Hofitol - vials with a solution for injection

January 20th, 2013

 hofitol ampoule
 Hofitol in ampoules with a solution for injection is used as an adjunct in the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver, biliary tract and kidneys. In addition, this drug is prescribed for atherosclerosis and obesity, since it promotes the normalization of metabolism and inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol.

 Hofitol - vials with a solution for injection

Hofitol ampoules - particularly the dosage form

Hofitol is available in 5 ml ampoules (1 ml contains 20 mg of the active active substance in the vial - 100 mg, producer - Rosa Phytopharm, France). Active ingredient Chophytol is a purified extract of the juice of fresh leaves of an artichoke field, support - the purified water.

Hofitol in ampoules, as well as other dosage forms of the herbal preparation, possesses hepatoprotective (protects liver cells), cholagogue, antioxidant (inhibits the action of toxic free radicals), and diuretic properties improves liver function. In addition, it contributes to lower the blood levels of cholesterol, displays the body of toxic decomposition products of proteins and normalizes water-salt exchange, and removing the swelling while keeping the body of vital cells potassium.

Action Chophytol for injection based on the combined action of various polyphenols (tsinarin, caffeic, chlorogenic, neohlorogenovoy, kriptohlorogenovoy organic acids), which penetrate the cells of the liver and affect metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . This will increase contained in Hofitol Hofitol - has beneficial effects on liver function  Hofitol - has beneficial effects on liver function
   minerals, some vitamins, rutin and inulin.

Inulin also activates the immune system, increases the absorption of certain minerals (eg potassium), lowers blood cholesterol, restores normal blood hormone content to carbohydrate metabolism - insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   and glucagon. This is because that formed during digestion of inulin its metabolites (breakdown products) are proteins on the cell.

 Hofitol - vials with a solution for injection


Introduced by intramuscular or intravenous drug has a more intense effect on the liver cells, metabolism, promotes restoration of the liver, kidneys, inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol and so on. Therefore hofitol ampoules often used with curative than preventive purposes.

It is used in biliary dyskinesia on the hypokinetic type as a result of violation of motor activity of smooth muscle occurs stagnation of bile, it does not flow into the duodenum and is not involved in the digestive process. This condition is dangerous because it can go in the inflammatory process - cholangitis or cholecystitis. In addition, symptoms of disorders of digestion of food - increased flatulence, cramping during bowel (intestinal colic), signs of chronic intoxication. Introduction Chophytol in the form of treatment helps to restore liver function, increased synthesis of bile and its excretion from the bile ducts.

In addition, hofitol ampoules used for chronic liver disease, various intoxications (toxins formed in the body and coming into it from the outside), eating disorders, renal failure, atherosclerosis, and obesity.

 Hofitol - vials with a solution for injection

How postponed

Hofitol ampoules are usually well tolerated. With prolonged use of high doses may cause diarrhea Chophytol. It is also possible the development of allergic reactions in the form of an itchy rash, including urticaria and angioedema. Moreover, early treatment may increase blood cholesterol.

 Hofitol - vials with a solution for injection

This should not be administered in capsules hofitol

Hofitol as a solution for injection ampoules should not be administered with any acute diseases of the liver, biliary tract, urinary tract, gallstones and kidney stones, biliary dyskinesia on the hyperkinetic type (with an increase in motor activity of smooth muscle), and if you are hypersensitive Chophytol components.

With caution and only for health Chophytol prescribe injections for pregnant women and women who breastfeed. Currently, studies are conducted on the application Chophytol to treat severe gestosis (toxicosis second half of pregnancy) in pregnant women. It is believed that hofitol reduces the negative effects on the body of a pregnant woman toxic products formed during metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

Hofitol as a solution for injection in ampoules is most effective dosage form of this drug.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hofitol

Ursofalk - suspension and is suitable for children and adults

August 19, 2012

 ursofalk suspension
 Ursofalk suspension often used to treat children, but it is quite possible to receive and adults. This dosage form is administered to children of any age with problems from the biliary tract. Ursofalk protects liver cells and restores the normal secretion of bile.

 Ursofalk - suspension and is suitable for children and adults

Action ursofalk suspension on the body of adults and children

Oral suspension ursofalk is composed of active substance - ursodeoxycholic acid and a few adjuvants that create a dosage form as a suspension and contribute to maximum absorption of ursodeoxycholic acid. Externally suspension ursofalk is a homogeneous white mass with small air bubbles and lemon-scented. It is produced in bottles of 250 ml with measuring spoon. In 5 ml of suspension contains 250 mg of active principle. It produces suspension ursofalk pharmaceutical company Dr. Falk Pharma (Germany).

The operation of the suspension is ursofalk protection of liver cells (hepatocytes) and hepatic duct cells (cholangiocytes) from the harmful effects, primarily on the effects of toxic bile acids. The suspension also inhibits the destruction of liver cells and the process of proliferation of connective tissue at the site of dead hepatocytes. This is called hepatoprotective.

Very often the cause of liver injury is the stagnation of bile in intrahepatic biliary tract. The suspension ursofalk has a strong choleretic action, in addition, it reduces blood and bile content holesteina therefore prevents the formation of gallstones. If the stones have already appeared, ursofalk facilitates their resorption, as reduced bile cholesterol pulls cholesterol from gallstones, which facilitates their resorption.

For the body of the child is also important that the suspension ursofalk regulates immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   and increases the body's resistance to infections, while reducing allergic attitude.

It is also known anti-tumor effect of this drug - it inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad

 Ursofalk - suspension and is suitable for children and adults

The suspension ursofalk in primary biliary cirrhosis

Primary biliary cirrhosis is an example of how the stagnation of bile destroys liver tissue. The reason for this is very slowly progressive disease is an autoimmune process or an allergy to the body's own tissues. In the first break intrahepatic ducts, which emerges from the liver bile.

As a result, the liver appears a long stagnation of bile, which causes the death of hepatocytes and the gradual replacement of connective tissue cells. But connective tissue cells can not do the work of hepatocytes and liver gradually loses its function of body cleansing Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
   from toxic substances.

In primary biliary cirrhosis suspension ursofalk able to slow down the destruction of the liver and connective tissue proliferation. It is assigned in the complex treatment of the disease in a dose corresponding to the weight of the patient. This is an average of two to six scoops (5 ml) per day. The duration of treatment is individual and determined by the physician in accordance with the general condition of the patient.

 Ursofalk - suspension and is suitable for children and adults

The suspension ursofalk when biliary reflux gastritis

Biliary reflux gastritis develops with regular throwing the contents of the duodenum with bile and pancreatic juice Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   in the stomach. At the same time the wall of the stomach received chemical burns, inflamed. Gradually, thereby forming a chronic reflux gastritis.

The cause of biliary reflux gastritis is a mismatched job sphincters - smooth muscle fibers, locking ducts of the pancreas, bile, places of transition stomach into the duodenum. Suspension ursofalk regulates bile excretion and the pressure in the excretory ducts, whereby the process is gradually restored.

The suspension ursofalk when biliary reflux gastritis appoint one scoop at night for two weeks to six months or more.

 Ursofalk - suspension and is suitable for children and adults

The suspension ursofalk when biliary dyskinesia and cholelithiasis

Biliary dyskinesia - a violation of the consistency of smooth muscle contraction biliary tract, which leads to the stagnation of bile, paroxysmal pain in the right upper quadrant. Stagnation of bile contributes to stone formation, particularly when disturbed cholesterol metabolism.

Ursofalk in this case controls the excretion of bile, blood and decreases in the amount of cholesterol in the bile. Take it the same as in the biliary reflux gastritis. In order to dissolve the stones, they should be purely cholesteric, bile duct patency and the gallbladder must maintain its function.

The suspension ursofalk help in the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • ursofalk
