The taste of iron in the mouth - alarm

July 19, 2014

 iron taste in the mouth
 The taste of iron in the mouth may occur at different diseases and conditions. Therefore, if such symptoms become permanent, should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination, the results of which will be assigned to appropriate treatment. Independently rid of iron taste in the mouth is not recommended.


The cause of iron taste in the mouth

Even the doctor on the basis of complaints of the patient and his inspection of the components will not be able to say why iron taste in the mouth. There are a number of a variety of diseases associated with this symptom - iron deficiency anemia, liver disease, peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Malfunction of the thyroid gland, gum disease, constant rusty drinking water poisoning metal salts, metal crowns mouth and several other diseases and conditions.


Symptoms of iron taste in the mouth of iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia - a condition in which the red blood cells contained in an insufficient amount of hemoglobin - the substance that carries oxygen to the tissues.

In patients with severe iron deficiency anemia appear pale skin and mucous membranes, weakness, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, fainting, headache, drowsiness. The skin and mucous membranes become dry, there are cracks on the lips, in the anus, which can be attached to the infection. Hair and nails also become dry, brittle nails are stratified, the hair falls out.

In anemia often appear taste disturbance (eg iron taste in the mouth), and smell, there is addiction to certain substances (for example, eating lime, chalk) and odors (gasoline, kerosene and so on). Iron deficiency anemia is almost always accompanied by severe muscle weakness, lethargy, which, combined with frequent fainting deprives patients disability.

Treatment of iron taste in the mouth when iron deficiency anemia with iron carried. Smack iron will disappear only after the treatment of anemia.


Symptoms of iron taste in the mouth for liver and biliary tract

In total, there are dozens of different liver diseases: congenital malformations, hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis, liver fibrosis, focal liver lesions (eg abscesses), vascular lesions of the liver and intrahepatic bile duct lesions and parasitic liver disease.

If any of these conditions can disrupt the function of the liver, which is accompanied by nausea, sometimes - vomiting, loss of appetite, changes in taste (including aftertaste of iron can appear in the mouth), reduce weight.

Biliary tract disease - dyskinesia, cholangitis, cholecystitis may also be accompanied by similar symptoms, joined by attacks of pain in the right upper quadrant.

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract require a full examination of all organs of the digestive system, and only after that can be assigned to appropriate treatment. Once partially or completely restore the function of these bodies will disappear and iron taste in the mouth.


Symptoms of iron taste in the mouth when endocrinological diseases

The taste of iron in the mouth can occur in diabetes. Especially often such symptom arises predkomatoznom state where the acetone can be detected in urine. Patients appear mental disorders (agitation or lethargy, stupor) and hallucinations, including a taste of character (for example, iron taste in the mouth).

Such patients require immediate assistance - insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 . Once restored carbohydrate and fat metabolism, passes and iron taste in the mouth.

The taste of iron in the mouth may also occur when the hormonal changes the body in adolescents and pregnant women. Special treatment of this condition requires.


Symptoms of iron taste in the mouth and teeth diseases okolozubgnyh fabrics

Occurrence of iron taste in the mouth may be associated with diseases of the teeth and periodontal tissues - gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, tooth decay. Smack iron comes primarily, a way with bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
 Accompanying these diseases. The taste of iron in the mouth can also make metal crowns on the teeth.

Treatment of iron taste in the mouth, in this case - a treatment of dental diseases and the removal of damaged crowns.


Symptoms of iron taste in the mouth for other diseases and conditions

The taste of iron in the mouth may be a sign of lead poisoning. Lead can enter the body by inhalation of lead-containing dust, fumes and vapors, as well as through the mouth. The source may be a pair of gasoline, some types of water pipes, housing parts of houses and so on.

Lead poisoning is caused by chronic pain manifests itself in the muscles and joints, limbs trembling, fatigue, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Memory disorders, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, taste the appearance of iron in the mouth. Treatment of iron taste in the mouth in this case - is a specific detoxification therapy - elimination of lead from the body.

The taste of iron in the mouth may occur when taking certain medications, such as Trichopolum, amoxicillin, after injection of histamine, and so on.

The taste of iron in the mouth may be a symptom of many diseases and conditions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • problems with stomach

Odeston: indications for use - pain in the right upper quadrant

August 12, 2012

 Odeston testimony application
 Odeston relieves spasms of smooth muscles of biliary tract and promotes the speedy withdrawal of bile into the intestine, that is, prevents stagnation of bile. Stagnation of bile leads to the formation of gallstones, and the development of chronic inflammatory process - cholangitis and cholecystitis.

 Odeston: indications for use - pain in the right upper quadrant

Odeston when biliary dyskinesia and gall bladder of hyperkinetic

The term "dyskinesia" is generally used to refer to violations of coordinated movements of the internal organs with smooth muscles. Dyskinesias occur as a result of violations neyroregulyatornyh mechanisms of relaxation and contraction of smooth muscles.

Thus, in dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract spasm occurs biliary tract or the simultaneous closure of the sphincter of common bile duct and gall bladder neck with tonic (prolonged) decline in the latter. This leads to difficulty emptying the gallbladder and the subsequent development of hypertrophy (increase in volume) of his muscles, bile stagnation. In the future, when such changes may join inflammation and the formation of gallstones.

Odeston when biliary dyskinesia Biliary dyskinesia - a big problem with bile  Biliary dyskinesia - a big problem with bile
   and gallbladder helps relieve spasm of smooth muscles of these organs and excretion of bile from the first biliary tract into the gallbladder, and from the gallbladder to the intestine.

Assign Odeston when biliary dyskinesia on a tablet four times a day (according to the number of meals) for half an hour before meals. The average treatment Odeston lasts from two to three weeks.

 Odeston: indications for use - pain in the right upper quadrant

Odeston in chronic inflammatory processes in the bile ducts and gall bladder

At chronic cholangitis and cholecystitis Odeston prescribed with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial drugs. These diseases besides pain in the right hypochondrium are also accompanied by a violation of the general condition of the patient: a rise in temperature, chills, headaches Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 , Periodic appearance of yellow skin and sclera - all these signs indicate the presence of inflammation. The inflammatory process usually develops in the background of stagnation of bile and infection of the intestine.

Odeston unloads bile duct, just remove them from the bile and preventing its stagnation. Taking it as the best course for the tablet half an hour before a meal (three to four times per day) for two to three weeks.

You can take Odeston and calculous cholecystitis, in which the inflammatory process is combined with the presence in the biliary tract and gall bladder gallstones. But if the disease is complicated by bile duct obstruction (the cause is usually a gallstone), then Odeston contraindicated.

 Odeston: indications for use - pain in the right upper quadrant

Odeston after operations on the biliary tract and gall bladder

The reason for such surgical interventions are usually inflammation or gallstones. Sometimes, the gallbladder wall in inflammatory processes so changes that can not be reduced. In order to prevent further infection and the formation of stones, gall bladder removed. Remove gall bladder and in the event that it can not be removed from the stones.

After removal of the gall bladder is often disturbed the flow of bile into the intestine. Odeston help restore normal patency of biliary tract. Assign it the same way as in other cases, half an hour before meals.

 Odeston: indications for use - pain in the right upper quadrant

Odeston for violations of bile secretion by the liver cells

In some cases, the cells produce enough liver bile, and this affects the quality of digestion. Frequently such a condition is associated with the individual characteristics of the organism, including the dial and the number of liver enzymes. Such patients have a persistent loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation and abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms

Odeston stimulates the secretion of bile and its excretion into the duodenum, which improves the process of digestion and the general condition of the patient.

 Odeston: indications for use - pain in the right upper quadrant

Odeston at the sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia

Sphincter of Oddi - a smooth muscle, which is located on the two ends of the duct (the common bile duct and pancreatic duct), as well as over the confluence of the ducts before they enter the duodenum.

Sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia can cause a variety of violations on the part of the biliary tract and gallbladder, as well as by the pancreas. These patients appear attacks of pain in the right upper quadrant in the upper abdomen, short-term transient disturbances of the liver and pancreas, or even bouts of pancreatitis.

Odeston in this case is assigned in order to relieve spasms of the sphincter of Oddi and improve the outflow of bile and pancreatic juice Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   in the intestine.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Odeston
