Today, widespread is a pathological condition as intestinal dysbiosis. Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry produces a variety of drugs to restore normal intestinal microflora. It is to such drugs is Atsipol.
Atsipol issued Russian pharmaceutical company "Pharmstandard" in 2006 (then letting his company has not yet entered the "Pharmstandard") and contains bacteria - the natural inhabitants of the intestine, which, falling into the intestines begin to multiply and restore the health of the intestinal microflora.
The mechanism of action Atsipol
In our intestines inhabits a huge number of different bacteria, some of which took part in the digestion of food, create the desired internal environment in the intestines, the formation of certain vitamins, that is, are useful for the organism. They are called natural or beneficial microflora. By useful microflora are bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, some types of E. coli and many other bacteria.
But there is also in the intestine pathogenic and pathogenic microflora, which at any moment can cause inflammation in the intestinal wall. The more useful, the less pathogenic microflora opportunities for reproduction. That is useful microflora normally suppresses pathogenic and opportunistic.
But for some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (eg, chronic colitis) in the intestine, the conditions for active reproduction of conditionally pathogenic. The same condition arises field prolonged use of antibiotics (they destroy normal microflora). Condition, when the volume of conditionally pathogenic larger than normal is called dysbiosis. While it is not a disease, but only a pathological condition which manifests itself by unpleasant sensations in the stomach, flatulence (bloating), and sometimes nausea and constipation alternating with diarrhea. But at any time the infection can penetrate the intestinal wall, causing inflammation there.
In addition, any disease of the digestive system (esophagus, stomach, pancreas
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, Liver, biliary tract) certainly affect the condition of the intestine.
In order to cope with dysbiosis, prescribe drugs, which belong to groups of probiotics and prebiotics. Drugs called probiotics that contain bacteria cultures - natural inhabitants of the intestine, that is useful microflora. Number of probiotics produced each day is increasing. Prebiotics - are substances that serve as food for the beneficial microflora and contribute to its rapid reproduction. Prebiotics was started recently.
Indications for Atsipol
Atsipol refers to the group of probiotics because it contains living lactobacillus acidophilus and kefir grains in an inactive state, caused by heating, comprising a specific water-soluble polysaccharide. These bacteria are antagonists of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.
Atsipol is used for the prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbiosis
Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
children, starting from the age of three. Admission Atsipol not only eliminates the overgrowth, but also improves the overall condition of the body (boosts immunity). In addition, Atsipol used in all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acute intestinal infections, such as salmonellosis
Salmonellosis - features of the disease
, Dysentery, as well as after long courses of antibiotic therapy.
Contraindications Atsipol is the only idiosyncrasy of components of the drug, and children up to three months.
Atsipol sold in pharmacies without a prescription, you can buy it freely, but it is better to take prescribed by a doctor, because any disease requires a preliminary examination and a correct diagnosis.
Available Atsipol
Atsipol - normalizes the intestinal microflora
in tablets, capsules and vials. Apply it inside, observing certain rules of treatment of bacterial preparations. Thus, the bacterial drug should not be used if:
- he violated the packaging;
- tablets, capsules or the contents of the vials changed its color;
- Shelf life is ended;
- if the drug is improperly stored; it should be kept at a temperature no higher than 10 ° C.
Atsipol virtually no side effects and the effects of overdose. It is used usually at five doses three or four times per day. Babies, starting from the age of three can be given the same dose as adults, but to a year to three times per day.
Admission Atsipol bacterial preparation is a good prevention of any disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
Galina Romanenko