The Seven Deadly Sins of fitness

July 8, 2007

 Error fitness
 Fitness - the best medicine, regardless of your age, fitness level or goals. However, fitness can be dangerous if you do not take care about how to avoid some common mistakes and take the necessary precautions. Getting to the gym, you should have a clear plan for training and to identify employment goals, otherwise you face fatigue, frustration, injury or even death (although the latter happens very rarely). It does not fit into your plans for this summer, is not it?

If you want to maximize the effect of fitness and look your best this summer, you need serious motivation and accurate information. So, try to avoid these 7 deadly sins of fitness:

 The Seven Deadly Sins of fitness

Skipping workouts

Performing too much exercise for a very short period of time quickly leads to an acceleration of the heart rate and creates a risk of injury untrained muscles and joints. Rapid heartbeat at the beginning of a class may cause mild head bolt, nausea, dizziness, fainting or even a heart attack or stroke. Muscles need time to adapt to the load assigned to them during training. Before you recover the gym or start training, select a few minutes out to prepare the body for more intense activity, such as slow walk on foot.

 The Seven Deadly Sins of fitness

A visit to the sauna or taking a bath immediately after the occupation

The temperature of saunas, baths and hot baths can have detrimental effects on the body, the temperature of which is already risen, and blood vessels are widened in the course of intensive training. On the contrary, after training the body to get rid of the heat, to bring the heart rate back to normal and restore normal blood flow to the organs. High temperature hot tubs and saunas may cause dizziness, fatigue, nausea, or, even worse, heat exhaustion, trigger a stroke or heart attack. Instead of a hot bath take a cold shower to restore a normal heartbeat. Only after the rest and normalization of heart rate, you can take a hot bath or go to the bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   or sauna.

 The Seven Deadly Sins of fitness

Holding your breath while lifting weights

Holding your breath while lifting weights substantially raises blood pressure, causing dizziness, nausea, hernia, heart attack or stroke. To avoid creating a high internal pressure, inhale and exhale on each phase of the exercise and breathe naturally when performing cardiovascular exercise.

 The Seven Deadly Sins of fitness

Ignoring medical examination before starting an exercise program

If you want to achieve maximum effect with minimum risk to health, full medical examination it never hurts - especially if you are older than 45 years or are in one of the risk groups (smoking, hypertension Hypertension - dangerous consequences  Hypertension - dangerous consequences
 High blood cholesterol, genetic predisposition to disease, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle). If you do, there are two of the above criteria, you are in danger of developing heart disease, diabetes or stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
 . Although fitness - the best medicine for your condition, no specific fitness program and pre-advice of a doctor can cause more harm than benefit.

 The Seven Deadly Sins of fitness

Too intensive training

Constant acceleration heart rate up to the maximum limits during exercise is excessive - and completely unjustified - the load on the heart and lungs. When the heart rate is approaching the maximum allowed, it increases the likelihood of cardiac rhythm disorders. You do not need to burden the heart so much to strengthen the heart muscle and burn fat. If you do not have any particular health problems, try to keep the heart rate was 65 - 85% of maximum heart rate.

 The Seven Deadly Sins of fitness

Using the weight on hands when walking or during an aerobics

Many of the principles of fitness indicate that the use of extra weight on the hands during the performance of a complex of aerobic exercise step aerobics slightly increases power consumption, or muscle strength (increases if at all). But increasing the risk of injury of the shoulder joint, if the weight quickly move in motion. Coaches recommend the use of extra weight when performing strength exercises that allow you to adjust the speed. In addition to a shoulder injury at the hands of the weight increases the heart rate and can lead to cardiovascular complications in physically untrained people.

 The Seven Deadly Sins of fitness

Listening to music on headphones when playing in the street

The rhythm of your favorite music or audio books last plot twists, certainly will not let you get bored, but in this case, reduced attention, which increases the risk of injury or collision with foreign objects (especially when crossing the road). In addition, studies have shown that although the music or audio entertainment to help extend the training, the intensity of training at the same drops.

 The Seven Deadly Sins of fitness

Inattention to your body

Abnormal heart rhythm, pain, chest pressure, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Nausea, fatigue or insomnia long after intense workouts - are signs of over-voltage, which can lead to heart attack or injury. Listen to these prompts the body and slow down your pace or reduce the amount of exercise. It is also desirable to know the opinion of a professional doctor about your condition if you notice at any of the major signs of disorders of the heart during exercise. If the symptoms persist during or after exercise, consult your doctor.

Article Tags:
  • the basics of fitness

Myths about exercise: do not believe

March 20, 2011

  • Myths about exercise: do not believe
  • Data

 physical exercise
 Fall into the trap of the myth is very easy: training mate tells you about the wonderful effects of some exercises, you are telling the same thing to your friends and colleagues, and after a while, maybe read about this exercise in some magazine. Find the source of the myth is almost impossible, but the important thing is that the myths spread like wildfire - as quickly and ruthlessly. Some of them are harmless, but there are those that can have a negative impact not only on efficiency but also on safety training.


Myth №1. Classes on the treadmill less harmful to the knee joints than running on asphalt or gravel

Running - it's a great exercise, but it is associated with considerable pressure on the knee joints. As this pressure has mainly body weight, it does not matter, you're running in the simulator or on asphalt walkway. The best way to reduce pressure on the knee joints - alternate forms of training, for example, alternately engaged in running and cardio exercises. Another option - you can twice a week and run twice a week - to ride a bike. If, in addition, you will not forget the stretching exercises Stretching exercises - Be careful  Stretching exercises - Be careful
 Then you can run for years without any pain in the joints Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?


Myth №2. Twisting help get rid of belly fat

Experts constantly repeated (but they still do not hear very well), it is impossible to get rid of fat in one particular place. Twisting strengthens abdominal muscles and improves posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
 But if the total amount of fat in the body is not decreased fat on the abdomen is also not become smaller. The only way to get rid of belly fat - to follow the weight loss program, which included proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   and training involves all muscle groups.


Myth №3. Aerobic exercise accelerates the metabolism for several hours after the workout

This is true, but not burned too many extra calories - only about 20. So, if you want to pamper yourself after a workout with something high-calorie, thinking that the figure is not affected - think again.


Myth №4. Swimming - a great tool to reduce weight

Swimming increases lung capacity, improves muscle tone and helps to relieve stress, but virtually no effect on weight. Since water supports your body, swimming consuming less energy than, for example, running. In addition, for the time spent in the water, you may see a very strong appetite, which often leads to disruption of eating plan. Therefore, those who want to lose weight, it is recommended to combine swimming with other types of exercise.


Myth №5. Yoga helps in all types of back pain

If back pain is associated with muscle, yoga really can help - some poses, or asanas, perfectly stretch the back muscles. In addition, yoga makes the muscles stronger, so that after a few weeks of training can significantly weaken or disappear altogether, back pain.

But if the back pain associated with other problems, such as displacement of the spinal disc, yoga will not help. Moreover, it can exacerbate the damage, causing the pain intensified. Experts recommend before to treat back pain using yoga - see your doctor to determine the cause of pain.


Myth №6. If you do not sweat during a workout, you do not exercise effectively

In fact, sweat is not necessarily an indicator of ongoing efforts. You can burn a significant number of calories without sweating - such as making long walks at a moderate pace. In addition, the activity of the sweat glands is individual to individual - someone starts to sweat very quickly, someone, in contrast, almost no sweat even after an intense workout.


Myth №7. As long as you feel good during training - you do not overexert

One of the most common mistakes people who are just starting to exercise or returning to training after a long break - the desire to do too much too quickly. This person feels fine and is proud of his zeal. Results surge may become apparent only after a day or two. Starting to train, remember - your body needs time to get used to a new level loads, so no need to seek records today if yesterday you have difficulty climbing the stairs to the fifth floor.


Myth №8. The exercises at the gym is safer, because the device simulator facilitates the correct performance of exercises

This is true only if the simulator is set up correctly for your weight and height. To perform the settings, you need an experienced instructor. If you use the machine on their own, the risk of injury is the same as performing any other exercise.
