Increased acidity in the mouth often indicates some digestive diseases. But in some cases, and in healthy people have a sour taste in the mouth. For example, when taking certain medication use acidic food or a sharp change in diet.
Reasons for increased acidity in the mouth
The taste of acid in the mouth can be one of the initial signs of increased acidity of gastric juice. In this case, it can be confusing as heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen, passing after a meal.
With long-term flow of gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice can develop peptic ulcer. Contributing factors to the development of peptic ulcer disease are heredity (rhythm and number of gastric juice), increased nervousness, erratic food dry rations, the side effects of various medications (eg, glucocorticoids), bad habits (smoking). Education directly ulcers caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
Sometimes stomach contents thrown continuously into the esophagus, causing inflammation of the mucous membranes of the latter. The acidic content and can get into the mouth, causing discomfort.
Certain diseases of the pancreas
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It can also cause increased gastric acidity. For example, when a tumor of the pancreas islet apparatus (syndrome Zoollingera-Ellison syndrome) increases the acidity of gastric juice, and develop multiple ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
In addition, sour taste in the mouth may be due to an infection in the mouth, such as gingivitis, periodontitis, caries teeth.
Finally, the acidity in the mouth may occur after ingestion of acidic foods, with a sharp change of diet (e.g., dairy plant for meat) and when taking certain medications (nicotine or ascorbic acid).
The feeling of acid in the mouth occurs in women in the second half of pregnancy because the growing uterus Propping the stomach and hit its acidic contents into the esophagus and mouth.
Symptoms of acidity in the mouth
If the acidity in the mouth associated with some gastrointestinal disease, apart from her gradually appear and other symptoms: stomach pain that shot meal, night pain (signs of stomach ulcers), burning pain in the chest (with the involvement in the process of the esophagus), girdle pain (with the defeat of the pancreas).
Often the symptoms of dysfunction of the stomach.
For example, heartburn, which may occur alone or of pain. Nausea and vomiting often accompany the pain, with vomiting, gastric ulcer bring relief, which causes patients to call it. Often constipation
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. Proceeds in the form of peptic ulcer relapse (from one week to two months, mostly in autumn and spring), which are replaced by light intervals.
If the disease is associated with infectious and inflammatory processes in the mouth, then the inspection you will see signs of it - inflamed gums, damaged teeth and so on.
Acidity in the mouth and diet
With all the diseases accompanied by high acidity of gastric juice from the diet should exclude spicy seasonings, meats, pickles, fatty and fried meat, hearty meat, fish and mushroom broth, raw vegetables, Groh, sorrel, radishes
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, Turnips, mushrooms, sour fruit and berries (lemons, oranges, green apples, gooseberries, currants), pastry, wholemeal bread, sweets, sodas, too hot and cold dishes, strong tea and coffee drinks.
When exacerbation recommended porridge, gruel (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), pureed soups vegetable broth, milk, jelly. With the onset of remission diet expands. You can eat boiled, steamed vegetables, whole cereals, pasta, lean meat and fish, cheese, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, the dried white bread, sweet varieties of fruits and berries.
It advised to take food in the same time small amounts, 4-6 times per day.
Treatment of acidity in the mouth
Before the appointment of treatment should always be a complete examination. Treatment is prescribed by its results. With increased acidity of gastric juice into the prescribed alkalizing agents (Almagelum, Aluminium phosphate gel
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, Maalox), and drugs that block the secretion of hydrochloric acid (ranitidine, Zantac, famotidine), coating agents which form colloidal solutions mogyt (starch mucilage, flax seed mucilage, aluminum hydroxide and so on).
If the acidity in the mouth associated with diseases of the oral cavity, they are also treated.
Galina Romanenko