Puncture of thyroid - diagnostic possibilities of the method

March 8, 2013

 puncture of the thyroid gland
 One method, which allows the physician to diagnose and rule out malignancy, the thyroid gland is a puncture. It is believed that an alternative to this diagnostic method from the viewpoint of accurate diagnosis exists. This is due to the fact that the results of the survey we can conclude the morphological nature of the processes in the gland.

 Puncture of thyroid - diagnostic possibilities of the method

When should appoint a puncture

Not all of the pathological processes in the thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 , Require biopsy. For this to be strict indications:

  • identifying nodes or cysts in diameter, more than one centimeter. This size is the boundary nodes, above which to exclude a malignant nature education
  • the rapid growth of structures (enlargement of the nodes for the six months of follow-5 cm or more)
  • continued growth in knots on the background of the assigned medication

If the doctor suspects that flowing pathological process in the gland is cancerous in nature, it is necessary to carry out a puncture, regardless of the size of nodes or cysts. Needle biopsy makes it possible to reliably confirm or exclude a patient process of autoimmune nature. Establishment of morphological diagnosis based on biopsy results help the doctor determine the tactics of the patient, that is, choose a conservative or operational tactics. Be sure to spend a puncture biopsy of young people under the age of 25 years, which were first discovered in the gland nodes or cysts.

Assign this method of examination is recommended only if using other methods of examination can not establish a diagnosis (ultrasound scan, hormonal methods of research, radioisotope study). Even the most modern equipment for ultrasound diagnosis makes it impossible to answer the question about the benign or malignant nature of the disease. Only the morphological study of the Mother, obtained by aspiration biopsy can give a final diagnosis. These readings can be called basic, but apart from them there are additional indications that the doctor sets individually after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

 Puncture of thyroid - diagnostic possibilities of the method

Is there a danger of complications

The method is also called needle biopsy needle biopsy, since it uses a needle of small diameter .  This allows you to conduct a study aiming directly take material from the pathological focus, even small .  The risk of complications is minimal .  The accuracy of the procedure provides control of ultrasound scanning .  The procedure must be carried out under the direct control of the ultrasound method to avoid trauma during it .  In most cases, complications are not observed, can only appeal to the sense of temporary discomfort taking place puncture .  Some patients complain of pain, but this state depends largely on the individual threshold of pain sensitivity .  The appointment of additional medication is not necessary, as the pain disappear on their own within a day .

It is wrong, that the method of biopsy can lead to the spread (dissemination) of cancer Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
   or provoke growth. The injury, which is the result of a puncture, is negligible, so it can not be a precipitating factor for the development of malignancy. The diameter of the needle is so small that, too, can not adversely affect the course of the disease. In identifying cancer on the basis of the result of a puncture to the patient should be immediately offered to surgical treatment that will prevent the process of the development of metastatic spread Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
 . Early treatment of malignant process localization in the thyroid gland has a favorable outcome.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • thyroid gland

The symptoms of thyroid disease - a variety of clinical manifestations

March 8, 2013

 thyroid disease symptoms
 The complexity and the large number of causative factors, which are involved in the development of pathological changes in the thyroid gland, leads to a variety of clinical manifestations. Symptoms depend on the thyroid blood levels of thyroid hormones and their effect on the function of the major organ systems. Impact of cancer on the human body is a versatile, so in the pathological process may involve various agencies.

 The symptoms of thyroid disease - a variety of clinical manifestations

Symptoms of the disease with an excess of hormones

If thyroid hormones are secreted in excess, it will lead to the development of the clinical picture of Graves' disease or diffuse goiter. All the symptoms can be divided into fundamental (or basic) and other symptoms associated with the pathological influence of hormones on other organs. By radically symptoms include the following:

  • an increase in the size of the gland, or goiter
  • exophthalmia or exophthalmos
  • tremor
  • changes in heart rate (tachycardia)

These symptoms are present in all patients with a diagnosis of diffuse goiter. Characterized by the presence of a number of eye symptoms, ie, pathological changes in the eye. Changes in the eye can be seen not only in patients with diffuse goiter Diffuse goiter - pay attention to the eyes  Diffuse goiter - pay attention to the eyes
 And hypothyroidism, thyroiditis with, in some cases it may precede the appearance of other pathological symptoms. Exophthalmos occurs with other symptoms, such as a wide-open eye slits, high luster eyes. Changes in the eyes of patients form a kind of expression, which can be called an expression of fear. It appears glare at fixation. Character changes the eye does not affect the degree of visual acuity only in severe disease severity acuity decreases. Also, there are complaints of mood changes (appearance of patients reported increased nervous irritability, tearfulness, nervousness, restlessness). It is the cause of conflict in the family and at work, as these people become overly activities hypochondriac and quarrelsome. Disturbed sleep up to insomnia.

Noteworthy is progressive weight loss during preservation, in some cases even increased appetite. Since thyroid hormones are secreted in large amounts, it is enhanced consumption of energy resources in the body. This is the immediate cause of weight reduction. This picture is not in all cases, there are patients with goiter, whose body weight is excessive. It was called "fat Grave." Have changes in body weight requires individual selection of medical therapy. Particularly noteworthy are the clinical symptoms that arise from the heart and blood vessels. Excess levels of hormones has a toxic effect on the myocardium, which is the cause of severe metabolic and degenerative lesions. The most constant symptom is increased heart rate (or tachycardia). Characteristically, rapid pulse passes during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , No changes with a change in body position, and the response to the reception of cardiac glycosides is weak. The pulse rate in some cases, can reach up to 160 beats per minute. Patients feel the heartbeat of the rapid pulse in the abdomen, head and neck. According to researchers leading cause of death in diffuse goiter is associated with the problem of cardiovascular complications. Those processes that underlie the development of heart failure in the crop, are reversible, so it is important to set the correct time diagnosis and appropriate therapy.

 The symptoms of thyroid disease - a variety of clinical manifestations

Interconnection of viral infections and thyroid pathology

During the autumn-winter period of time has been an increase in the incidence of inflammatory changes in the thyroid after undergoing a viral infection (after adenoviral infection, measles Measles in children - may cause serious complications  Measles in children - may cause serious complications
   or mumps). A few months after infection the patient has typical complaints related to inflammatory changes in the thyroid gland (thyroiditis development). The disease develops acutely, there is pronounced weakness, malaise, neck pain radiating to the ear. The pain will intensify when swallowing and movement. Objectively during the inspection revealed an increase of iron, often diffuse goiter. Attaches common symptoms associated with an inflammatory process:

  • marked weakness and malaise
  • increased sweating
  • changes in clinical analyzes of blood (increase above normal ESR parameter, in some cases up to 100 mm in h., the content of leukocytes unchanged). Characteristically rapid development of these changes

It is important to make a differential diagnosis with various forms of thyroiditis. If the process involves only a single share body (focal or focal thyroiditis), it is necessary to exclude malignancy or carcinoma. The main clinical symptoms are the same as in these diseases (complaints of pain, changes in body size and density), so in the process of diagnosis must rely on the results of additional instrumental methods.

If inflammation of the thyroid gland occurs in the form erased without an acute disease, the symptoms will be quite meager. The patient to see a specialist endocrinologist only at the stage of development of complications, such as symptoms of hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: symptoms - how to determine what happens to you?  Hyperthyroidism: symptoms - how to determine what happens to you?
 . This can lead to delayed diagnosis installation. An important diagnostic criterion in this situation would be the level of thyroid hormone, pituitary hormones central. Diagnostic value of clinical manifestations will have no material value individually without considering the hormonal profile of the patient.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • thyroid disease
