Fighting acne: beauty requires patience

January 29, 2009

  • Fighting acne: beauty requires patience
  • Ineffective methods

 struggle with acne
   Acne - a very common problem faced not only teenagers but also adults. Getting rid of them can be very difficult, but a systematic effort to help, at least, significantly improve skin condition.

  • Pay attention to color cosmetics. What you put on your face to hide the acne, may be one of the reasons for their occurrence. Oily foundation, powder and other cosmetics can clog pores, resulting in formation of new acne. Buy nekomedogennuyu makeup - it allows the skin to breathe and may even improve its condition.
  • A lot of water and eating healthy Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
 . This is a cliche, but still - if you eat a lot of fatty high-calorie food, drinking its soft drinks, your skin will not look as good as if you ate more fruits and vegetables and the food is not less than one and a half liters of water a day.
  • Salicylic acid. Cosmetics, which includes salicylic acid, deep cleanses the skin and makes it sound smoother. Funds with a relatively low content of salicylic acid without a prescription. Gels and ointments with a higher acid concentration can only be bought on prescription. If you think that you need the funds for the care of the skin, consult a dermatologist.
  • Masks made of clay can help to cope with acne owners of oily and combination skin Combination skin - everything you need to know about it  Combination skin - everything you need to know about it
 . Clay effectively absorb fat and making the skin much purer, but do not use such a mask more than once a week, as it can lead to excessive dryness.
  • Extrude. Perhaps you since school years have heard that squeeze pimples and blackheads - not only ineffective, but harmful. However, if it is done according to the rules and carefully, with this method can reduce the number of acne on his face.
  • First, clean the face with a cleansing gel or milk. Cover the face with a towel soaked in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Then, very carefully try to squeeze acne. If after one or two attempts, nothing happens, stop. In no case do not try to squeeze acne nails, and do not use a lot of pressure. This can damage the skin and even cause scarring.

 Fighting acne: beauty requires patience

Home remedies for acne

  • Lotion with lime juice. Mix lime juice, almond oil and glycerin Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair  Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
   in equal proportions, and rub the face with the mixture. Regular use of this lotion does not only eliminates acne and diskoloratsii area on the skin.
  • Med. Apply on face slightly warmed honey; 10-15 minutes rinse with cool water. Masks from honey cleanse and soften the skin.
  • Egg white. Whisk the egg white until smooth liquid mass (not to strong white foam). Coat protein face, top attach two or more tissue - so that they cover the entire face. Allow to dry protein - it will take half an hour or even more. You will understand that it is dried up, when he felt tightness of the skin. Slowly and carefully remove the cloth and rinse with warm water. This treatment deeply cleanses the skin without spending it should be no more than once a week.
  • Salt and lemon juice. Fine salt Mix with lemon juice, apply the mixture on your face and in a couple of minutes, gently massage the skin. Rinse your face with cool water.

Trying new means to combat acne, remember, and better write down the result. This is necessary so that you can create for yourself the most effective skin care regimen. If any means cause skin irritation, stop using them immediately. Finally, if you can not cope with their own acne, consult a dermatologist. Perhaps acne is a sign of any disturbances in the body that need to be addressed to improve the skin condition.

Folk remedy for acne - help from nature

October 6, 2013

  • Folk remedy for acne - help from nature
  • The best
  • Infusions and decoctions

 a folk remedy for acne
 Folk remedies for the treatment of acne certainly there in your home. You may not be assigned to them by great expectations, but try them all is the same - it is possible that one of them would be the perfect remedy for acne for you personally.

 Folk remedy for acne - help from nature

  • Rose water is used for skin care even in ancient times. It not only has a wonderful aroma, but also refreshes the skin and stimulates cell regeneration. To prepare a remedy for acne, mix a few drops of lemon juice with two teaspoons of rosewater. Apply this mixture on the problem areas. Lemon juice is good pores and rose water soothes and regenerates the skin.
  • Honey and plaster. This is a very simple and effective remedy for acne, all you need to use is certainly there in your home. Usually it is used for the treatment of major spots. Apply honey on the spot, and stick the patch on top. It is best to do it before going to bed Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 To honey exerts its curative effect for several hours. In the morning, remove the patch and wash with cold water. Typically, per night pimple it becomes much less noticeable. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated the next night.
  • Aloe Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   - A natural product, which gives a remarkable result, and almost never cause side effects. Just take aloe leaf and squeeze the juice out of it (pre-sheet can hold a half-hour in the refrigerator), and apply it on the pimples. You can use commercial products that contain aloe juice, but natural juice, of course, preferable. Aloe juice can also be added in a variety of masks. Try to keep the juice did not get into your mouth - it is useful, but it has a very bitter taste.
  • Neem in India is called the panacea for all ills, and it lives up to its name. The powder of dried leaves of the neem tree and the oil from its seeds is very effective against acne. Oil from the seeds of the neem tree can be applied directly to the acne. The powder is mixed with water to form a thick paste and then coated with either its most problematic areas of the skin, or the entire face completely. The mask is recommended to keep a long time - from an hour to several hours. If you have sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
   and you are prone to allergic reactions, can test the oil or mask powder neem tree in the crook of the elbow before using them for the treatment of acne on the face.
  • Once again about green tea. We have talked about the use of chilled and frozen green tea. For the treatment of problem skin is equally useful and easy to drink green tea - best of all, every day, 4-5 cups per day. It contains substances that fight bacteria from the inside, causing acne and other skin problems. In summer, you can drink a chilled green tea - from temperature changes its properties do not change. Green tea is also possible to add a variety of masks for the face instead of water.
  • Peanut butter and fresh lime. Since such a problem like acne, there was not yesterday, many folk remedies for treating problem skin have been used in ancient times. Among such means - lime and peanut oil (normally liquid oil rather than a thick peanut paste, which is often also referred to as oil). A mixture of peanut butter and lime juice is not the first millennium used in the treatment of acne. Apply this remedy on problem areas several times a week, and less than a month, the skin will become clean and smooth.
  • Milk and nutmeg. You can get rid of acne using milk and ground nutmeg. Mix the nutmeg and milk to make a thick paste, apply it on pimples, and two hours later, rinse with water at room temperature.
  • Strawberries - fragrant berry, which is also used for problematic skin. Just crush a few strawberries and apply slurry on the face. After 15-20 minutes rinse with cold water.
  • The leaves of fenugreek. Rub a few leaves of fenugreek, so they gave the juice and rub the problem areas of the skin. Twenty minutes later rinse face with water at room temperature. Repeat the procedure every night until you notice that the acne was much less. Thereafter fenugreek leaves can be used for preventing two or three times a week.
  • Ground cinnamon and honey - a potent mix of familiar products used to treat acne. Take about half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, and mix it with honey to make a thick paste. Apply on face and wash off after 30-40 minutes. It is also possible to lubricate this paste pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning only.
  • Papaya. Mash with a fork papaya pulp and apply it on the face. Substances contained in papaya, effectively reduces inflammation and prevent bacteria on the skin.
  • Turmeric and coriander juice. If you have at home is growing coriander, squeeze out the juice of its leaves a little - about a quarter of a teaspoon. Mix it with turmeric Turmeric: the benefits and harms of the Indian saffron  Turmeric: the benefits and harms of the Indian saffron
 To a paste of medium density, and apply the paste on the problem areas. Leave it for at least half an hour (if you have time, then a few hours), and then rinse with cool water. Effective treatment of acne you need to use this tool regularly.
  • Pomegranate extract has recently become quite a popular treatment for acne. It can be purchased in many stores cosmetics. If you have time, you can make from a grenade means to care for skin problems on their own. Lightly fry (without oil), pomegranate rind. It is necessary that it is dried up, and not covered with a brown crust. Then grind it in a coffee grinder and mix with lime or lemon juice to make a thick paste. The paste should be applied to the acne and keep at least 20 minutes. You can put it in a glass jar with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator for a week.
  • Black mung - little known until we have a representative of the legume family, which can be very useful to owners of oily skin. Grind it in a coffee grinder and mix half a teaspoon of ground black mung bean with the same amount of sandalwood powder. Then mix them with water to form a smooth paste and apply it on the pimples. Leave the paste on for several hours or overnight. Rinse with cold water.
