Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live - Symptoms

September 13, 2013

  • Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live
  • Symptoms
  • Consequences and Diet
  • Treatment

 rise in blood sugar symptoms

Increased blood sugar - Symptoms

Signs of increasing blood sugar - is increased thirst, increased fluid intake, release of a large volume of urine, weight loss.

But the cunning of diabetes is that it develops very slowly. For example, in diabetes type I may take a few months after a viral infection before there are signs of diabetes. Since this type of diabetes develops most often in children, who often suffer from viral infections, the first of its appearance can be triggered by another disease. In this case, the signs of high blood sugar (primary manifestation) can appear very difficult with the advent of high sugar in the blood and urine, as well as an appearance in the urine acetone and development prekomatosnoe and coma.

If such a patient was provided timely assistance and then assign an adequate dose of insulin, the further course of the disease may be decades (and life) was uneventful.

Diabetes mellitus type II also begins quietly. It usually develops in the second half of life. The first appearance of this type of diabetes can be persistent infection, including pustular, and fungal diseases of the skin, infections, urinary organs, etc. This happens because in diabetes as a result of metabolic suffering immunity. Therefore, frequent infections in people after 40-45 years of age must check blood sugar. Often when this detected blood sugar content higher than the threshold and the presence of sugar in urine. The severity of symptoms of diabetes in the form of abundant drinking a large amount of urine separation in this case may not be on the small changes, patients may not notice.

But if the patients feel well, you should identify whether the diabetes? It should, because untreated diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   Diabetes can result in coma or give a number of serious complications in other organs and tissues.

 Symptoms | Elevated blood sugar - with the need to learn to live

The sharp rise in blood sugar in patients with diabetes

The sharp rise in blood sugar, if you do not take steps to correct it, can go into a diabetic coma.

Diabetic coma in all patients with diabetes develops gradually. Patients with type I diabetes develops ketoatsidoticheskaya diabetic coma, in patients with type II diabetes - diabetic hyperosmolar coma.

Ketoatsidoticheskaya diabetic coma develops with an increase in blood sugar levels above 15-16 mg / dL, the allocation of sugar in the urine up to 50 g / L or more, the occurrence of acetone in the urine, the development of metabolic acidosis. Initially, the body compensates for all of these disorders, but then the patient has weakness, drowsiness, malaise, thirst, which is accompanied by the use of a large volume of fluid, the allocation of a large volume of urine.

If the patient is not just help, joined by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 In exhaled air there is a smell of acetone, and breathing becomes deep - so the body gets rid of excess carbon dioxide and lower total acidity. The skin becomes dry, as together with the sugar is lost large amounts of fluid, facial features sharpened, the eyeballs are soft. Gradually, the patient loses consciousness and falls into a coma.

Hyperosmolar diabetic coma develops in patients with type II diabetes develops more slowly, within one - two weeks. Blood sugar thus reaches critical numbers - 50-55 mmol / l and above and is actively excreted via the urine. Selecting a large amount of sugar it is accompanied by a progressive dehydration, which is the cause of the coma.

Patient growing thirst, he drinks more fluid and emits a lot of urine. At the same time his growing weakness, lethargy and sleepiness. But there is nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, which occur in ketoacidosis. The phenomena of dehydration expressed very strongly: the skin and mucous membranes dry, pointed facial features, sunken eyeballs. Breathing frequent, shallow, acetone smell from mouth The smell of acetone breath - suspected diabetes  The smell of acetone breath - suspected diabetes
   no. In the absence of medical care a patient can occur acute renal failure. Gradually, the patient loses consciousness and falls into a coma.

Diabetic coma - a condition that requires immediate hospitalization and medical attention in the conditions of the intensive care unit.

 Symptoms | Elevated blood sugar - with the need to learn to live

The sharp decline in blood sugar in patients with diabetes

The sharp drop in blood sugar Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it seems  Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it seems
   patients with diabetes may suddenly occur with an overdose of insulin, with significant physical activity, alcohol consumption, medication, can help reduce blood sugar (antibiotics tetracycline, sulfonamides, vitamin B6, calcium supplements, anabolic hormones, and so on).

Hypoglycemia is dangerous because it develops very quickly. This occurs because brain cells can not exist without energy. It is a violation of the central nervous system are signs of hypoglycemia.

It starts with the appearance of hypoglycemia strong hunger, paleness, cold sweat, trembling of the limbs, irritability, weakness, dizziness. Then, the patient's behavior becomes inadequate, there may be signs of euphoria (wanton fun), the patient, aware of the danger of his condition, may refuse admission of sugar to compensate for hypoglycemia. At the same time he is disturbed coordination of movements, dark eyes, there are convulsions. Against the background of these symptoms the patient loses consciousness and falls into a coma.

Print this patient's condition can be easily (to eat something sweet, when he is conscious or enter a glucose solution into the vein, if he is unconscious), but the main thing - aid should not be late.

Hypothyroidism thyroid deficiency - What's happening

June 9, 2013

  • Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency
  • What's happening
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 Hypothyroidism thyroid gland that occurs

Thyroid Hypothyroidism: What happens in the body

Hypothyroidism was first described in 1850 Carling. And in 1878, when atrophy (reduction in volume) of the thyroid gland were discovered phenomenon of mucosal edema in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. These changes were called myxedema. In the future, hypothyroidism is the first endocrine disease in which was made the idea of ​​hormone replacement therapy.

 What happens | Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

What causes hypothyroidism and its development

Hypothyroidism (myxedema) - a disease characterized by persistent decrease in thyroid function leading to metabolic disorders and changes in various organs and systems of the patient.

Complete shutdown of the thyroid gland called athyreosis. Typically, this is due to congenital absence of the thyroid gland or with atrophy of the previously intact tissue thyroid gland by surgical removal as well as destruction of its radiation (e.g., in the treatment of malignant tumors).

There are primary and secondary hypothyroidism. In primary hypothyroidism, a place where there is a pathological process, is the thyroid gland. The activity of thyroid stimulating hormone (it generates a major endocrine gland - the pituitary gland) is increased, since this hormone stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones. The amount of thyroid hormone is reduced. In secondary hypothyroidism the disease process is not in the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland or hypothalamus (a brain region responsible for the work of the endocrine glands).

Primary hypothyroidism is a separate disease in the secondary failure of function of the thyroid gland is one of the signs of lesions of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, or diseases such as goiter.

Hypothyroidism occurs mainly in women and the elderly. The occurrence of primary hypothyroidism may be due to several reasons: violation of fetal development, impaired enzymatic biosynthesis of thyroid hormones, various inflammatory processes, the influence of antithyroid antibodies in autoimmune processes (allergy own tissues). Primary hypothyroidism may occur as a result of the therapeutic effects - surgery, administration of radioactive iodine, thyroid radiation therapy. For the occurrence of hypothyroidism are important autoimmune processes.

The cause of secondary hypothyroidism is inflammation and swelling of the hypothalamic-pituitary region, injuries of the central nervous system.

 What happens | Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

What's going on in the patient with hypothyroidism

Underlying all the changes occurring in the patient's body, iodine is reduced secretion of thyroid hormone - thyroxine Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   and triyodtiranina. In primary hypothyroidism Primary hypothyroidism: replacement therapy can help  Primary hypothyroidism: replacement therapy can help
   violation biosynthesis of thyroid hormones may be at various stages of the synthesis. In secondary hypothyroidism Secondary hypothyroidism: find the cause  Secondary hypothyroidism: find the cause
   the synthesis of hormones is disrupted as a result of failure of the pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone that normally stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones.

By reducing the secretion of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   there is slowing of metabolic processes with a decrease in basal metabolism (it is said to be suffering exchange protein) and heat transfer. Decrease synthesis and protein breakdown results in a delay of nitrogen compounds (they are part of the protein) in an organism. All this causes metabolic disorders with the formation of the characteristic symptoms for hypothyroidism: in the skin and subcutaneous tissue forms a kind of slimy edema (myxedema). The connective tissue of muscles, nerve trunks, internal organs and swelling of the phenomenon. At the same time violated exchange of connective tissue protein collagen.

Violation of fat metabolism expressed delayed the assimilation of fat tissue, sustained release from the body decay products of fat. This causes an increase in blood levels of "bad" cholesterol and atherosclerosis formation.

Violation of carbohydrate metabolism manifests depot glucose in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce its absorption by the body.

Violation of water metabolism is associated with the appearance of mucosal edema, which attract the liquid. There is a significant water retention, decreased urine output, and accordingly the amount of output of toxic metabolic products. The heart muscle is marked increase in potassium and decrease in sodium.

Metabolic disorders in the form of congenital primary hypothyroidism leads to disruption of brain development, and in a later period - to significant violations of the central nervous system.

As a result of all these processes, the thyroid gland is sharply reduced in size and sometimes changes its position. But in some cases the volume of the thyroid gland may increase due to edema and proliferation of connective tissue.

Mucosal edema phenomena appear in the tongue, mouth, nose, larynx, the gastrointestinal tract, the heart and other internal organs. All this causes the characteristic symptoms of hypothyroidism.

If hypothyroidism is not treated, it can cause irreversible changes in all internal organs.
