Thyroid disease - why women are at risk? - Diseases in men

May 3, 2013

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 thyroid disease in men

Thyroid disease in men

Thyroid hormones are important to men's health. Although primarily on thyroid disease affects women, men may also face disruption of thyroid diseases associated with these symptoms.



Hyperthyroidism - an autoimmune disorder in which the thyroid gland produces too many hormones. Hyperthyroidism is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, which include - drastic weight loss, irregular heartbeat, tremor. In men, hyperthyroidism may be associated with an increased urge to urinate. In addition, the disease can cause the formation of the crop - growth of the thyroid gland leads to a kind of tumor on his neck. One of the characteristic effects of hyperthyroidism in men - erectile dysfunction.


Grave's disease

Grave's disease in most cases directly connected with hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone  Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone
 . In the case of Graves' disease Graves' disease - when the immune system breaks down  Graves' disease - when the immune system breaks down
   immune system stimulates the thyroid gland. Although this thyroid disease is common among women, men can also be observed the characteristics of Basedow's disease - including excessive sweating, heat intolerance, shortness of breath, weakness.



Hypothyroidism - one of the most common diseases of the thyroid gland, in which a decrease in function of the gland and the lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. The main symptoms of hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism - Symptoms: What should pay particular attention  Hypothyroidism - Symptoms: What should pay particular attention
   male - erectile dysfunction, constipation, feeling cold, fatigue. In addition, hypothyroidism often causes weight gain, even if the person is accustomed to eat properly. Because hormones produced by the thyroid gland to affect the vascular smooth musculature, hormone deficiency can lead to disruption of the blood pressure.


Hashimoto's thyroiditis

As is the case with Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the main reason - the human immune system. Reduce the amount of antibodies produced by the thyroid gland hormone. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is also known as chronic lymphocytic tireiditom. This disease is inherited and is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms, including - intolerance to cold, swelling of the thyroid or goiter, trouble swallowing. Men in Hashimoto's thyroiditis often seen blooming in early and the problems with the ability to conceive.


Thyroid Cancer

Small tumors, thyroid nodes may lead to the formation of Thyroid Cancer The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 . Thyroid nodes - a phenomenon quite common and in most cases harmless. However, some thyroid components are dangerous to human health: they provoke the development of cancer of the thyroid gland, which is often not accompanied by any symptoms in the early stages. An experienced doctor can notice malignancies by direct examination - touch such a solid thyroid nodes.

Thyroid disease - why women are at risk? - Treatment

May 3, 2013

  • Thyroid disease - why women are at risk?
  • Kinds
  • Classification
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Disease in women
  • Disease in men
  • Diagnostics
  • How to define
  • Assays
  • First signs
  • Signs
  • Fever
  • Causes
  • Treatment
  • Treatment folk remedies
  • Drugs for treatment
  • Forum


Treatment of thyroid disease

Hypothyroidism / Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Hypothyroidism - a disease harakteriruyuscheesya decreased activity / damage / surgical removal of the thyroid gland, resulting in a shortage of thyroid hormones Deficiency of thyroid hormone - revealed a previously unknown reason  Deficiency of thyroid hormone - revealed a previously unknown reason
 . The main method of treatment of diseases associated with hypothyroidism - hormone replacement therapy, hormonal treatment drugs, offsetting the deficit of thyroid hormones in the body.

Treatment of the so-called Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland, which causes, including hypothyroidism and is much more difficult. Some experts say that Hashimoto's thyroiditis does not require specific treatment, and prescribe hormone replacement therapy only. Others believe that the hormone replacement therapy for Hashimoto's thyroiditis is necessary to increase the level of thyroid stimulating hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Some studies show that treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis with normal thyroid-stimulating hormone can prevent the increase of the level of this hormone and development of hypothyroidism.

In addition to receiving the synthetic hormones that compensate for the deficit of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
 , In Hashimoto's thyroiditis are recommended nutritional supplements on the basis of iodine, change in diet, some yoga exercises.


Hyperthyroidism / Graves disease

Hyperthyroidism - disease associated with increased activity of the thyroid gland, resulting in an excess of thyroid hormones. One of the main reasons for increasing the activity of the thyroid gland - an autoimmune disease known as Graves' disease. Furthermore, in some cases, an excess of thyroid hormone is associated with nodal thyroid diseases, form autonomously functioning thyroid adenomas, generating excessive amounts of hormones.

The main method of treatment of hyperthyroidism - a decrease thyroid hormone levels due to special drugs, treatment with radioactive iodine, or surgical removal of the thyroid gland (thyroidectomy).

The choice of treatment of thyroid diseases associated with hyperthyroidism, depends on many factors: the severity of the disease, age, sex, finally, individual preferences. In addition, in medicine in different countries there are different approaches. For example, in the United States Surgical removal of part of the thyroid gland is practiced very seldom and primary treatment of hyperthyroidism - therapy with radioactive iodine. In Europe, the most common treatment for such diseases is receiving special medications.

In some cases, symptoms characteristic of hyperthyroidism - including palpitations or high blood pressure - treated with specific drugs (beta-blockers).

Each of the treatments for hyperthyroidism has its drawbacks. So, according to statistics, the majority of patients after treatment of hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine or surgical removal of the thyroid was observed decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland and hypothyroidism.



Thyroiditis - inflammation of the thyroid gland, a complex disease that includes, in addition to autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis), a plurality of different types - postpartum thyroiditis, viral thyroiditis, granulomatous thyroiditis.

In some cases - for example, in Hashimoto's thyroiditis - for treatment of the disease requires hormone replacement therapy. If thyroiditis accompanied by intense pain, usually doctors recommend taking painkillers to anti-inflammatory effects - such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen.

In the case of acute thyroiditis, for the treatment of inflammatory steroid drugs are used in combination with hormone replacement therapy - a method of treatment involves the gradual recovery of the thyroid gland.

Some studies suggest that the use of food additives on the basis of the settlement helps in the treatment of most types of thyroiditis.



Goiter - a term used to define an enlarged thyroid gland. Education goiter can be observed in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

The growth of the thyroid gland (goiter) leads to a number of characteristic symptoms. Among them - the pain and swelling of the neck, in some cases - difficulty swallowing and breathing.

If the crop is small, for the treatment of diseases of hormone replacement therapy use, slowing down or completely stopping the proliferation of the thyroid gland. Such formulations, however, is not completely clean crop.

If the growth of the thyroid gland continues, despite treatment with hormone drugs, and symptoms remain or worsen, your doctor may recommend treatment with radioactive iodine to reduce the size of the crop, or surgical removal of the goiter.

In some cases, the appearance of goiter can cause a deficiency of iodine. In such situations, we recommend taking nutritional supplements on the basis of iodine.


Thyroid nodes

Thyroid nodes may be both harmless and malignant. Size, location and type of thyroid nodes are defined by a set of measures - blood tests, ultrasound and fine-needle aspiration biopsy.

In most cases, the detection of malignant thyroid nodules removed partially or completely by surgery followed by hormone replacement therapy which compensates for the lack of thyroid hormone. If the thyroid nodes are small, inconspicuous, without any symptoms, doctors do not prescribe and recommend to periodically check education. According to statistics, the majority of people in this or that period of life appear thyroid nodes that do not require further treatment.

If the appearance of thyroid nodes accompanied by unpleasant symptoms often used to solve hormone replacement therapy - in particular, the drug levothyroxine, a synthetic hormone, in some cases, reduce the formation and prevents further growth nodes. The effectiveness of this treatment has not been proven conclusively.

If thyroid nodes are large, and the usual methods of treatment - hormonal drugs and radioactive iodine - do not help to solve the problem is to delete entities surgically.

One of the newest treatments for thyroid nodes - subcutaneous injection of ethanol. In addition, recently for the treatment of nodules in the thyroid gland and applies high-frequency ultrasound technology.


Thyroid Cancer

There are four different types of thyroid cancer: papillary, follicular, medullary and anaplastic. Treatment depends on the type and, in some cases, on the development stage of the disease.

The group of the main methods of treatment of thyroid cancer include the following procedures:

  • Thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland surgically), or removal of the thyroid gland. Furthermore, in some cases LND performed to determine the extent of cancer.
  • Radiation therapy - external influence or administration of radioactive iodine. The thyroid gland absorbs the radioactive substance that destroys cancer cells.
  • Hormone replacement therapy. Suppressing the activity of the thyroid gland with special drugs to help prevent re-occurrence of thyroid cancer.
  • Chemotherapy - the use of special drugs that destroy cancer cells. Such preparations are administered either by subcutaneous injection or used in the form of tablets.

Papillary and follicular thyroid cancer Thyroid cancer: it is curable  Thyroid cancer: it is curable
   in the early stages requires surgery and partial or complete removal of the thyroid gland, for kotoroyj followed by hormonal therapy and, in some cases, treatment with radioactive iodine. In the later stages of the disease, these therapies complement lymph node dissection and radiation therapy.

For the treatment of medullary thyroid cancer Medullary thyroid cancer: identification of disease  Medullary thyroid cancer: identification of disease
   typically it requires complete removal of the cancer and, in some cases, removal of lymph nodes. In the later stages of medullary thyroid cancer radiation therapy used and in some cases, to relieve symptoms of chemotherapy.

Treatment of anaplastic thyroid cancer involves a tracheostomy (hiding the lumen of the trachea), the complete removal of the thyroid gland, radiation therapy, chemotherapy.
