Reactive hepatitis develops quite often and has a benign course. Primarily the liver responds to severe, long-occurring gastrointestinal disease. Chronic diseases of other organs and systems can also be complicated by reactive hepatitis.
Reactive hepatitis - what happens to the patient's liver
Reactive hepatitis is a secondary disease, it develops under the influence of internal toxins produced in the body in long flowing chronic or severe diseases simply. It may be such gastrointestinal disease as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, pancreatitis, cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, and so forth.
From diseases of other organs and systems of reactive hepatitis often develops in the presence of leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, hemolytic anemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes, serious diseases of the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
and so on. By the development of reactive hepatitis can cause any long-occurring infectious-inflammatory processes of the internal organs.
Under the action of the toxins produced during the pathological process, changes the metabolism
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throughout the body, including the liver cells (hepatocytes). Violation of the cellular metabolism in hepatocytes leads to the fact that the cells gradually developed exchange-degenerative processes, and they can not cope with its function of neutralizing toxic substances. Part of the cells can be destroyed, but necrosis captures small areas of cells, so often the process is reversible and depends on the underlying disease, which is caused reactive changes in the liver.
Symptoms of reactive hepatitis
Fulminant hepatitis in most cases starts and runs a mild and sometimes asymptomatic. The course usually corresponds to chronic persistent hepatitis (CPH), ie it is not a progressive course with a favorable prognosis, which often can not carry out special medical treatment of hepatitis
Treatment of hepatitis - a difficult task
- Sufficient treatment of the underlying disease.
The main symptoms connected to the primary disease hepatitis B are weakness, fatigue, headache, malaise. Icteric staining of the skin and sclera are not always found, as well as dark urine with discolored feces.
A doctor at survey reveals a moderate enlargement of the liver and sometimes - the spleen. From the laboratory parameters observed increased blood levels of liver enzymes (AST, ALT), sometimes - bilirubin. Revealed as easy Dysproteinemia (violation of the ratio of individual protein fractions of blood).
Fulminant hepatitis in children
Children reactive hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
in most cases a benign, type CPH. A feature of reactive hepatitis in children is that it often develops on the background of allergic diseases: atopic dermatitis and asthma. In adults, such complications are much less common. As often reactive hepatitis in children develop on the background of diseases of the digestive system, blood system, diabetes, and various chronic infectious-inflammatory processes.
The disease begins with the appearance of weakness quietly, fatigue, tearfulness, often turning into aggression. Constant headaches, loss of appetite, bitter taste in the mouth, and sometimes nausea, vomiting and disturbances of stool (constipation or diarrhea). The appearance of jaundice staining of the skin accompanied by itching, dark urine, and the release of discolored feces.
The flow of reactive hepatitis depends on the underlying disease: the harder it is, the more long-term flows hepatitis.
Diagnosis of reactive hepatitis
Diagnosis of reactive hepatitis can only excluding all other possible causes of the disease. For this blood checked for viral infection, instrumental investigations conducted, in some cases the biopsy is taken by a piece of tissue for analysis. Also, the patient carefully questioned about possible industrial hazards, medication with hepatotoxic, alcohol, drugs. Biochemical analysis of blood reveals the degree of liver dysfunction. Immunological blood tests carried out in order to exclude autoimmune ge6patita.
Treatment of reactive hepatitis
Treatment of the disease begins with the exception of heavy physical exertion, stress, receiving hepatotoxic drugs. Appointed special diet (table number 5) with the exception of fatty, fried, spicy dishes, strong meat, fish and mushroom broth.
Drug treatment - it is basically treatment of primary disease. If necessary, patients are administered an intravenous drip of different solutions to eliminate toxins from the body through the kidneys. To remove toxins from the intestines prescribed chelators.
Fulminant hepatitis - a disease for which depend on any other pathological processes in the body of the patient.
Galina Romanenko