Candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract - threatening health condition

October 12, 2012

 gastrointestinal candidiasis
 Candidiasis gastrointestinal candidiasis usually begins with the intestine, wherein the fungal infection is spread upwards to the stomach, esophagus and oral cavity. One of the conditions of this infection is a violation of immunity.

 Candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract - threatening health condition

How to start

It starts with a disease of the intestine. Intestinal candidiasis may occur when a significant decrease in the volume of the normal intestinal flora, which is involved in digestion and inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora, able at any time to cause bowel disease. The composition of pathogenic microflora most people include yeast fungi genus Candida - Candida pathogens.

When the use of antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum, destroyed not only the pathogenic and opportunistic bacterial microflora, but also normal microflora. Since antibiotics do not suppress the vital activity of fungi genus Candida, their population starts to grow rapidly and causes candidiasis. Sometimes intestinal candidiasis is not associated with antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 And the immunocompromised Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults

To fungal infection Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
   spread to other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, decreased immunity is required. Therefore, candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract is more common in patients with impaired immunity. Candidiasis gastrointestinal candidiasis includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines.

 Candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract - threatening health condition


Oral candidiasis is manifested in the form of swelling and redness of the mucous membrane, which appear curdled raids, eventually turning into a film, tightly welded to the mucosa. It may also develop acute atrophic mucosal lesion - it becomes thin, dry and bright red.

Candidiasis manifests itself in the form of throat burning and dryness in the throat, which leads to a dry cough intrusive. Externally, on the back of the throat also can be seen cheesy raids or whitish film.

Esophageal candidiasis can be a long time does not manifest itself at the time, as on the walls of this body may be significant changes. The main symptoms of this disease are swallowing disorders and pain on swallowing as candida film can partially or completely block the lumen of the esophagus. For lesions of the esophagus characterized by the penetration of filamentous fungi of the genus Candida forms deep into the wall of the body with its accession ulceration and bacterial infection in the form of abscesses and abscesses of the esophagus (of invasive candidiasis).

Candidiasis is manifested in the form of gastric catarrh or erosive gastritis, wherein the fungi, as well as in the esophagus, penetrate deep into the stomach wall. Manifested candidiasis stomach pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting with characteristic whitish films and blood in the vomit. Complication candidiasis stomach may be perforation of its wall and the subsequent development of peritonitis and destruction of the blood vessel wall, which will be accompanied by internal bleeding. With the destruction of a small blood vessel bleeding may be small and sick for a long time will not notice it until you develop iron-deficiency anemia. The destruction of the wall of the large vessel can threaten the patient's life.

Candidiasis bowel may occur in two forms - permeation (invasive) and non-penetrating (noninvasive). Penetrating form does not occur very often, but runs hard, since developing inflammation in the intestinal wall, which can lead to ulceration. Invasive forms can affect the entire intestine (intestinal candidiasis generalized) or localized in the area of ​​pre-existing defects intestines - ulcers or polyps (focal form of intestinal candidiasis).

Non-invasive form of intestinal candidiasis is more common, is caused by conventional forms of fungi genus Candida and is a type of dysbiosis, which manifests digestive disorders, intoxication of an organism products of improper food digestion, bloating and pain during bowel.

 Candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract - threatening health condition


Candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract is treated with antifungal drugs. Preference is given to formulations which are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and act locally (e.g. pimafutsin). But in some cases it is necessary to appoint and systemic effects of drugs that are absorbed into the bloodstream and affect the whole body (eg, fluconazole).

For the treatment of oral candidiasis Oral candidiasis - affects not only children  Oral candidiasis - affects not only children
   and pharynx also apply topical antifungal drugs. Be sure to be appointed by immunomodulatory drugs, reducing certain parts of immunity (according to the results of laboratory research).

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • candidiasis

Duphalac - the use of laxatives

September 3, 2013

 Duphalac use
 Duphalac - the use of this drug is allowed almost everyone, including infants and pregnant women. It just is contraindicated in some serious organic and genetic diseases of the intestine, as well as if you are hypersensitive body of the patient.

 Duphalac - the use of laxatives

Duphalac for chronic constipation

Chronic constipation - this is not simply the absence of a regular chair. In chronic constipation toxic substances, which must be regularly excreted from the body, re-absorbed into the bloodstream and cause chronic intoxication, which adversely affects the status of all organs and tissues. Patients suffering from chronic constipation, even changing the character: he becomes irritable, suspicious, bilious. Constipation can also cause congestion in the veins of the pelvis and the development of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease

For the treatment of constipation have long been used laxatives, including herbal. But it has been observed that after a while it becomes less effective laxative and then may stop working altogether - it comes to the habit of the body.

Duphalac - is a laxative, which does not occur addiction. Active substance is lactulose Duphalac - carbohydrate containing two simple carbohydrates - glucose and galactose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 . Receives it from the whey Whey: the benefits and harms of waste  Whey: the benefits and harms of waste
   by special processing.

Habituation to the drug does not occur because, unlike other laxatives, who simply stimulate peristalsis, lactulose first draws fluid into the lumen (osmotic effect, which can not develop addictive). From liquid stool swell, and this leads to increased intestinal motility.

Also laxative properties Duphalac has also detoxication properties - it cleans orgasm from ammonia, which accumulates in the intestine as a result of splitting of food and poisons the body.

Duphalac is widely used in proctology during operations on the rectum and anus as a part of preoperative preparation.

Duphalac is available in the form of syrup. Take it to the individually selected dose. The average daily intake for an adult at the beginning of the application is 15-45 ml, maintenance - 15-30 ml of syrup. This dose may be administered one-time in the same time during a meal, and may be divided into several stages. Duphalac is recommended to swallow at once, you can not long keep it in your mouth, not to lactulose diluted saliva - this it loses its osmolality.

 Duphalac - the use of laxatives

Duphalac in hepatic encephalopathy

Liver failure is a result of chronic liver diseases, particularly liver cirrhosis. Violation detoxifying ability of the liver leads to the fact that the toxins that are produced by the decay of the proteins entering the body with food, not inactivated in the liver and enter the blood. Basically it is a neurotoxin that selectively act on brain cells (neurons). This leads to a gradual (sometimes imperceptible to the patient and others) changes in consciousness, intelligence, behavior, and violations on the part of the musculoskeletal system. Imperceptible at first impaired consciousness grow and may become Preko and anyone in violation of orientation in time and space and the confusion and complete lack of consciousness.

One of neurotoxins that cause hepatic encephalopathy is ammonia, which is formed in the large intestine in the processing of protein and urea bacterial microflora. To remove ammonia from the body Dufalac administered.

The therapeutic effect of Duphalac in hepatic encephalopathy due to the fact that it promotes the development of acidophilus (eg lactobacilli). Lactobacilli isolated lactic acid Lactic acid - shows our health  Lactic acid - shows our health
 Acidifying the contents of the colon. High acidity also contributes to the fact that under the normal intestinal microflora lactulose decomposed into organic acids. Acidification content colon causes the ammonia passes into an ionic form, and is then excreted from the body as part of a large amount of feces.

Also, the amount of nitrogen containing toxic substances is reduced due to the fact that certain types of bacteria are used for protein synthesis. Osmotic properties of lactulose (the ability to attract fluid) lead to the Push-Pull with the liquid ammonia from the blood into the intestine. A rapid elimination of stool prevents the formation of nitrogen containing toxic substances end (proximal) section of the intestine, and hence their absorption in the inferior vena cava.

In hepatic encephalopathy Dufalac initially appoint 30-45 ml 3-4 times a day. After reduction of intoxication reduce the dose - it is chosen individually for each patient so that the upholstered chair was two - three times a day. The therapeutic effect of Duphalac comes a day - two after treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Duphalac
