Anyone who has to deal with the consequences of increased activity of the sebaceous glands can say that oily skin - a real punishment. However, nature does not do anything to just punish us. The problem of small sebaceous glands, which are particularly active in the well-known T-zone (forehead, nose and chin).
The sebaceous glands produce oil, which mixes with dead skin cells and various other contaminants. The result is the very pimples, blackheads and shine, with which people are struggling and can not cope already for many centuries. But it's not all that can be said about oily skin.
Oh good
Normally the sebaceous glands provide a natural protection for the skin and hair, protecting them from the effects of the various factors of the environment.
With sebum formed protective layer was acidic having a pH ranging from 4.5 to 5.5. Through this layer of the epidermis and hair are maintained in good condition. Without it, the skin is constantly suffered from dehydration would, irritation and hypersensitivity, the hair would become dull and brittle. Lose skin its protective acid layer, and bacteria will be quite easy to penetrate her body.
It is very important that the skin produce enough fat, so to deal with oily skin so hard. Everybody wants to have a flawless skin, but no one wants to lose protection.
On bad
Overactive sebaceous glands - it's a real problem. Bad-looking skin adorns a man and as a consequence, a negative impact on self-esteem. Usually this problem in the teens, but it affects many adults. Find an effective solution to this problem is very difficult.
About fat
The true cause of oily skin often lies in the hereditary characteristics, namely the tendency to increased production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is, of course, important functions in the body, but too much of the hormone androgen leads to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
The first increase in the level of DHT occurs in adolescence, and both boys and girls. As they get older, many the problem disappears, but some DHT many years gives a lot of troubles. In some women, the skin becomes very oily right before menstruation. This increase in progesterone levels guilty
Progesterone - norm and pathology
, Which increases in parallel with the production of DHT.
Have you ever wanted to wake up and find that the problem of oily skin simply disappeared? This dream, probably will remain a dream, but to improve and monitor the condition of oily skin is possible.
Matting agent for spot application
Most matting agents can be classified into three categories: those that contain strong flavors (which often causes irritation to the skin); funds without flavors, but with a pungent smell they contain potent chemicals (same result); cosmetics and odorless, which clogs pores and causes acne.
Synthetic retinoids point
These tools are sold by prescription only, are written with very problematic skin, and no doubt greatly improve her condition. However, there is a slight chance that after applying such cosmetics on the skin will appear red and irritated. To avoid this, you can use the retinoid every other day. If you notice a very strong reaction on the skin, stop use and consult a dermatologist.
Glycolic acid
Glycolic acid, one of the alpha-hydroxy - one of the most common means for combating acne. However, it should be borne in mind that this substance is good eliminates excess fat, but did not affect the activity of the sebaceous glands. Do not use cosmetics with glycolic acid at the same time reditoidami and cosmetics containing benzoyl peroxide. The risk of skin irritation when using a combination of these substances is increased many times. Some people have a severe allergic reaction to glycolic acid, so carefully monitor your skin and stop using the makeup if you notice even the slightest signs of irritation.
Salicylic acid
Salicylic or beta-hydroxy acid, acts almost like and glycolic. It is part of many means to combat acne, removes excess fat and accelerates the process of skin renewal. Typically, cosmetics are added two percent solution of salicylic acid, often in combination with glycolic acid.
Tonics, which include alcohol, witch hazel, or acetone rather effectively remove grease from the skin, but this result is stored only for a few hours. However, using them is worth. Tonics, like any other cosmetics, can cause irritation and redness on the skin, so do not abuse them.
Good mask can eliminate the increased oiliness of the skin for several days. And you can make your own mask of clay, which is now sold in many pharmacies and stores. Clay deeply cleanses pores and tightens them, so for a while, you can forget about problems with the skin
The most common skin problems and their solutions
Absorbent wipes
Absorbent wipes for oily skin absorb - just like that. Of course, they can not replace washing morning and evening, but should wear them in her purse to periodically get rid of the excess fat that comes out of the skin during the day.
Any need to protect your skin from exposure to sunlight. When choosing a sunscreen
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
for oily skin should look for one that is not made of oil-based - usually marked as such cosmetics nekomedogennaya.
Accutane - a powerful tool that will help in a very strong acne. However, he has very unpleasant side effects, so just oily skin
Oily skin: Natural and artificial care
or occasional pimples are not reason enough to use Accutane. And, of course, it may assign you a doctor.
Common misconceptions on oily skin
- Use absorbent tissue helps reduce sebum production.
Wrong. They only temporarily eliminate the shine of the skin.
- Accutane stop the production of sebum.
Wrong. He only normalizes the sebaceous glands (and you do not need to stop it completely). Sometimes after treatment sebum again begins to produce in excess.
- Using the tools that control the production of fat, you can not use makeup.
Wrong. One may use nekomedogennoy decorative cosmetics. Some cosmetics, such as mineral powder, even beneficial for oily skin.