Bioepilation wax when extra hair - Tips
January 4, 2013
- Bioepilation waxing when the hair extra
- Advice
Bioepilation wax: Tips
No matter how old you are, or even what you have sex, unwanted hair - is the integral part of life, from which constantly wants to get rid of, especially in the summer, or when to be an important event on which to show off an impeccable appearance. Select the appropriate method of hair removal
Hair removal: perfect skin without hair
It can be difficult. Shaving gives short-lived result, and may remain after the cuts and ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal is effective, but expensive. Bioepilation wax - is not the ideal way, but an ideal, perhaps, does not exist.
This procedure can be carried out in a specialized salon and at home. Those who choose the first option should be to find a good master (here, it is best to rely on the recommendation of friends) - he will do everything himself. Those who would do bioepilyatsiyu wax yourself, the following tips can help:
- Never do bioepilyatsiyu after the sunbathed you (under this sun, or in the solarium). Sunburn always damages the epidermis - the top layer of skin. Bioepilation wax after sunburn can cause bruising and even scars on the skin.
- Do not bioepilyatsiyu, if you have problems such as allergic reactions of the skin, acne and other skin diseases. The procedure is also not recommended the holders of very sensitive skin
Sensitive skin: causes and care
- For bioepilyatsii at home it's best to use the strips already covered with wax. They need to be heated for 20-30 seconds in the hands, remove the protective layer and stick to the skin, smoothing it in the direction of hair growth. Then tear off a strip of fast, strong movement. Typically, one strip can be used, at least two or three areas of skin. You can buy an ordinary wax for hair removal
Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
. It needs to be heated to the optimum temperature, put on your skin and on top of glue strips of cotton cloth. The strips come off the remaining wax on the skin wash off with warm water.
- Wait for at least several hours (better - day) after bioepilyatsii wax, before going to the public bath
Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
or pool. Otherwise, you face a variety of skin infections, pathogens which can easily penetrate into microscopic skin lesions remaining after epilation.
- Within two or three days after bioepilyatsii not recommended to wear tight clothes - it contributes to ingrown hairs. In addition, to avoid ingrown hairs, are advised to regularly use a scrub or a hard brush to wash.
Maria Bykov
Plazmolifting: modern technologies of rejuvenation - Indications and contraindications
December 12, 2010
- Plazmolifting: modern technologies of rejuvenation
- Indications and contraindications
Indications and contraindications for Plazmolifting
Plazmolifting recommended:
- when the first wrinkles over the age of 35 years;
- in violation of the properties of the skin after drastic weight loss;
- for a more rapid recovery of the skin after a chemical and laser peels.
Contraindications for Plazmolifting:
- severe diseases of the internal organs in violation of their functions;
- diseases associated with impaired immunity
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
Including severe diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
- any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- and pustular inflammatory processes in the skin.
Possible complications
Despite the fact that the developers of the method argue that it can not give any complications, patients who have decided to carry out Plazmolifting should be aware that in the course of treatment complications may still occur.
The main risk is infection during blood sampling. After all, the patient's skin is always a lot of bacteria, including opportunistic (which under certain conditions can cause disease). And it should get such bacteria in the blood, they begin to actively proliferate. Well, if the patient has an excellent immunity, then the multiplication of these bacteria will be suppressed. If the immune system is reduced, at the site of injection of platelet rich plasma
Platelets - what they are for the body?
, There will be an inflammatory process, which, of course, do not decorate your face and can spread to other tissues, as in the face a lot of blood vessels (the infection spreads through the bloodstream). Especially dangerous infections from entering the brain.
Another danger of such procedures is the use of reusable equipment for blood processing. In this case, it is possible to transfer any infection (e.g., HCV). To avoid this danger, all cosmetic procedures related to the violation of the integrity of the skin or with the introduction of the blood should be carried out only in medical institutions, licensed the right to engage in this activity. And in the annex to the license is usually specified list of permitted operations and procedures.
Choose a clinic is not in advertising, and in that it has the appropriate license and reviews already treated patients.
Galina Romanenko