Bifiform: restore normal intestinal microflora

November 10, 2013

 According to statistics, signs of dysbiosis Signs of dysbiosis - depend on the localization process  Signs of dysbiosis - depend on the localization process
   are found in nine out of ten people. Dysbacteriosis - a violation of the natural composition of intestinal microflora, in which there is a risk of growth it potentially disease (pathogenic) bacteria. These microorganisms are beginning to proliferate, which leads to malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. In such a situation can help probiotics - beneficial bacteria that restore and maintain normal composition of intestinal microflora. Bifiform - one.


What is bifiform

The structure includes bifiform well-researched and safe bacteria: Bifidobacterium longum and enterococci fetsium. However, these bacteria in the product contains a special nutrient medium, they need to feed, grow and reproduce. The product does not contain lactose.

Bifiform discharged into enteric capsules which have a two-layer protective sheath. Due to this the bacteria are not killed by the action of gastric juice to the intestine, wherein the capsule dissolves at a certain pH level.

After that microorganisms are beginning to colonize the small and large intestines. They produce lactic and acetic acid and thus inhibit reproduction and growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The drug normalizes the qualitative and quantitative composition of intestinal microflora. His influence on the ingredients except the pathogens stimulate the local immunity.

Enterococci and bifidobacteria contribute to the formation and absorption of vitamins. They also digested complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats.


Indications and contraindications

Bifiform used in many situations, which are accompanied by a malfunction in the digestive tract. The drug is recommended in the following states:

  • Diarrhea is caused by acute exacerbation of chronic and gastroenteritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine), and rotavirus;
  • Traveler's diarrhea - a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in humans, making other, unusual for their country or to new climatic zones;
  • Diarrhea that occurs on a background of antibiotics;
  • As a component of an integrated treatment of acute intestinal infections Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer  Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer
  • Chronic gastrointestinal disease: colitis (inflammation of the mucosa of the colon), irritable bowel syndrome and other disorders of a functional nature (together with other drugs);
  • The normalization of the intestinal microflora, treatment and preventive maintenance of dysbiosis and immunity;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • In the treatment of food allergies;
  • In conjunction with other drugs in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori, which causes inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

The drug is contraindicated in individual hypersensitivity to its components. Bifiform can be taken during pregnancy and breast-feeding because it is not absorbed and has no effect on the entire body. If the probiotic is used at the recommended doses, the side effects do not appear.


How to receive

Bifiform capsules can be taken not only for adults but also for children older than two years. In acute diarrhea drug is given one capsule four times a day for as long as the normal stool. Thereafter the drug should be taken two or three capsules a day until the disappearance of all signs of the disease.

To support the immune system and normalization of intestinal microflora drug is given two or three capsules a day for a period of from ten to twenty-one days. People with lactose intolerance Bifiform should be taken three times a day. In the complex treatment of H. pylori infection drug is given two capsules twice a day from the first day of therapy.

Babies with two years probiotic give one capsule twice or three times a day. If the child can not swallow the medication in a manner of manufacture, the capsule may be opened and its contents mixed with a small amount of liquid.


Baby Bifiform

It is a probiotic that can take children from the first days of life up to two years. It comes in the form of oil solution in the bottle, the kit also includes a volumetric pipette. Bifiform Baby - dietary supplement, not a drug.

Useful microorganisms that are part of the drug, reduced intestinal microflora and eliminate signs of dysbiosis in children Dysbacteriosis children - Digestive Disorders  Dysbacteriosis children - Digestive Disorders
 . This means you can take in the gastro-intestinal disorders and bloating.


Bifiform Kid

This dietary supplement contains a probiotic bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as vitamins B1 and B6. The drug comes in the form of sachets which contain a powder (it can take from one year), and chewable tablets (appointed to two years), which are orange and raspberry flavor.

Useful microorganisms restore the balance of intestinal microflora after acute viral infections, treatment with antibiotics and other medications. They also help to strengthen the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system

The duration of the drug in the form of sachets from five days to two weeks. Children from one to three years assigned one sachet per day, and a child older than three years can receive a maximum of four sachets per day.

Bifiform Kid in the form of tablets administered to children aged from two to three years, twice or thrice a day. For children over three years it is necessary to take two tablets many times a day. Duration of reception must be at least five days, but not more than two weeks.

Bifiform eliminates intestinal dysbiosis, activates the body's defenses and improves its resistance to various infections. Also, the drug helps cure gastrointestinal disorders that arise when taking antibiotics.

Alexander Chernov

Article Tags:
  • bifiform

Dekaris - with anthelmintic drug and immunostimulatory effects

January 9, 2014

 Dekaris was synthesized in the middle of the last century. Initially, it was used as a worming medication, and then were found and immunostimulatory properties decaris. As immunostimulant dekaris actively used for several decades. Today, as an immunostimulant dekaris is rarely used because of the low efficiency and the presence of side effects.


How does dekaris

Active ingredient is decaris levamisole - a synthetic substance with anthelminthic properties. Levamisole suppresses the action of certain enzymes involved in the implementation of neuromuscular function helminths. This leads to the complete immobilization of helminths and their excretion with feces from the normal intestinal peristalsis during the day. Levamisole is active only in relation to helminth infections caused by round worms - nematodes. It is especially effective in the treatment of ascariasis.

Furthermore, dekaris provides easy and immunomodulating action, selectively stimulating regulatory function of T-lymphocytes. It can stimulate cell-mediated immunity is weak, weaken the strong and did not affect the normal. However, as an immunomodulator dekaris used today is limited because of the low efficiency in combination with the presence of fairly significant side effects.

It produces dekaris pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter (Hungary) in tablets of 50 and 150 mg. When receiving the pills inside it quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and reaches high concentrations within two hours. In the liver, levamisole is decomposed into inactive metabolites and then excreted primarily in the urine.


Which diseases appoint dekaris

The main indication for decaris are helminth infections caused by roundworms - ascariasis, necatoriasis, strongyloidiasis, trihostrongiloidoz, hookworm, toxocariasis.

In addition, in some cases dekaris appoint and as an immunomodulator. Indications in such cases are primary and secondary immunodeficiency states, often chronic recurrent infections, rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Lupus erythematosus, tumor. Dekaris sometimes prescribed to children, often ill colds.

Apply dekaris strictly on prescription, and released at the pharmacy on prescription. It is better to take in the evening, after a meal with a small amount of water. Laxatives or any special diet is not required. On prescription reception decaris can be repeated after one or two weeks.


Are there any contraindications for use decaris?

Dekaris can not be used while feeding the baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast - in this case, or temporarily stop breastfeeding, or decide on the appointment of another drug. Do not take dekaris children up to three years if the patient previously developed agranulocytosis (lack of white blood cells responsible for cell-mediated immunity) while taking some medications and hypersensitive to the components of this drug.

Precautions dekaris used during pregnancy (only emergencies), with severe liver and kidney diseases with dysfunction of these organs, as well as violations of hematopoiesis.

Admission decaris can not be combined with reception of alcoholic beverages, as dekaris suppresses the decomposition and excretion of alcohol, and this in turn can cause a severe reaction to a sharp decline in blood pressure, facial flushing, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Headache, nausea, vomiting and so on.

Nor should combine reception decaris with taking medications that suppress the process of hematopoiesis, kumarinopodobnyh anticoagulants (drugs that reduce blood clotting) and lipophilic (ability to accumulate in fatty tissue) products (carbon tetrachloride, tetrachlorethylene, oil henopodiya, chloroform, ether), as its Toxicity may increase.


Side effects and overdose decaris

Side effects decaris usually appears with increasing dose over the recommended or for prolonged use. In this case, the patient may appear headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 Insomnia. Sometimes seizures may occur. It is also possible development of allergic reactions and adverse impact on the hematopoietic system.

Side effects can be remote - a month after taking the drug in the form of encephalopathy.

An overdose of the drug is in the form of increased side effects and requires gastric lavage and call an ambulance.

Dekaris - it anthelmintic drug with some immunomodulatory properties, which today is used for the treatment of helminthiasis.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dekaris
