Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair - Symptoms
May 17, 2009
- Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair
- Symptoms
- Ferment
- Chronic
- Children
- Treatment
Dyspepsia - the medical term for digestive disorders of different nature. Since the main symptoms of dyspepsia faced at one time or another during the life of most people: indigestion can cause abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
Bloating - if you are bursting inside
, Flatulence, unpleasant sensation of fullness even when using small portions of food.
Chronic indigestion
Chronic (repeated) dyspepsia may itself be a symptom of more serious health problems, including:
- gastroesophageal reflux
- gastroparesis
- duodenal ulcer or stomach
- gastric cancer (rare)
- Functional dyspepsia - a syndrome in which symptoms of dyspepsia is not caused by one of the diseases of the digestive tract
The appearance of symptoms of dyspepsia does not depend on age or gender of the person from - with unpleasant symptoms of digestive disorders faced by the vast majority of people.
The most common symptoms of dyspepsia are:
- Burning sensation in the stomach or abdomen
- Stomach ache
- Abdominal distention
- Feeling of fullness even when using small amounts of food
- Belching, flatulence
- Nausea, and in rare cases even vomiting
- Sour taste in the mouth
- "Rumble" in the stomach
The symptoms of dyspepsia may in some cases exacerbate the stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
Along with the main symptoms of dyspepsia often a heartburn
Heartburn - no cause for concern?
- Burning sensation deep in his chest. By itself, heartburn is not considered the main feature of dyspepsia, because it can signal other, more serious health problems.
Situations where the symptoms appear
Quite often, the symptoms of dyspepsia appear as a result of overeating or eating the food, the composition of which somehow harm the stomach - for example, a very sharp, spicy foods
. In rare cases, symptoms of dyspepsia not associated with any specific reason (such a state is called functional dyspepsia)
. Symptoms of dyspepsia can be stored for three to four days, but usually disappear on their own fairly quickly
. In very rare cases, symptoms of indigestion is so sharp and prolonged that violate the usual schedule
. In such cases, to suppress unpleasant symptoms of dyspepsia recommended antacids (antacids in the stomach), or other drugs, anyway reducing gastric acidity
. In addition, dyspeptic symptoms disappear once eliminated the cause digestive disorders - certain bowel disease such as ulcer or gastritis
Abdominal hernia if you hit upon a lump on his stomach - Types
September 5, 2010
- Abdominal hernia if you hit upon a lump on her belly
- Kinds
- Treatment
Hernia of the abdominal wall
One function of the musculoskeletal system - holding in place internal organs and intestines. When a portion of adipose tissue "punch" to the outside through a weak spot in the abdominal wall muscle system formed abdominal hernia. Depending on where the herniation distinguish hernia abdominal wall and inguinal hernia.
Types of abdominal hernia
Umbilical hernia
- The most common in infants, however common in adults.
- Slightly more common in African Americans.
- It is a congenital malformation in children, with a significant birthday.
- It may be caused by obesity, pregnancy, or excess fluid in the abdomen in adults.
- As a rule, it is not accompanied by pain.
- It appears and develops near the belly button.
- The main symptom of umbilical hernia appears appearance in the navel or tubercle kind of node.
- Umbilical hernia may occur at any time - at birth or during adult life.
- Treatment of umbilical hernia is required only when the residence time of education is 3-4 years.
- Immediate medical attention is required when an umbilical hernia becomes softer, changes color or is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen.
Epigastric hernia
- The most common in infants, but is found in adults of all ages.
- It is more common in men than in women.
- It arises because of a birth defect or weakness of the connective tissue or muscles of the abdomen.
- Formed in the middle of the upper abdomen between the navel and the breastbone.
- Some types of epigastric hernia can be seen when viewed from the outside, others are invisible.
- The main symptoms of epigastric hernia - a regular belching, nausea, indigestion.
- In most cases, epigastric hernia is almost harmless to human health.
Abdominal hernia of semilunar line
- It occurs in both men and women equally.
- Formed between the muscles of the abdominal wall.
- When viewed from the outside looks like a small bulge, the bulge.
- Formed due to the weakness in the abdominal wall resulting damage excessive physical activity, infection by the during surgery, prolonged periods of physical stress, excess fluid in the body
- The main symptom of abdominal hernia of semilunar line are considered to periodic outbreaks of severe pain, accompanied by a constant dull pain in the injured area.
- Heredity is one of the factors affecting the appearance of hernia of semilunar line.
- For diagnosis, in addition to physical examination, using ultrasonography and tomography.
Hiatal hernia (hernia eating holes)
- Women more than men susceptible to hiatus hernia.
- The risk of disease increases with age and excess weight.
- Newborn hiatal hernia can be hereditary disorder.
- Hernia small size usually is not accompanied by any symptoms.
- The main symptoms of hernia large - heartburn, sour taste in the mouth, belching
Belching: why it happens and that means
- The most common method of diagnosis of a hiatal hernia is considered endoscopy
Endoscopy - not only diagnosis but also treatment procedure
- Postoperative hernia (hernia postoperative scar)
- It occurs after the operation on his stomach.
- It may occur in men, women and children after the operation, provided not fully healed wound.
- It occurs more often in adults than in children.
- Place herniation - not completely healed after surgery incision.
- The main symptoms of post-operative hernias - the emergence of a kind of assembly / protrusion under the skin next to the scar, severe pain in the abdomen and / or constipation.
- The most common reasons for the formation of post-operative hernias - incorrect treatment or undue pressure on the abdominal wall.
- It may appear after months or even years after the operation on his stomach.
- Postoperative hernia may or may not require surgical intervention.
The two most common types of hernia groin considered an inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?
and femoral hernia.
Inguinal hernia
- It is considered the most common type of hernia of the abdominal wall.
- In 98% of cases occur in men.
- It may occur at any age.
- The risk of an inguinal hernia increases with age.
- Developed in the groin area.
- The first sign - a thickening in the groin, discomfort or pain.
- In most cases, the occurrence of inguinal hernia - a consequence of lifting too heavy objects.
Femoral hernia
- Much less common than inguinal hernia.
- More common in women than in men.
- Formed in the groin area.
- Most often it occurs as a result of pregnancy and childbirth.
- Accompanied by a feeling of discomfort or pain in the groin, aggravated by bending or lifting heavy objects, and the appearance of thickening, tubercle in the groin or upper thigh.
- The risk of femoral hernia is highest among middle-aged women and the second after a pregnancy.
- Diagnosis femoral hernia at the early stage to avoid further complications.
Symptoms of abdominal hernia
The key symptom of any kind of abdominal hernia - the appearance of hillocks in the abdomen or groin. This bump can see and find by touch. However, not all cases, the node or the protrusion under the skin near the abdomen can be a symptom of abdominal hernia - in some cases it is simply increased lymph node
Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
or other deviation in the muscular system of the abdominal wall. The right thing when it detects suspicious projection consult a doctor.
Not necessarily an abdominal hernia and painful sensations: some types of hernias do not have any symptoms. Often the hernia is found only during a routine medical examination. In some cases, hernia symptoms develop over time. An additional list of symptoms of abdominal wall hernias include:
- Pain when lifting objects or coughing (strained abdominal muscles).
- Changes in the urinary bladder.
- Pain during bowel movements or bladder.
- Soreness after prolonged sitting or standing.
- The discomfort, dizziness.
- Fever.
- Nausea.
- Constipation.