How to determine your skin type
, Age, skin area of the body to be irradiated - the duration of the course may vary. Visible results are usually achieved after 5-10 sessions of radiation. The average number of sessions from 15 to 25.
The order of treatment
- The procedure begins with the doctor who checks the condition of the skin, determines the number of sessions, taking into account the patient received drugs.
- Session irradiation holds the nurse under medical supervision.
- On the day of session of radiation to the patient can not use deodorant, toilet water, aftershave and any other cosmetics.
- Parts of the body, not subject to radiation, are covered.
- In particularly sensitive areas - the genitals, nipples - apply sunscreen
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or lotion.
- To protect the patient's eyes are special goggles.
- The duration of the first treatment is irradiation from several seconds to several minutes.
- The doctor overseeing the irradiation procedure, establishes the necessary dose and the intensity of ultraviolet light.
- After each session of radiation doctor checks the reaction of the skin to ultraviolet light. Depending on the reaction duration subsequent irradiation sessions can be increased.
- The procedure of irradiation with ultraviolet light is not accompanied by painful or unpleasant sensations; the patient feels only heat.
- Sessions continued exposure to the full recovery of a healthy skin condition.
- In some cases, to prevent allergic reactions, itching or other unpleasant sensations may be prescribed special drugs - for example, antihistamines.