Body Care in Diabetes: 5 Steps - Leather

February 17, 2012

  • Body Care in Diabetes: 5 Steps
  • Skin
  • Eyes and teeth

Care for diabetes

Bacterial and fungal infections, as well as itching - a common skin problem that can occur in anyone, but for people with diabetes, they are especially dangerous because they have violated the blood circulation and the body can not effectively fight infections. It is necessary to do everything to avoid serious complications. The following issues can not be ignored:

  • Bacterial infections such as boils Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress  Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
   (infection of the hair follicles), require treatment with antibiotics.
  • Fungal infections such as yeast-like fungi Candida Albicans, which often develops in warm, moist folds of skin under the breasts, around the nails, between the fingers and toes, as well as in the armpits and groin area.
  • Jock itch (in the hips and genitals), athlete's foot (between the toes), ringworm Ringworm - how not to be left without hair  Ringworm - how not to be left without hair
   (in feet, groin, chest, abdomen, scalp, the nails) and vaginal infections are often found in people who have blood sugar levels beyond normal. Such diseases to be treated with drugs that the doctor prescribes. Although in some cases it can also help antifungals, nonprescription.
  • Fungal infection called mucormycosis (it can be picked up from the soil fungi and decaying plants) could be extremely serious, especially for those who are sick with diabetes of the second type, in which there is uncontrolled blood sugar fluctuations Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 . At the initial stage of infection may manifest as sinusitis. However, it is progressing, and then may spread to the lungs and brain. Its symptoms include sinusitis, fever, swelling of the eyelids, redness of the skin in the area of ​​the sinuses, and sometimes ulcers are formed, from which the liquid is released. In this case, you should consult a doctor immediately, because this disease is life threatening.
  • Itching due to the dryness of the skin yeast infection or poor blood circulation (especially in the legs) are often caused by diabetes. To improve the skin condition by using lotions and creams.

Other problems with the skin may be caused by circulatory disturbance or resistance to insulin.

Also, in some cases, a rash, bumps and blisters. Sometimes they require treatment, sometimes - not. Here it is necessary to know what is what, and when necessary to carry out treatment.

For example, the cause of the eruption xanthomatosis, skin disease is high cholesterol in the blood. The disease usually manifests itself on the rear surface of the hands, feet, and buttocks as solid, smooth cone yellow pea size that are often itchy. The skin around these cones becomes reddish. Treatment involves taking drugs that control the level of cholesterol and blood sugar level Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health

How to prevent problems:

It is necessary to strengthen the body's defenses, which will help him to fight infections, but also protect the skin from dryness by means of the control of blood glucose levels. On skin areas prone to infection, and talc should be used, if necessary, use a moisturizing soaps and lotions. (Do not apply lotion on the areas between the toes, where the humidity can trigger the development of fungus).

And always remember: if there is a problem that does not go away, seek medical advice and treat. This is especially true podiatry and fungal infections. Such problems can be very serious and treatable only by prescription drugs.

Types of metabolic disorders - characteristic abnormalities - Abnormalities

May 6, 2013

  • Types of metabolic disorders - characteristic abnormalities
  • Abnormalities

 types of metabolic disorders deviations

Lipid metabolism

Fats are an important source of energy for the body. For lipolysis uses a group of enzymes. In some cases, these enzymes are not produced or are not working properly, which ultimately could lead to harm to many organs. Lipid metabolism also called lipidosis.

 Abnormalities | Forms of metabolic disorders - characteristic abnormalities

Gaucher disease

When Gaucher disease in the body tissues accumulate glucocerebroside, substances are products of lipid metabolism. Gaucher disease - the most common of lipidosis. It causes enlargement of the liver and spleen, as well as excessive skin pigmentation. The accumulation of glucocerebroside in the eyes is the reason for the appearance of yellow spots on the whites of the eyes. The accumulation of these substances in the bone marrow can cause pain and destruction of the bone.

The most common type 1 Gaucher disease, which is characterized by enlargement of the liver, spleen, and bone abnormalities. Typically, the disease is observed in adults, much less - in children.

Gaucher disease type 2 develops in infants. They also increased the liver, there are serious problems with the nervous system and, in most cases, these patients die within a year. The third type of disease develops in older children. Symptoms of the disease are enlarged liver and spleen, disturbances in the structure of the bone, slowly progressive abnormalities, affecting the nervous system. Patients who survive to adolescence, have a chance to live many more years.

Many patients with Gaucher disease are successfully treated with the enzyme replacement therapy, in which enzymes are injected - usually every two weeks. This therapy is most effective for people who have complications of the disease was not affected by the nervous system.

 Abnormalities | Forms of metabolic disorders - characteristic abnormalities

Sachs' disease

Patients with this disorder gangliosides accumulate in the tissues - the products of lipid metabolism. At a very early age in patients with children regress in development, and a very low muscle tone. Develop spasticity, and then - paralysis, dementia, and blindness. Typically, children with Tay-Sachs disease die before they reach only up to three to four years. This disease can be detected using chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. It is impossible to cure.

 Abnormalities | Forms of metabolic disorders - characteristic abnormalities


Deficiency of certain enzymes in the NPD causes accumulation of sphingomyelin - another product of lipid metabolism - or cholesterol. The most severe form of the disease found in people of Jewish origin, her soft species observed in all ethnic groups. In children with Niemann - Pick type (the most severe) slows growth, and there are numerous neurological problems. Usually, these children do not live up to three years.

Report type B result in areas of increased pigmentation in the skin, increasing the liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Perhaps the backlog of mental development. Symptoms of the disease, Niemann - Pick type C occur in childhood - in typical cases seizures and various neurological disorders.

Some of the types of disorders can be diagnosed before birth. After giving birth to diagnose a liver biopsy is needed. None of the forms of the disease Niemann - Pick untreatable. Patients die from infections or progression of dysfunction of the central nervous system.

 Abnormalities | Forms of metabolic disorders - characteristic abnormalities

Fabry Disease

In this condition violated exchange glycolipids, whose accumulation can lead to benign tumors (angeokeratom) on the skin of the lower trunk. Perhaps corneal opacity that causes poor vision. Patients may have burning pain in the hands and feet, they often suffer from the heat; eventually they develop renal insufficiency and heart disease, although most commonly patients survive to middle age.

Fabry disease can be diagnosed at the stage of fetal development. To cure it is impossible, but is now being tested method of treatment using a transfusion of missing enzymes. To facilitate more patients prescribed analgesics. Those who have developed kidney failure, you may need a kidney transplant.

 Abnormalities | Forms of metabolic disorders - characteristic abnormalities

Disorders of fatty acid oxidation

Of the disorders of this type is most common deficiency of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase fatty acids with medium chain length (MCAD). Among the inhabitants of the Nordic deficit MCAD - one of the most common metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

Symptoms usually appear between birth and the attainment of the age of three. Especially likely onset of symptoms, when between meals takes too much time, or when increases the body's need for calories. A child with MCAD deficiency observed symptoms such as weakness, vomiting and seizures. Due to lower blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   possible confusion and coma. In the long term may lag in mental and physical development, enlargement of the liver, heart muscle weakness, and irregular heartbeat. In some patients, sudden death occurs.

Children suffering from the deficiency MCAD, should eat often, never skip meals and to eat a diet that includes a lot of carbohydrates and low in fat. It may be useful Carnitine. Long-term prognosis is generally favorable.

 Abnormalities | Forms of metabolic disorders - characteristic abnormalities

Metabolic pyruvate

Pyruvate - a substance formed during processing of carbohydrates and proteins. Problems with his metabolism may limit the ability of cells to produce energy and lead to the accumulation of lactic acid. In exchange pyruvate involves many enzymes. Congenital deficiency of any of them can cause a variety of diseases. These symptoms may appear at any time between infancy and adulthood. Intensive exercise and infections may aggravate the symptoms and cause lactic acidosis. Pyruvate metabolism disorders are diagnosed by determining the degree of activity of enzymes in the liver and skin.

Deficiency of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex - is the lack of a group of enzymes necessary for the processing of pyruvate. Some infants with this diagnosis are abnormal development of the brain. Other children appear healthy after birth, but later they have symptoms such as muscle weakness, seizures, poor coordination of movements and serious problems with the vestibular apparatus. Often there is mental retardation. This disease can not be cured, but some children helps a diet high in carbohydrates and a limited amount of fat.

Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency - a very rare condition which violates or completely blocks the production of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 , Resulting in the blood accumulate lactic acid and ketones. Often, the disease becomes cause of death of patients. Surviving children usually have severe mental retardation Mental retardation - if the mind is underdeveloped  Mental retardation - if the mind is underdeveloped
 They often suffer from muscle spasms; A recently published case reports of pyruvate carboxylase deficiency with mild symptoms. Some patients can be improved or stabilized with the help of the private consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates and limiting the proportion of protein in the diet.

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  • metabolism
