Water aerobics classes - a medicine and a source of pleasure - Exercises for the back

November 30th, 2012

  • Water aerobics classes - a medicine and a source of pleasure
  • Kinds
  • Training plan
  • Exercises for the back
 water aerobics classes back exercises

Exercises for the back

Water aerobics is very useful for the back: it strengthens the muscles, improves posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
 Increases range of motion. Try to include in their water aerobics classes described below are simple exercises that will be helpful for perfectly healthy people, and for those who suffer from back pain Back pain: Do not start the process  Back pain: Do not start the process
 Associated with various disorders. All exercises are performed with floating belt.



Put on your belt and go floating in the water for 5-10 minutes. Walk at different speeds, lift the leg as high as possible to increase the load.


A bike

Walk in the water, performing a circular motion feet, both during cycling. Follow the movement back and forth, keeping your back straight. This exercise is good for the waist, the muscles of the legs and thighs. Twist "bicycle" for five minutes.



Stand on the bottom of the pool and lift one leg up without bending it. Try to pick it up so that it was perpendicular to the torso. If this does not succeed the first time, do not worry - just do some work with a banner. Lift the leg and rapidly, as if kick. All the time, make sure that your back remains straight. Perform 15-20 strokes each leg.


Lifting the legs to the chest

This exercise can be performed by just standing in the water, holding on to the bar or on the pool wall. In the first case, lift bent knees as close to your chest and try to stay in this position, keeping your back straight, a few seconds. Floating Belt will not let you immerse yourself in the water, but keep the balance will not be easy.

You can also get back to the wall of the pool, put his hands on the bar and pull the legs to the chest - a variant of this exercise is easier and suitable for beginners.


Pair of scissors

Keeping torso straight, lift straight legs so that they were perpendicular to the upper body. Then spread his legs as far as possible to the sides, so that they form the letter «V». Quickly vaults and spreads his legs at least 15 times in a row. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the waist, hips and legs. To keep the body in the "sitting" position and actively use the abdominal muscles.



At the end of training take a 5-10 minutes performing stretching exercises Stretching exercises - Be careful  Stretching exercises - Be careful
 Which serve to "cool" the body after water aerobics Water aerobics: Lose Weight with pleasure  Water aerobics: Lose Weight with pleasure
 . They can be performed either in the water or on the edge of the pool.

Article Tags:
  • water aerobics

Water aerobics classes - a medicine and a source of pleasure - training plan

November 30th, 2012

  • Water aerobics classes - a medicine and a source of pleasure
  • Kinds
  • Training plan
  • Exercises for the back
 plan for water aerobics classes

How to plan water aerobics classes

Complete your training plan, adding a water aerobics! You will find that it is quite a heavy load, which is suitable not only for those who are recovering from injuries and operations. Water aerobics strengthens the muscles from head to toe, will prepare you for the beach season and increase confidence.


Diversity Against Boredom

Even if you really enjoy watching on simulators, diversity will not hurt you. If you hardly force yourself to come to the gym, water aerobics can help you recharge and train with great enthusiasm - both on land and on land. Water aerobics classes serve as an excellent addition to any training; they will help to work out all the muscle groups, gradually and without harm to health to improve the tone. Plan your workout so that you do not have two consecutive engaged in the pool or at the gym - it is guaranteed to save you from boredom.


Everything in its place

Always start with a warm-up water aerobics classes. Walk or swim a few tens of meters in the pool, jump in place, do some sit-ups before proceeding to more intensive exercises.



After warming up a jog in the pool, where the water comes up to your shoulders. If possible, run water across the basin; lift your knees high and wide waved their hands to work out the muscles of the arms, shoulders and back.


Mahi feet

Stand on the bottom and do kicks back and forth - do such movements as if you wanted to open the door with his foot. Continue intensively do mahi for about one minute. Then take a board for swimming in the water and take a horizontal position on the back or on the stomach - as you like. Slowly dilute to the side and bring together straight legs. Keep socks stretched to when performing exercises work the muscles, not the joints. Perform each exercise for a minute, then go to the regular Mahama feet. Alternate exercises so for 5-10 minutes, or more - depending on your preferences and level of fitness.


Exercise Hand

Be sure to include in your plan exercises water aerobics classes for hands. Clamp the board for swimming or noodle (floating long "stick") between the legs and lie face down on the water. As soon as possible the vaults and dilute palm outstretched arms in front of you - as if you applaud, stretching his arms over his head. This exercise can be performed while sitting in the water, holding a board for swimming directly below you - so be made to work all the muscles of the body to maintain balance.


Water aerobics classes - standard training

Water aerobics classes - a very effective way to quickly and relatively simple calorie burning. One hour standard training you spend about 400-500 calories - almost as much as an hour normal running. Training in the water have a beneficial effect on health, so it is often recommended for people with various diseases, but, of course, healthy people and they will be very useful.

  • Step 1. Within five minutes of warm-up exercises to perform in a shallow part of the pool: marching in place, go back and forth. Move your hands: do the circular motion, "transcending" water hands, as if swimming the breaststroke, and so on. When you feel that quickened the pulse of a few, I go to jogging and jumping in place. While running, keep your back straight. It is important to start each session with a warm-up water aerobics, to prepare the body to stress and better adapt to the water temperature is below body temperature.
  • Step 2: Run at a shallow depth (to the waist or a little more), raising the level of the knees and hips continuing to monitor the posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
 . Try to run a minimum of 3-5 minutes at a time or alternate between 1-2 minutes of running with 1-2 minutes of exercise for the muscles of the arms or torso. When you can easily run a few minutes at a time in shallow water, start to run from one end of the pool (you can use a floating belt to keep afloat where the water depth is more than your height).
  • Step 3. Perform kick their feet in shallow water. Mach feet as quickly as possible and lift them as high as possible. Make sure that the back was straight.
  • Stand on the bottom in that part of the pool where the depth of your waist or chest. Raise your right leg in front of him, on the height of the thigh or higher, and take it as far as possible to the right. Return to starting position. Do exercise left foot. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  • Step 4. Go to the deepest part of the pool, after having put the floating zone. Trying to keep your balance and keeping your back straight, alternately lift your feet up. Then raise both legs at the same time, sitting in the water, do the kicking exercise "scissors" and "bicycle". Run and jump into the water - you do not touch the bottom of your feet, but not tonite because of the floating zone, these exercises give a special effect.
