Ursofalk - guide: an occasion to use

August 12, 2012

 ursofalk guide
 Ursofalk - a drug that restores the function of liver cells has choleretic and immunomodulatory effects, dissolves cholesterol gallstones, lowers blood cholesterol, retards growth in the liver of connective tissue.

 Ursofalk - guide: an occasion to use

The mechanism of action Ursofalk

Ursofalk (Active ingredient - ursodeoxycholic acid) belongs to the hepatic and preparations to facilitate the dissolution of cholesterol gallstones. Produces ursofalk pharmaceutical company Dr. Falk Pharma (Germany) capsules for oral administration of 250 mg as a suspension in 250 ml flasks (5 ml of suspension contains 250 mg of active substance).

Ursofalk has a direct effect on the hepatoprotective liver cells (hepatocytes) and cell walls of the biliary tract (cholangiocytes), strengthening their membranes. It also protects the liver cells from the toxic effects of bile acids. Furthermore, ursofalk suppresses the formation of cholesterol in the liver, its absorption in the intestine. Reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the bile, increases the concentration of bile acids and activates the process of removing bile from the biliary tract. This reduces the ability of the formation of bile stones. He is also able to dissolve existing cholesterol stones.

Furthermore, ursofalk enhances the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice, the activity of enzymes hydrolyzing fats (lipase), lowers blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 . He exerts immunomodulatory effects by regulating the immune processes.

Ursofalk important feature is its ability to inhibit the progression of liver fibrosis (proliferation of connective tissue instead of dead hepatocytes) and the development of varicose veins of the esophagus (this symptom is characteristic of some types of cirrhosis of the liver).

Finally, ursofalk able to inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells, that is, it has an antitumor effect.

 Ursofalk - guide: an occasion to use

Indications for use

Indications for use Ursofalk are:

  • primary biliary cirrhosis, which developed as a result of the destruction of interlobular bile ducts, leading to stagnation of bile, the destruction of liver cells and development instead of connective tissue;
  • primary sclerosing cholangitis - inflammation in the walls of the bile ducts, leading to cell death and tissue development instead of connective tissue;
  • chronic hepatitis of any origin with signs of stagnation of bile;
  • the presence of cholesterol in the gallbladder stones;
  • biliary reflux gastritis - an inflammation of the stomach wall, which develops out of the casting (reflux) of bile from the duodenum into the stomach;
  • Cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis) - system genetic disease in which the liver accumulates thick viscous bile, the liver cells are destroyed and instead grows connective tissue;
  • damage liver cells hepatotoxic poisons (eg, alcohol);
  • congenital malformations of the bile ducts, such as atresia of intrahepatic bile ducts - their lack of clearance;
  • liver disease in children, associated with the stagnation of bile;
  • biliary dyskinesia - a violation of motor activity and the consistency of smooth muscle contraction bile ducts;
  • acute hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
  • prevention of complications from liver when using hormonal contraceptives and drugs that suppress the growth of tissue cells (cytotoxic drugs);
  • the prevention of colon cancer.

 Ursofalk - guide: an occasion to use

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications Ursofalk are gallstones high density, total loss of function of the gallbladder, acute inflammation of the bile ducts, gallbladder, intestines, liver cirrhosis in the phase of decompensation (when the liver can not cope with its function), severe liver disease, pancreas and kidneys in violation of their function, pregnancy, breast-feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding, individual intolerance of components.

Ursofalk well tolerated by both adults and children of all ages. But sometimes there are side effects. So, from the digestive organs are possible: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Calcining (hardening due to the deposition of calcium salts), gallstones, increase in liver enzymes.

During the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis may be a worsening of the underlying disease, but it goes away after stopping Ursofalk. Allergic reactions are also possible.

Ursofalk - effective and quite safe drugs.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • ursofalk

Enterol - stop the development of an intestinal infection

November 11, 2012

 Enterol - a drug which includes micro-organisms that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. They actively suppress the livelihoods of most of the pathogens of intestinal infections. However, this drug should not be taken simultaneously with antifungal agents.

 Enterol - stop the development of an intestinal infection

How does enterol

Enterol releases French pharmaceutical company Biocodex in the form of capsules and 250 mg powder for suspension for oral administration of 250 mg. Active ingredient of this drug are freeze-dried (dried in a special way), Saccharomyces boulardii - single-celled yeast of the genus Saccharomyces. These fungi are named after the French physician Bulardi, select them in Indochina from certain kinds of tropical fruits, after he noticed that the skin of the local population is used to treat intestinal infections.

The composition of the excipients include milk sugar (lactose) that facilitates fungi and other vital functions of normal intestinal microflora.

The mechanism of action is associated with the suppression of Enterol vital activity of pathogenic fungi and pathogenic microflora of the intestine, causing intestinal infections. Enterol effective against E. coli, shigella (dysentery they cause), salmonella, staphylococci, fungi genus Candida (cause intestinal candidiasis) and other activators of intestinal infections.

In addition, Saccharomyces boulardii improve digestion by stimulating the enzymatic function of the intestine, including the activity of enzymes disaccharidases intestinal epithelium: lactase, sucrose, alpha-glucosidase and maltase. Enterol enhances the local immune defense due to the increased production of immunoglobulin A (IgA - it is in the mucous membranes) and other immunoglobulins.

Enterol can be combined with any antibiotics, but it should not be taken simultaneously with anti-fungal drugs - Enterol effectiveness of this decline.

Saccharomyces boulardii is a special feature that they did not colonize the intestine, and are completely removed from it in a few days after stopping Enterol unchanged. They also do not penetrate the intestinal wall into the blood, lymph nodes and other organs.

 Enterol - stop the development of an intestinal infection

In what cases and how to take enterol and when it is contraindicated

Enterol be used to treat diarrhea of ​​any origin, including the intestinal infection of viral origin. You can start taking it before the arrival of the doctor. But your doctor if you have diarrhea, especially if it is accompanied by fever and impaired general condition, it is necessary to apply. This is especially true for children: any serious complication of diarrhea is dehydration, his children suffer especially hard. You can take enterol and for the prevention of diarrhea, for example, while traveling to the southern countries or while hiking.

Another indication for receiving a goiter Enterol Dysbacteriosis - what brings self  Dysbacteriosis - what brings self
   - A condition where the pathogenic microflora predominates over the normal. Dysbacteriosis often develops after taking antibiotics for the prevention of its development enterol often prescribed in conjunction with antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?

Enterol commonly prescribed anti-treatment consisting of chronic colitis, including ulcerative - it promotes the normalization of microflora and overall improvement of the bowel, as it increases the number of walls of IgA which inhibits the penetration of infection into the wall.

Take enterol an hour before meals with a little water. The powder from a bag dilute half a glass of warm water. The dose for an adult - 1-2 capsules twice a day for a week to ten days. Children after three years give the same dose, from one year to three years, one capsule once or twice a day for five days. Children up to three years, it is difficult to swallow the capsule whole, so it is open, the contents diluted with warm (but not hot) boiled water and give drink to the child.

 Enterol - stop the development of an intestinal infection

Side effects and contraindications

Sometimes, while taking Enterol occur discomfort in the upper abdomen (in the stomach), but drug withdrawal symptoms do not require. Moreover, are also possible side effects such as allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

Contraindications for use Enterol are idiosyncrasy of the drug, children up to a year, as well as the presence of the catheter in the vein of the patient, as is rare case of contact with Saccharomyces boulardii in the blood.

During pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   enterol breast can be used only for health reasons and on doctor's orders.

Enterol - a drug that is suitable for the treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • enterol
