Dysbacteriosis oral rarely occurs in isolation. Most often it is the result of long flowing intestinal dysbiosis
Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
. Nevertheless, dysbacteriosis may develop only in the oral cavity after prolonged uncontrolled use local antiseptics.

Dysbacteriosis mouth - causes of
Dysbacteriosis mouth - it is not a disease, and a number of symptoms that develop as a result of violations of the right balance of microflora inhabiting in the mouth. In the mouth normally inhabit certain types of streptococci and staphylococci, lactobacilli, fungi of the genus Candida and some other microorganisms. The composition of the microflora of the mouth is an individual characteristic of each person.
The most common oral bacteria overgrowth develops in the intestinal dysbiosis, which in turn is a consequence of a chronic disease of the digestive system. Very often, intestinal dysbiosis develops against the background of frequent uncontrolled use of antibiotics.
Natural intestinal microflora contributes not only to the splitting and assimilation of nutrients. It produces B vitamins, as well as promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, and D. Dysbacteriosis leads to a deficiency of these vitamins, which affects the condition of the oral mucosa and the vermilion border.
Dysbacteriosis oral cavity may also be the result of uncontrolled use of frequent local antiseptics, including various lozenges, mouthwashes and toothpastes.

Symptoms of oral dysbiosis
The symptoms of dysbiosis oral depend on its degree. Dysbacteriosis is compensated and decompensated subcompensated.
Compensated dysbacteriosis or dysbiotic shift occurs, usually asymptomatic and can only be detected by laboratory methods. Diagnosis of oral dysbiosis reveals the high content of one of the types of opportunistic pathogens. Displacement normal microflora unaffected.
Subcompensated dysbiosis manifested in the form of bad breath, metallic taste, burning sensation in the mouth. In the study found an increase in the microflora of conditionally pathogenic microflora, the emergence of pathogens and reduction of lactic acid bacteria.
Decompensated oral dysbiosis manifests itself in the form of the various manifestations of hypovitaminosis - Zayed, inflammatory processes in the gums and tongue with the accession to it of infection.
As a result, patients begin stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease (inflammatory and metabolic-degenerative diseases of periodontal tissues), and if left untreated, there is a loosening and loss of teeth. It is also possible accession of throat infections. Opportunistic and pathogenic microflora in that period drastically increased in volume, and normal practically disappears.

Treatment of oral dysbiosis
Treatment of dysbiosis mouth will be ineffective if you do not lead a full examination of the patient, do not reveal the presence of intestinal dysbiosis, and chronic diseases of the digestive system.
Get rid of dysbiosis of the mouth is only possible by the integrated treatment of all diseases that have caused its development.
To suppress pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic oral antibacterials applied topically, for example, spray Tantum Verde. In severe dysbacteriosis prescribe oral antibiotics for systemic effects, such as Trichopolum
Trichopolum - he treats?
and various antibiotics.
Thereafter administered pre- and probiotics. Prebiotics - drugs, contributing to improving the living conditions of beneficial microflora, are preparations based on lactulose - Duphalac, Normase, portalak. They are taken orally.
Inside also prescribe probiotics, which contain colonies of bacteria that are part of the normal microflora. It bifidumbakterin
Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
, Bififor, Probifor, laktobakterin, Atsipol
Atsipol - normalizes the intestinal microflora
. Locally administered topical probiotic atsilakt, which consists of lactobacilli.
Restoring local immunity carried out using Imudon - lozenge in the mouth, which include a mixture of lysates (contents of the destroyed cells) of bacteria that most commonly cause inflammation in the oral cavity and pharynx. Under the influence of Imudon activates cellular immunity, increases the formation of biologically active substances that suppress infectious processes.
Dysbacteriosis oral requires careful pre-screening and treatment of identified diseases of the digestive system.
Galina Romanenko