Enterol not available in the form of a gel, but some confuse this medication with enterosgelem. These are completely different drugs with different mechanisms of action. But he and the other may be administered in intestinal infections. So what's the difference between these are similar in name drugs?
How does enterol
Enterol - a probiotic that is, a drug that contains beneficial bacteria that suppress the activity of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. It produces its French pharmaceutical company Biocodex capsules and powders. A feature of the preparation is that it is not retained in the gut for longer than five days and it is derived entirely from not form colonies there.
Active ingredient Enterol are useful yeast - Saccharomyces boulardii. In the intestine, Saccharomyces boulardii are antagonists of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, inhibiting its reproduction. Furthermore, they release numerous enzymes that neutralize toxins pathogens of intestinal infections, cleansing thus intestine. The purified intestinal walls improves blood circulation, which leads to activation of the lymphoid tissue which produces immune cells and antibodies.
This action allows you to assign Enterol it not only bacterial, fungal, and protozoal infections, causative agents of which are sensitive to Enterol, and intestinal infections of viral origin.
Of course, you can not expect one this drug to cope with severe intestinal infection, which manifests itself not only diarrhea, and general intoxication of the body fluid loss. Enterol can start taking before the arrival of the physician, but if on the background of his admission fever and enhanced fluid loss, you should call a doctor. Children with diarrhea should call the doctor always - first a mild illness in a child can lead to a sudden deterioration that would require hospitalization.
Enterol appoint and severe intestinal infections in the complex treatment. It is compatible with all medications except antifungal. Therefore, it is not prescribed for severe intestinal candidiasis.
In addition, enterol has a positive effect in intestinal dysbacteriosis
Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
, Chronic bowel disease, various types of enzyme deficiency.
This drug gives a few side effects and almost no contraindications. It can not be used for children up to a year, and if you are hypersensitive. During pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast enterol recommended be used with caution.
How does enterosgel
Enterosgel (active substance - polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate) - is enterosorbent, which is produced by domestic pharmaceutical TNCs Silm in paste form for oral administration.
The paste consists of a silicone matrix having a porous structure in the form of a sponge. Sponge collects and removes infectious agents and their toxins, toxins formed as a result of metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
(excess bilirubin, cholesterol, toxic products resulting from the dissolution of the protein and so on), drugs, different allergens ingested toxic substances, radionuclides, and other alcohol.
This enterosgel does not inhibit the process of absorption of nutrients - vitamins and minerals, as their molecules are too small and "slip" through the sponge. It has a favorable effect on the intestinal microflora and do not affect its peristalsis.
Enterosgel not absorbed in the stomach and intestine and excreted in 12 hours after administration.
Enterosgel used not only in acute intestinal infections
Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer
But also in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as any other infections and intoxications. Often used enterosgel in allergic diseases - atopic dermatitis, asthma, food allergies and so on. This preparation is indispensable in any poisoning, appears in the body of internal (endogenous) of toxic substances that accompany severe kidney and liver function of their violation.
From prevention to appoint its employees in hazardous industries chemical and metallurgical industries, have regular contact with salts of heavy metals and so on.
Enterosgel has almost no contraindications and side effects. It is contraindicated for children under years, pregnant women and nursing mothers with insufficient motor activity of the intestine, and a tendency to constipation, as well as its individual intolerance.
Enterol and enterosgel - are completely different drugs. Take them together does not make sense, since enterosgel will display enterol, not allowing him to fully exert its effect.
Galina Romanenko