Smecta - a drug that should be in every home medicine cabinet. It is useful in case of poisoning, diarrhea, goiter, with discomfort in the abdomen on the background of chronic inflammatory diseases, and so on. But you need to take smektu correctly.
Smecta - a natural drug that is produced on the island of Sardinia. It is a powder from which the slurry is prepared prior to use, and then take it inside.
Once in the gastrointestinal tract, smectite precipitates on its surface and a substance toxic gases and carries them out of the body. The majority of nutrients, such as minerals, smectite is not displayed. Simultaneously smectite restores the protective properties of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract - esophagus, stomach and intestine start to operate more efficiently and properly digest food.
How to take smektu dysbacteriosis
Dysbacteriosis - it is not a disease, but a condition in which the intestine is broken right balance between beneficial and pathogenic microflora. Dysbacteriosis cause indigestion as useful microflora helps to digest food and develop some types of vitamins.
When dysbacteriosis smektu can be taken in case of emergency, when swells the stomach and intestinal colic appears. In this case, for the removal of unpleasant events is enough to take one to three bags a day smekty dissolving their contents in half a glass of water. Powder smekty slowly poured into the water, stirring constantly. Suspension thus prepared will have a uniform consistency.
But may take smektu and a course of treatment for a week also sachet three times a day.
A week later, after treatment smectite prescribe a course of pro- and prebiotics - medicines that contain beneficial bacteria colonies - the inhabitants of the large intestine and substances necessary for their livelihoods.
How to apply smektu chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
In chronic diseases interferes with the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, including food digestion. Smectic help release the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract from inflammation and the toxic products of metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
, Remove the acidity and helps with heartburn, abdominal pain, flatulence and other unpleasant sensations.
Just as dysbacteriosis, smektu can receive one - three times to remove the discomfort and possible - as a treatment course in the complex treatment, including prophylactic. Take smektu between meals and only in chronic inflammation in the esophagus (esophagitis chronic) - after eating.
Do not use smektu only for suspected bowel obstruction - this can cause even more congestion in the intestines.
How to take smektu in intestinal infections
Intestinal infection accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and sometimes a rise in temperature. In this case, smektu can be taken immediately, even before the arrival of the doctor. Take it also sachet three times a day as part of a comprehensive treatment. The very first time you can take not one, but two bags smekty, and then switch to the usual dose. But we must not forget that the smectite can display other medications and treatment will not be complete. Therefore it is recommended to divide the reception smekty and receive other medications one to two hours.
Applications smekty children
Babies smectite
Smecta - necessary in any medicine cabinet
can be administered immediately after birth in the case of a newborn child appears bloating and intestinal cramps. At older ages, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may develop on the background of malnutrition, complementary feeding
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and so on. In all of these cases, your doctor may prescribe a child smektu. But on their own, without a prescription until the year the child can not give anything.
In preschool and school age often poisoning, chronic gastrointestinal disease - for all these processes, doctors prescribe smektu part of complex treatment.
Smektu Children designate in the following doses:
- up to a year - one sachet per day, divided into several stages;
- from one year to two years - two packets a day;
- after two years - two or three bags per day.
The contents of the bag smekty dissolved in any meal: in infant formula
Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
Simply in water, slush, juice and so on.
Smectite can be administered at any age. Adults can take smektu before the doctor arrived, the children, especially before the year is still better to give this drug on prescription.
Galina Romanenko