How to take Duphalac: strictly by automatic disconnection

December 25, 2011

 Duphalac contains lactulose and belongs to the group of laxatives drugs used to treat constipation. Duphalac can not take in case of hypersensitivity to lactulose and other ingredients of the drug, as well as galactosemia (a rare hereditary disease caused by a metabolic disorder) and intestinal obstruction Ileus - the reasons may be different  Ileus - the reasons may be different

 How to take Duphalac: strictly by automatic disconnection

Receiving drugs

Although Duphalac - quite mild laxative without causing serious side effects, take this medication must be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions on the package. Duphalac Syrup can be mixed with plain water or fruit juice or drink in its purest form, measuring out the dose of the spoon or measuring cup. After receiving the drug prior to its action may take two or three days, after which the dose of Duphalac Duphalac - effective laxative  Duphalac - effective laxative
   can be reduced.

For constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
   Duphalac recommended dose for adults is fifteen milliliters twice a day. For children aged from five to ten years, the usual dose - ten milliliters twice a day. For children under the age of five years is recommended no more than five milliliters of syrup twice a day. Duphalac is considered safe for children aged up to one year, the recommended dosage for children under one year is two and a half milliliter of the drug twice a day. In hepatic encephalopathy standard recommended dose for adults is from thirty to fifty milliliters of the drug three times a day.

When a possible drug overdose, seek medical attention - overdose can cause intense diarrhea. Forgetting to take one dose of Duphalac, do not take two doses at the same time. Lactulose in liquid form may be slightly discolored - slight darkening completely harmless, but should not take Duphalac if the liquid has become very dark, change the texture (syrup has become more liquid or thicker).

 How to take Duphalac: strictly by automatic disconnection

How to take Duphalac during pregnancy

If you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or breastfeeding, taking Duphalac alone is not recommended - better to first consult with a physician. Take Duphalac during pregnancy or breast-feeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   after consultation with a doctor in most cases at standard doses.

Article Tags:
  • Duphalac

How to take Normoflorin: beware of allergic reactions

October 5, 2011

 How to take Normoflorin
 The effectiveness of any drug or dietary supplement to food depends largely on correct the course of treatment, including correct reception. Therefore, before taking Normoflorin need to how to read the instructions.

 How to take Normoflorin: beware of allergic reactions

Normoflorin Effect on the body - in any position to take?

Normoflorin - biologically active food supplements, which are produced by domestic pharmaceutical Bifilyuks. Supplements Normoflorin (they produced three types) are designed to restore normal intestinal microflora and immunity.

The main micro-organisms that are part of the normal intestinal flora are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. It is these bacteria contribute to the formation of acid in the gut environment through the provision of organic acids, which barely survives pathogenic microflora. Normoflorin contain useful microorganisms in an amount sufficient to restore the normal state of the intestine. In addition, the composition includes substances Normoflorin ensure growth and activity of beneficial microflora - vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, carbohydrates. All Normoflorin exhibit high adhesiveness (adhesion to the intestinal wall), and also resistant to digestive enzymes, gastric and intestinal juices. Normal microflora in turn helps to restore the body's defenses - immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 Cells, which are formed in the walls of the intestine.

All these qualities contribute to the fact that Normoflorin have the wide indications for use as a therapeutic (in the complex therapy), and as a prophylactic measure. They are used for intestinal dysbiosis (including developed after taking antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 When eating disorders, stress), at any diseases of the digestive system, including acute intestinal infections Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer  Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer
   (as part of an integrated treatment).

With frequent colds or exacerbation of chronic infectious-inflammatory processes due to lower immunity Normoflorin promote recovery in the intestinal wall of immunoglobulin A, which is responsible for the local (in the intestinal mucosa), the body's defense against infection - connecting to an infectious agent, it forms a neutral complex, which is then excreted.

It is recommended to take Normoflorin and allergic diseases - the restoration of normal intestinal microflora and freeing it from toxins and ballast substances beneficial effect on the course of allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?  Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?
 , Neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma).

Normoflorin has a healthy effect on the body of pregnant women, nursing mothers and children of any age.

 How to take Normoflorin: beware of allergic reactions

Accept Normoflorin correctly

All Normoflorin apply a sufficiently long course of treatment - as biologically active food supplements, they are slow. But it takes a steady recovery of normal intestinal microflora. The duration of treatment at any disease in the complex therapy determined by the physician, but it usually takes at least a month. From prevention to two-week course held Normoflorin. Since Normoflorin not a medicament for prophylactic purposes it can be applied independently.

Take Normoflorin immediately after a meal, the dose depends on his age. So adult patients (including elderly patients) Normoflorin appoint two - three tablespoons per reception three times a day.

Babies under one year Normoflorin give half a teaspoon three times a day, from one to three years - one - one and a half teaspoons of from three to seven years - half or even a whole teaspoon. After seven years Normoflorin dose for children approaching the adult dose.

 How to take Normoflorin: beware of allergic reactions

Possible side effects and overdose Normoflorin

Because side effects are known only Normoflorin allergic reactions, which are extremely rare, since Normoflorin carefully cleaned of any unwanted substances in the production process.

Overdose of BUD never reported. Thus, Normoflorin Bud is absolutely safe, which can be taken as prescribed by a doctor, and independently to restore the state of the gastrointestinal tract with its different diseases and after treatment with drugs that contribute to the suppression of intestinal microflora.

Prophylactic administration Normoflorin for two weeks is allowed to carry out on their own, the same treatment should be coordinated with the doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Normoflorin
