Water aerobics: exercise for dieters not sweating - Effective Training

December 12, 2012

  • Water aerobics: exercise for dieters not sweating
  • Effective training
  • For arthritis sufferers

 water aerobics exercises for effective training

6 exercises for effective training

You want to make the body sexier? Try aqua Aqua - exercises that slim and refreshing  Aqua - exercises that slim and refreshing
 . It will not only help improve the tone of the muscles of the body, but also benefit the cardiovascular system.

 Effective training | Water aerobics: exercise for dieters not sweating

1. Walking in water

This is one of the most simple, but very effective exercises from which beginners often start in aqua aerobics. Put akvaperchatki (to training was more intense) and enter the water up to his waist. Walk along the pool, waving his arms, as you usually do it when walking. Do not walk on his toes and arch your back. Strain the abdominal muscles and try not to lean too far forward or sideways.

 Effective training | Water aerobics: exercise for dieters not sweating

2. Walking in the deep water

When walking in water up to his waist will give you is easy, you can start training at a greater depth - on the chest and neck. While walking intensifies swings hands, keep your back straight and abdomen - fit. To increase the water resistance, wear akvaperchatki. If you need more intensive loads, try to run in the water up to his neck in akvaperchatkah.

 Effective training | Water aerobics: exercise for dieters not sweating

3. Exercise for hands with akvaperchatkami

Akvaperchatki will also help to strengthen the triceps and biceps on the water aerobics classes Water aerobics classes - a medicine and a source of pleasure  Water aerobics classes - a medicine and a source of pleasure

Put akvaperchatki stand in water waist, lower your arms down; elbows should be close to the body. Press your elbows close to the body and lift the forearm onto the surface of the water, holding hands stretched forward (it is also increases the resistance of the water when driving hands). Then lower your arms down. Repeat the exercise 12-15 times, or until you get tired.

 Effective training | Water aerobics: exercise for dieters not sweating

4. Exercise with dumbbells

Dumbbells for water aerobics Water aerobics: Lose Weight with pleasure  Water aerobics: Lose Weight with pleasure
   made of foam or other floating material, and their task - to enhance water resistance. Stand in that part of the basin, where the water depth of your chest, take a dumbbell and stretch your arms along the body. Lift rugi, bending at the elbows, hands with dumbbells back of the hand up. Then turn your hands so that the back of the hand facing down. Dip your hands. Repeat the exercise for at least 12-15 times.

 Effective training | Water aerobics: exercise for dieters not sweating

5. Exercise with Kickboard

Stand with your legs apart at shoulder width, straining the abdominal muscles. Pull his right hand with a board for swimming; hold it vertically, so that the wide surface facing you, and narrow - to the bottom of the pool. Pressing the left elbow to the body, right hand to move the board for sailing in his chest, and the board must be completely under water. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 12-15 times.

 Effective training | Water aerobics: exercise for dieters not sweating

6. Exercise for legs

Tie a knot noodle around their feet or shoes that you put in the water aerobics. Stand with your back to the wall of the pool and hold on to it or to the handrail. Pull the leg, which is attached to the noodle, straight ahead, and then bend the leg at a right angle. Return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise 10-15 times. Then tie noodle to the other leg and repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

How to make your body younger - exercise all also relevant - Stretching and weight training

June 5th, 2013

  • How to make your body younger - exercise and all relevant
  • Stretching and weight training

 how to make your body younger stretching and strength training

Stretching and its benefits

General recommendations: Carefully stretch all major muscle groups at least twice a week (ideally - every day).

  • Less pain

Stretching helps to maintain and when necessary to increase the range of motion of joints - to age it is generally reduced. Perhaps, regular stretching exercises Stretching exercises - Be careful  Stretching exercises - Be careful
   also reduces the risk of injury and the emergence of muscle pain, but the scientific evidence on this issue is contradictory. Fortunately, you do not need to stretch too active, ensuring the flexibility of gymnasts or circus performers. Studies show that people are very flexible are more prone to injury because their joints are less stable. So no need to over-zealous - stretched to their pleasure, and never doing stretching, overcoming the discomfort and pain - it can do more harm than good.

  • Healthy arteries

According to the research, Stretching also helps to relax the arteries. In flexible women older than 40 years, regularly doing stretching, rarely, if ever, found arterial stiffness (one of the factors that increase the risk of heart disease).

 Stretching and weight training | How to make your body younger - exercise and all relevant

Strength training and their use

General advice: 8-10 perform strength exercises (8-12 repetitions each) twice a week.

  • Fast Metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting

With age, you start to lose muscle tissue - after 25 years a person loses more than 400 g per year. This gradually leads to a slowing of metabolism, as fatty tissue burns fewer calories than muscle. After 40 years, when estrogen levels Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   begins to fall, the loss of muscle tissue and the slowing of metabolism goes even faster. To reduce the weight becomes more difficult, because estrogen virtually no longer helps burn calories. However, this does not mean that you have to give in and just buy clothes a size bigger when you stop to get into what were a couple of years ago. It is proved that regular strength training helps speed up metabolism quickly enough How to speed up metabolism - the beginning of weight loss  How to speed up metabolism - the beginning of weight loss
   and begin the process of building muscle tissue.

  • Slim stomach

Have you noticed that with age it becomes more difficult to get rid of excess Zhirkov on the abdomen? Unfortunately, you do not just think. When the rate of metabolic processes decreases and the amount of body fat increases, extra weight, especially delayed start abdominal (visceral fat), and this is the problem, not only aesthetic. The more visceral fat you have, the greater your risk for heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. Fortunately, weight training can help meet these challenges. One study found that among premenopausal women who are overweight or obese, within two years regularly perform strength exercises, only 6% increased the amount of visceral fat. For those who just received advice on physical activity, the figure was 20% in the same period of time.

  • Strong bones

Who osteoporosis may seem to you long-term problem, but the decrease in bone density in women begins after 30 years. After menopause, this process is accelerated, so it is important now to start taking care of their bones. Strength training stimulates the formation of bone cells: bone in some ways behave like muscles - when you increase the load on them, they become stronger.

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  • rejuvenation
