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Acute food poisoning
Acute food poisoning usually occurs rapidly, but not for long. But even for a short period of time it can lead to death of the patient or cause significant disorders of the digestive system, which then have to work to recover for a long time.

Causes of acute food poisoning
Food poisoning can occur with different symptoms and commence at different times after ingestion. This is due to the fact that the causes of food poisoning can be different.
The most common cause of food poisoning is the consumption of foods contaminated with various microorganisms and their toxins. These are known as food poisoning food poisoning.
If the cause of poisoning not in the micro-organisms, namely, their toxins, such microbial food poisoning called toxicosis. They are divided into bacterial microbial toxicosis (botulism, staphylococcal microbial toxicosis) and fungal (eg, Fusarium fungus toxins).
Non-microbial food poisoning are divided into three groups: poisoning poisonous plants and animal tissues (eg, fungi, poisonous plants, fish) poisoning products of plant and animal origin, poisonous under certain conditions (some of the seeds of fruit, such as peaches
Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits
Cherries; wintered green potatoes, pike and burbot liver during spawning) and poisoning by the chemical nature of the impurities (pesticides, heavy metals).

How is acute food poisoning
The first signs of food poisoning occur approximately two hours after ingestion of contaminated food, but this period may be about two days. First was poisoned feels malaise, slight fever, nausea, and then on her background repeated vomiting. After this start abdominal cramps and diarrhea to 10 - 15 times per day. Fecal usually without any impurities, but there are feces with mucus and blood.
Proceeds food poisoning long and often ends with a day - three. However, if the patient is not just medical assistance, repeated vomiting and diarrhea can lead to severe dehydration of the patient, which in turn is fraught with serious complications, such as thrombosis
Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
vessels, acute cholecystitis.
Bacterial microbial toxicosis occur in different ways. For example, botulism
Botulism - beware of canned
first proceeds as usual poisoning with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Then, when these symptoms subside, there are disturbances in the form of double vision, paresis of facial muscles. Gradually, paresis go first to the muscles of the pharynx, swallowing stops, and then the muscles of the larynx, and making it impossible to breathe. To help in this state can only intensive care with intubation of the patient (the introduction of the breathing tube into the trachea).
The main symptom of acute poisoning by plants is the defeat of the nervous system.
Depending on the nature of the poison symptoms predominate overstimulation or depression of the central nervous system (henbane, belladonna, poppy, horsetail, monkshood). Poisons many plants have a pronounced effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
(wolf's bark, milkweed, buckthorn).
For poisoning caused by edible products purchased toxic properties under certain conditions or by improper cooking, include, for example, acute poisoning wintered green with potatoes, which contains a large amount of alkaloid corned beef. About half an hour after eating this potato there is a brief burning sensation in the throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Poisoning chemical impurities is also quite frequent, especially pesticide poisoning - substances used to control pests and plant diseases. For example, in acute poisoning with organochlorine pesticides headaches. Dizziness, pain in the limbs, in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and gait disturbance.

How to determine what caused the poisoning
Since many types of acute food poisoning are similar to each other, it is of great importance as it is possible more complete identification of all the circumstances of acute food poisoning and its symptoms. Will and laboratory studies of biological material - vomit and faeces, but they will be received in a few days, and the need to provide medical care to the patient immediately, so important are the knowledge and experience of the doctor.
If food poisoning runs hard, then in any case, can not rely on their own experience and engage in self - it can have the most serious consequences.