Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is? - Symptoms

May 22, 2014

  • Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
  • Symptoms

 Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

With minor degrees of intestinal dysbiosis it does not manifest itself. When dysbacteriosis 2-3 degrees symptoms disorders of the digestive function. Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in adults - is, above all, persistent diarrhea. The chair may be up to 3-5 times a day with the release of feces with blood and mucus, and with an unpleasant putrid odor.

Some patients (usually in the elderly) instead of developing diarrhea constipation, stool wee this is the characteristic form of dense small round pellets (sheep feces). Sometimes, constipation alternating with diarrhea.

Incorrect breakdown of food in the small intestine is accompanied by flatulence. And as this is broken and the function of the large intestine, including its ability to suction gas, developing pronounced flatulence. Pain in intestinal dysbacteriosis are paroxysmal in nature and associated with sudden spasms of smooth muscles of the intestine. They are called colic. Intestinal dysbacteriosis in newborns is also accompanied by intestinal colic. Indigestion causes loss of appetite, nausea and sometimes vomiting.

In connection with the formation of large amounts in the intestine and the absorption of toxic substances into the blood, the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , There are signs of chronic toxicity in the form of general malaise, headache, decreased performance, irritability weakness. Sometimes it may slightly increase the temperature (up to 37-37, 5 ° C).

The contents in the blood increased amounts of toxins leads to the activation of allergic processes.

Intestinal dysbiosis may appear an allergic rash and itching of the skin after use of products that were previously the patient freely eaten.

Since the reduced volume of the normal intestinal microflora, produce vitamin K and B, there are signs of deficiency in the body of these vitamins: the skin becomes dry and rough, and shows cracks perleches around the mouth, brittle and dull hair and nails, sometimes - increased bleeding .

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in women is often accompanied by symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis. The effects of intestinal dysbiosis may appear in the form of intestinal candidiasis, thrush in the mouth and in the genital area, and then widespread candidiasis of the whole organism.

Furthermore, long-flowing intestinal dysbiosis may lead to the development of colitis, and enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine), including ulcerative. The inflammatory process can extend to other digestive organs, such as stomach and pancreas.

Immunosuppression at dysbacteriosis leads to frequent colds and the formation of infectious and inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract and respiratory organs.


How to treat intestinal dysbiosis

Minor violations of the intestinal microflora can be treated by the appointment of proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 . Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in the adult diet - it is a fractional and frequent (up to 5 times a day) diet, exclusion from the diet foods that irritate the gut (fried foods, hot spices, canned and smoked products), easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets and baking), as well products that contribute to flatulence (peas, beans, lentils, fresh bread).

The diet must be present dairy products, cereals, cooked in water or vegetable broth (buckwheat, oats, rice, wheat), fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish.

Drug treatment of intestinal dysbiosis - is the use of probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, antispasmodics, adsorbents, vitamin-mineral complexes. If intestinal dysbiosis grade 3 treatment begins with the suppression of vital activity of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora by antibiotics, which show sensitivity to these microorganisms.

Today, a wide range of such tools are produced by intestinal dysbiosis as probiotics - drugs, which include bacterial colonies of normal intestinal microflora. It bifidumbakterin Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora  Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
 , Bifidumbakterin fort Probifor, laktobakterin, Atsipol Atsipol - normalizes the intestinal microflora  Atsipol - normalizes the intestinal microflora
 , Biobakton, bifikol and so on. Most of these drugs are available in the form of a lyophilisate for solution for oral administration, tablets or capsules. Candles from intestinal dysbiosis (eg bifidumbakterin in candles) are of secondary importance and are usually used in combination with drugs for oral administration.

Assign also a cure for intestinal dysbiosis, contributing to the creation of comfort for the normal microflora in the intestine acidic (prebiotic), such Duphalac, romfalak, portalak, Normase and others.

Prevention of intestinal dysbiosis - a proper balanced diet, use of antibiotics only on prescription, and the timely removal of effects on the various unfavorable factors.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dysbiosis

Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system - Types

April 12, 2009

  • Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
  • Kinds

What is nausea

Nausea - is a kind of painful feeling in the pit of the stomach, chest and mouth, which often precedes vomiting and is accompanied by general weakness, sweating, excessive salivation Increased salivation - deviation from the norm  Increased salivation - deviation from the norm
 , Pallor, and low blood pressure. At the core lies the excitement of nausea vomiting center located in the brain, is not sufficient to generate vomiting. When this start to occur in the stomach movement, contributing to the reverse current of the ingested food.

Nausea can occur when any illness or intoxication (poisoning) of the central nervous system, reflex excitation of the vomiting center (for example, violations of the organ of equilibrium). Nausea often accompanies any gastrointestinal disease and endocrine disorders.

There are brain, reflex, toxic form of nausea and exchange.

 Forms | Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system

Brain nausea Form

Brain form of nausea can occur at any organic (with visible impairments) brain diseases, such as tumors, traumatic brain injuries, inflammatory diseases of the brain and meninges (encephalitis, meningitis, anahnoiditah and so on), stroke, atherosclerotic lesions of blood cerebral vessels and so on.

 Forms | Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system

The toxic form of nausea

Toxic called nausea associated with exposure to various chemicals. It develops on the background of serious infectious intoxication (for example, botulism), taking certain medications (eg some painkillers). Toxic effects can also provide material Extractability by the body under certain conditions (eg in renal failure Kidney failure - when treatment is vital  Kidney failure - when treatment is vital
 , Radiation sickness, etc.).

All of these substances or have a direct impact on the vomiting center, or affect the special, the so-called start-up zone, stimulation of which leads to the excitation of the emetic center.

 Forms | Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system

Reflex nausea

Reflex nausea occurs in response to stimulation of receptors (nerve endings) of various organs, such as the tongue root, pharynx, posterior pharyngeal wall, the inner ear, stomach, intestines, liver and biliary tract, pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 , Bronchial tubes, the outer layer of the heart, kidney, uterus and its appendages.

Reflex nausea can occur at any gastrointestinal disease, renal colic Renal colic: a signal that the danger in the bud  Renal colic: a signal that the danger in the bud
 , Ectopic pregnancy and other conditions.

A special form of nausea reflex motor is nausea, which occurs when stimulation of the vestibular apparatus. In a healthy person, it occurs during the acceleration movement, with the rotational movement of the trunk, and so on. Motor nausea may occur in diseases of the inner ear, certain tumors of the brain and others.

Another option is a psychogenic nausea reflex nausea that occurs when unpleasant visual and olfactory sensations. Or, at the memory of them. This nausea is often in patients suffering from neuroses. So, hysterical women routinely experience nausea in the mornings, when the excitement, fatigue and so on.

 Forms | Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system

Exchange nausea

Exchange called nausea, occurring against the backdrop of some endocrine diseases, such as adrenal insufficiency, premenstrual syndrome, and so on. Hormonal disorders lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the body. This nausea can occur when a lack of vitamins that are part of many digestive enzymes.

 Forms | Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system

Treating nausea

Treatment of nausea depends on the cause, it caused it, so it is important to establish the correct diagnosis and treat the underlying disease.

To facilitate the condition of the patient is carried out, the so-called symptomatic therapy. In mild cases of psychogenic nausea patient is simply to distract from their own experiences. Morning sickness often goes from the cup of hot tea. But it may, on the contrary, help swallowing pieces of ice, ingestion of novocaine. Sometimes, to get rid of nausea, sick cause vomiting. Tendency to motor nausea can be reduced by training the vestibular apparatus.

From prescribers of drugs that suppress the activity of the vomiting center in the brain centers and launchers, transmitting information to the vomiting center (eg, atropine).

Remember that long disturbing nausea requires careful examination.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • nausea
