- Constipation - Watch out for food
- Why can occur
What can be considered constipation and how often it occurs
Constipation - a slow, labored or systematic lack of bowel movements. Constipation can be a manifestation of a variety of diseases, a consequence of the impact of environmental factors, the result of malnutrition.
Stool frequency in humans varies widely and depends on the nature of food, lifestyle habits. In most cases (about 65%) of bowel movements (defecation) is carried out once a day, at least - two (23%) and three (6%) times. About 5% of people defecation is once in several days. For most people, chronic delay bowel movement for more than 48 hours, can be seen as constipation. Constipation occurs frequently, especially among women and the elderly.
Why can occur
Constipation can be caused by incorrect or insufficient nutrition, impaired motor (motor) bowel function in endocrine and neurological diseases, changing the shape, position and width of the lumen of the colon, with a sedentary lifestyle, and so on.
There are locks that have arisen independently (primary - often they are the result of suppressing defecation or disorders of the nervous system), and appeared in the background of a disease (secondary).
The most common of the time - nutritional, which depend on the amount and composition of food. The bulk of the toxins in food make foods rich in crude fiber, vegetable fiber, can stimulate the bowel. People have long eating easy to digest processed food, there may be persistent constipation. The food, consisting mainly of protein, mealy dishes, sweets are well digested by the digestive juices, a small amount of feces and quickly loses its irritant properties that can cause constipation. Very often the cause of constipation becomes a combination of the monotonous food with a sedentary lifestyle.
Neurogenic constipation are also common, they occur at constant stress, resulting in disturbed intestinal nervous regulation and there is a decrease or an increase in peristalsis (muscle movement) bowel.
Hypodynamic constipation occur in patients who are on long-term bed rest, as well as a sedentary lifestyle.
How does constipation
Constipation is manifested in different ways - depending on the reason they were called. In some cases, constipation - only complaint, others - constipation is accompanied by many additional discomfort.
Frequency of defecation may be from 2-3 times a day to once a week or less. Sometimes the chair can be every day, but with the difficult act of defecation and a minor amount of feces. Feces are usually dry, dense consistency as dry dark lumps or pellets ("sheep feces"). Sometimes there is a so-called stop-diarrhea
Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance
When there is background constipation diarrhea with mucus.
People suffering from constipation, often complain of pain and bloating in the abdomen, sometimes - colicky pain. If pain occurs in the upper left abdomen, they are often accompanied by shortness of breath, palpitations and pain in the heart
Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
. When the faeces are collected in the right half of the colon, you may experience pain that can be confused with symptoms of acute appendicitis
Appendicitis - when we must act immediately
Treatment of constipation
Before treat constipation, you need to know exactly what it is called, for it conducted a comprehensive examination (radiological and endoscopic - through a special probe with an optical device research).
When nutritional constipation good result is achieved through diet: food rich in fiber (vegetables, wholemeal bread, etc.) and plenty of fluids (1, 5-2 liters per day). It is recommended as products that promote bowel - sour milk, fruit juice, prunes, figs and so on.
When hypokinetic constipation recommend vegetable oils (e.g., olive oil), and ingestion in sufficient amounts.
In addition, great importance is the habit of the intestine to release in the same time of the day, it is especially important for constipation caused by the suppression of defecation. To restore this reflex is recommended in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of fruit juice mud just water, which activates the intestinal peristalsis. Half an hour after meals a person should cause the defecation, using certain techniques (abdominal massage, rhythmic retraction anus, rectum administration glycerin suppositories and so on). Over time, the reflex is restored.
Drug therapy of constipation should be performed only by a physician and with extreme caution, as it is very difficult and strictly individual treatment.
Galina Romanenko