Hypothyroidism in children: more dangerous than in adults

October 31, 2011

 Hypothyroidism in Children
 Hypothyroidism in children as well as adults, divided into primary and secondary. Primary hypothyroidism may be congenital (cretinism) and acquired (juvenile hypothyroidism). Hypothyroidism is the most common endocrine disorders in children.

 Hypothyroidism in children: more dangerous than in adults

Why and how the children there hypothyroidism

Reasons acquired hypothyroidism in children are the same as in adults. Congenital Hypothyroidism develops when the thyroid hypoplasia, as well as in violation of the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   a defect in uptake of iodide by the thyroid gland and some other parts of the process.

Development of diseases associated with a lack of iodine in the body of the baby hormones. For congenital hypothyroidism is characterized by underdevelopment of the gonads, pronounced changes in the skeletal system: delay of growth and ossification of the skeleton, skull deformation, infringement of cartilage ends (epiphysis) of long bones.

These changes occur in children who become ill at an early age. Hypothyroidism at an early age also leads to a delay in brain development and dystrophic phenomena in the nerve cells of the cortex, medulla and cerebellum.

 Hypothyroidism in children: more dangerous than in adults

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in children

Some children with congenital hypothyroidism Congenital hypothyroidism: start treatment as soon as possible  Congenital hypothyroidism: start treatment as soon as possible
   at birth weighs more than four kilograms, physiological jaundice have is their protracted, later than usual there is no umbilical cord, the formation of a hernia.

These children do not take the breast. The three - four months noteworthy lethargy and indifference of the child, he did not know the mother is not interested in toys skin pale, dry, cold to the touch, typical characteristic of hypothyroidism puffiness. Revealed a delay in growth and stunted physical and mental development. Children at the usual time do not hold a head, do not sit down. Go to start after only two - three years. Head compared with the body of a large, large fontanelle remains open in children older than two years. Teething is late, they are quickly destroyed.

Hair sparse, dry, brittle. The voice is low, rough, abdomen enlarged, wind (flatulence), characterized by constipation.

Growth has slowed sharply, the points of ossification appear late. Often there is a rare heart rate (bradycardia), low blood pressure. There is mental retardation, slowness, lethargy, apathy, sometimes aggression, mental disorders are possible. The degree of severity of disorders, such as swelling of the skin can be different.

When purchasing hypothyroidism developed after six - ten years, the symptoms are the same as in adults, but is usually less severe.

 Hypothyroidism in children: more dangerous than in adults

Diagnosis of hypothyroidism in children

If congenital hypothyroidism is extremely important early diagnosis, since timely treatment ensures normal physical development and improvement of brain activity.

However, due to the late onset of symptoms of hypothyroidism is rarely detected before the age of six months. Correct diagnosis contributes to the appearance of the characteristic clinical picture: elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, reducing the level of iodine in it, bound to a protein

Reducing the primary exchange is of lesser diagnostic value. Correct diagnosis confirms the effectiveness of thyroid hormones. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between congenital hypothyroidism from rickets. In congenital hypothyroidism exhibit peculiar dry skin Dry skin: care and treatment  Dry skin: care and treatment
 , Mucosal edema, insufficient bone formation, reduction of body temperature. When rickets Rickets - all about vitamins  Rickets - all about vitamins
   these features are not available.

Changes in bone point in congenital hypothyroidism in children who become ill at an early age, usually to five - six years.

Radiologically, a sharp slowdown in growth and calcification of bones. The later started treatment with thyroid hormones, the sharper expressed these changes. The skull is relatively large part of his brain increased anteroposterior direction is shortened from top to bottom. Facial skull is deformed to form a drawn but the nose. All points of ossification of the skeleton appearing as an afterthought. Delay ossification is clearly visible on X-ray of hand and wrist. X-rays not only helps to identify the bone changes in hypothyroidism, but is a valuable method of monitoring treatment outcomes.

 Hypothyroidism in children: more dangerous than in adults

Treatment of hypothyroidism in children

The main type of treatment is replacement therapy with thyroid hormones. Treatment should be initiated immediately after diagnosis, even when the suspected diagnosis. The dosage of drugs administered individually depending on the age and severity of symptoms.

Hypothyroidism in children is even more dangerous than in adults.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hypothyroidism

Colloid cyst of the thyroid - a harbinger of goiter

March 10, 2013

 colloid cyst of the thyroid
 On histological structure distinguish many types of thyroid cysts. Special attention among them deserves a colloid cyst of the thyroid gland. Usually, most cysts are harmless and do not show themselves, that applies to the colloid cyst. But in some cases under adverse conditions may be various complications thyroid cysts. Is no exception and colloid cyst, which often degenerates or is the starting point for the development of nodal colloid goiter. But compared with other forms of nodular goiter colloid goiter is the most favorable course.

 Colloid cyst of the thyroid - a harbinger of goiter

What is a colloid cyst of the thyroid

The thyroid gland consists of psevdodolek who lined follicles. Inside the follicles covers protein liquid - colloid. With the development of a colloid cyst inside the capsule after the death of her follicle accumulates fluid or colloid. During the ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland colloid cyst is different in color from the healthy tissue of the thyroid gland, and during palpation density (groped dense, painless tugoelasticheskoe education). In 95 percent of the colloid cyst of the thyroid The thyroid gland cyst: presentation and survey  The thyroid gland cyst: presentation and survey
   It is benign and only 5% of it ozlokachestvlyaetsya. First thyroid formed colloidal node, which then melts and turns into a colloid cyst.

 Colloid cyst of the thyroid - a harbinger of goiter

The reasons that lead to the formation of a colloid cyst and nodular colloid goiter

Factors that "guilty" in the event of a colloid cyst, the following:

  • stress, long-term and permanent nerve overload;
  • incorrect and poor nutrition;
  • defective sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and non-compliance of the day;
  • excessive exercise;
  • cold conditions (winter or living in the northern regions);
  • disturbance of acid-alkaline balance in the body;
  • smoking;
  • frequent pregnancies ending in abortion or childbirth.

In addition, it is believed that the emergence of a colloid cyst, and undoubtedly contributes to the nodal colloid goiter iodine deficiency in the body. Also contribute to the formation of colloidal cysts and irradiation. This factor is confirmed by an increase in the incidence of cysts and colloid goiter among residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the nuclear war, and the people who were in the neck radiotherapy.

 Colloid cyst of the thyroid - a harbinger of goiter

Clinical manifestations of colloid cysts and nodular colloid goiter

Typically, colloid cysts are asymptomatic. About nodular colloid goiter say when detected some colloid cysts. As noted above, the colloid goiter is considered the most "benign" disease, and 95% of all types of crop falls on colloid.

Symptoms colloidal cysts appear from the beginning of its growth. First of all, patients complain of compartment syndrome surrounding anatomical structures. This is manifested in the form of a lump sensation and sore throat, cough, difficulty swallowing and breathing. Colloid cysts can ozlokachestvlyatsya, often the process of neoplastic transformation is observed in people older than 65 years. Often patients complain of a feeling of pressure in the neck and / or pain. There are three degrees of colloidal nodular goiter (according to the World Health Organization):

  • zero degree - goiter is absent;
  • first degree - the nodes are palpable, but the eye can not see an increase in the thyroid gland;
  • second degree - is clearly visible thyroid enlargement Increase in thyroid - that underlies the disease  Increase in thyroid - that underlies the disease
   and deformation of the neck.

On palpation of the thyroid gland are determined by one or more nodes - cysts. They are dense, elastic consistency and painless. After finding cysts or nodes in the thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   the patient is compulsory in the US. But the US and the conclusion may not be reliable, so the patient is invited to biopsy the cyst with a thin needle. After the biopsy, the contents of the cyst is sent for histological examination. Although preliminary diagnosis the doctor can put on a visual assessment of the cyst fluid. If colloid cyst, it is yellowish and sticky. Also one of the complications of colloid cysts is the development of hyperthyroidism.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • Thyroid cyst
