In pregnancy, women are often concerned about the bloating. This symptom occurs in pregnancy almost every woman. Sometimes the swelling is small, but in some cases it becomes so strong that significantly worsens the condition of the pregnant woman.
Why it occurs during pregnancy bloating
Throughout pregnancy a woman's body, a large number of the female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
. The main task of progesterone - suppress premature contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterus, because the muscle contraction of the uterus can occur miscarriage
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But our body is designed so that the nerve branches that go to the uterus, are intertwined with the nerve branches that go to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, so the suppression of motor activity of the muscles of the uterus will cause similar changes in the gastrointestinal tract.
Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman will feel the changes in the digestive system. There are locks, which she had before pregnancy could have been avoided. This suggests that the food barely moving through the intestines, as the bowel muscles do not help it move. Constipation, stagnation of feces in the intestine and the constant re-absorption of toxic products of metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
in the blood causes the phenomenon dysbiosis (a decrease in the amount of beneficial microflora in the gut and increase in volume of conditionally pathogenic), violation of the digestive process which manifest wrong splitting of food to produce large amounts of gases.
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Output of the situation can prompt a doctor, after another inspection of the pregnant woman. The fact that a pregnant woman is by no means impossible to take medicines (including herbal) which could increase the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In fact it can cause increased locomotor activity and uterine muscle.
Therefore, most of laxatives and antigas medications during pregnancy is contraindicated.
Regarding Espumizan, it has virtually no effect on the state of smooth muscles of the digestive organs, and hence the uterine muscle. This drug is not completely absorbed into the blood and "operates" only in the intestinal lumen. Espumizan called defoamer, and it actually suppresses foam, which was formed by the fact that small gas bubbles are filled with mucus and faeces found in the intestinal lumen. Under the influence of Espumizan small bubbles burst, turning into a large gas bubbles that move more easily through the intestines. Also during the advance part of the gases absorbed in the intestine and the remainder discharged outside without any problems through the rectum.
Should I take Espumizan or better to endure the pain associated with colic? The final answer to this question can be a doctor. But given the fact that Espumizan not absorbed into the bloodstream and causes an increase in motor activity of smooth muscle, its use still stands.
Espumizan does not require constant use, a drug that is required in an emergency, when a pain, why endure the pain, if it can be removed? Nothing positive pain with intestinal colic with no carries, a woman from the state that it will suffer the pain does not improve. In contrast, severe pain can disrupt the central nervous system, and from it, are known to depend on the state of the whole organism. Therefore, consult your doctor, buy Espumizan not suffer pain.
Contraindications Espumizan only if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug and bowel obstruction. As a side effect the producers say the possible appearance of allergic reactions in the form of various skin rash, angioedema and even anaphylactic shock. But all this happens very rarely.
How to apply Espumizan during pregnancy
Espumizan taken only when signs of bloating and intestinal colic. In this case, a woman may take one - two capsules Espumizan. Constantly Espumizan
Espumizan - rapid release of gas
do not accept. It should also be remembered that Espumizan can not be taken with other drugs - it may interfere with their absorption in the intestine. If the designated number of medicines, including Espumizan for emergencies, it is necessary to divide them welcome, making between them a break. Nor can we accept Espumizan simultaneously with drugs that reduce gastric acidity.
A pregnant woman should clearly know that no matter how harmless or was a drug (eg, the same Espumizan), it can be taken only with the permission of the doctor.
Galina Romanenko