Ersefuril - to cope with a slight diarrhea of ​​infectious origin

September 16, 2013

 Ersefuril - a drug with antibacterial properties, which is used for the treatment of mild intestinal infections caused by susceptible to the infectious agents. Ersefuril can only be used if an intestinal infection proceeds without disturbing the overall condition of the body.

 Ersefuril - to cope with a slight diarrhea of ​​infectious origin

What Constitutes ersefuril

The structure includes ersefuril active substance of a number of nitrofurans nifuroxazide and auxiliaries. It is produced in the form of capsules and suspensions for oral administration. Each capsule ersefuril and 5 ml of suspension contains 200mg nifuroxazide.

Some drugs from the group of nitrofurans has long been successfully used for the treatment of mild intestinal infections, while others - for the treatment of urinary tract infections. Ersefuril used to treat intestinal infections, it is effective against many microorganisms that cause these diseases. It is not absorbed into the blood by acting exclusively locally in the intestinal lumen.

Ersefuril easy to cope with intestinal infections caused by streptococcus, E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and some other microorganisms. However, some pathogens are resistant (refractory) to action ersefuril is Klebsiella, Proteus and some other microorganisms.

The positive properties of nitrofurans are the lack of addiction to them infectious agents and the lack of negative impact on the intestinal microflora - they do not cause dysbiosis.

Nitrofurans well-tolerated, give a little side effects. Therefore, they can be purchased over the counter without a prescription.

 Ersefuril - to cope with a slight diarrhea of ​​infectious origin

When can I apply ersefuril

Ersefuril used to treat lung intestinal infections. It is well suited for the treatment of diarrhea of ​​infectious origin proceeding without fever and general dehydration. Ersefuril can take with you on a trip and take the appearance of diarrhea, caused by the change of water or diet violation. In such cases, digestive disorders are almost always associated infection - is activated conditionally pathogenic microflora, constantly live in the intestines. Ersefuril in this case is used in accordance with the instructions, but if for two days diarrhea does not decrease, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Do not use in ersefuril if diarrhea is accompanied by a violation of the general state of the organism: fever, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, headache, Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 . It makes no sense to apply ersefuril fast and significant fluid loss, accompanied by dehydration. These conditions require the use of antibacterial drugs with the general (systemic) action. When the liquid stool should also be sure not to forget to drink plenty of fluids - it makes up for the loss of fluid from the liquid stool and promotes the excretion of pathogens and their toxins.

 Ersefuril - to cope with a slight diarrhea of ​​infectious origin

In some cases, ersefuril can not be used?

Ersefuril not used to treat pregnant women as there is no experience of its use in this group of patients. A pregnant women can adversely effect that even a small portion of the drug, which can enter the bloodstream. During feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breasted short courses ersefuril use is not contraindicated.

We do not recommend the use of capsules ersefuril children up to six years, and the suspension - for children under age of one month. In some countries, slurry ersefuril not permitted for use for children under two years. Do not use ersefuril also people whose bodies are showing sensitivity to the medicinal product.

 Ersefuril - to cope with a slight diarrhea of ​​infectious origin

Are there any side effects?

Side effects from this drug virtually none. The exceptions are allergic reaction that can develop at any drug. Allergy develops when the blood suction ersefuril minor amount (in the blood gets about 1% of the dose), but this amount is sufficient to cause an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

Typically, this non-severe allergic reactions in the form of various types of skin rash, accompanied by itching. Of all types of rash is most common rash that sometimes can go in angioedema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   with respiratory failure. If you suspect an allergy ersefuril no longer accept and go to the doctor. Overdose ersefuril far not met.

Ersefuril Store in a cool, dark place. The action of the drug will be effective if taken by a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Enterofuril

Ersefuril - indications and contraindications antibiotic

September 16, 2013

 contra-indications Enterofuril
 Ersefuril - indications and contraindications for the use of this drug clearly itemized in the statement. Medicinal properties of the drug allows us to use it to treat intestinal infections of bacterial origin. Contraindications for use ersefuril very little.

 Ersefuril - indications and contraindications antibiotic

Ersefuril and intestinal infections

Intestinal infection can be caused by different pathogens, but the main place in this "rating" takes, of course, a bacterial infection. Intestinal infections are often called disease of dirty hands, as the agents of the disease is transmitted by direct contact.

The agents of intestinal infections of bacterial origin are most often E. coli, salmonella Salmonella: unknown facts  Salmonella: unknown facts
 , Shigella, some species of Staphylococcus, Proteus and others. Sometimes intestinal infection begins after some error in the diet - on a background of digestive disorders is activated opportunistic and pathogenic microflora, constantly live in the intestines.

Intestinal infection can be mild, moderate and severe. In mild intestinal infection, patients concerned about diarrhea. Liquid stools may be from 3 to 10 times a day with pain, spastic nature along the intestine. Easy intestinal infection is usually not accompanied by fever or any violation of general condition. Moderate and severe forms of intestinal infection accompanied by intoxication - nausea, vomiting, lethargy, weakness, headaches and fever.

Ersefuril suitable only for the treatment of mild intestinal infection caused by susceptible to the pathogens of bacterial origin. Active ingredient of this drug is nifuroxazide, which refers to a group of nitrofurans - broad-spectrum antibacterial action. However, unlike a number of other drugs nifuroxazide practically not absorbed in the intestine, it misses in the blood and does not have a general (systemic) action. That is why it is not suitable for the treatment of intestinal infections, moderate or severe.

Action ersefuril due to blockage of the redox reaction occurring in the cells of pathogens, leading to the suppression of their life (if the drug is taken in a therapeutic dose) or for destruction, if the dose increases.

Ersefuril copes with mild intestinal infections caused by bacterial pathogens, as it is active against the majority of pathogens to it rarely develop resistance pathogens in the intestinal lumen are high concentrations of the drug contributing to the destruction of infection. Ersefuril positive qualities is that he does not suppress the vital activity of the normal intestinal microflora, that is not cause dysbiosis.

During the reception ersefuril Ersefuril - to cope with a slight diarrhea of ​​infectious origin  Ersefuril - to cope with a slight diarrhea of ​​infectious origin
   you should not forget to drink plenty of fluids - it helps to restore the water balance and excretion of pathogens and their toxins. Even better water partially or completely replaced by saline solutions, for example, rehydron Regidron - will help restore the water-salt balance  Regidron - will help restore the water-salt balance

 Ersefuril - indications and contraindications antibiotic

Contraindications for use ersefuril

Ersefuril generally well tolerated and the side effects are known only to allergic reactions that occur, as a rule, are not heavy, in the form of an itchy rash, urticaria, very rarely - angioedema.

Do not use this if you are hypersensitive ersefuril components of the drug by the body of the patient, as well as during pregnancy. During pregnancy ersefuril not recommended due to the lack of clinical trials of the drug in pregnant women. As is known, the reaction of the organism of the pregnant woman on some medication may be unpredictable. In this case, it refers to the impact on the body of the scanty amount of drug that still enter the blood stream. During feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast ersefuril can be used, but short course.

Ersefuril available in capsules of 200 mg and as a suspension for ingestion (5 ml of suspension contains 200 mg of drug). The capsules are used to treat adults and children after six years. The suspension - for the treatment of children from one month of age and adults. Before the month ersefuril does not apply because of the immaturity of enzyme systems in the newborn child: ersefuril use in this case, it can cause hemolytic anemia.

Not recommended for use when ersefuril enzyme deficiency - a lack of enzymes that break down carbohydrates, such as saharaznoy failure. Neve circumstances can not be combined with alcohol intake ersefuril - it can cause severe allergic reactions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Enterofuril
