Symptoms of hepatitis C is rarely pronounced. This disease often goes unnoticed, and many patients are unaware of its presence, and if you accidentally revealing not taken seriously. Nevertheless, the disease with a high probability can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. That is why the hepatitis C virus are called "tender murderer".
How is hepatitis C
Hepatitis C can occur acutely and chronically. However, even severe forms of the disease occur erased with minimal symptoms, so often go unnoticed. Acute hepatitis C
Hepatitis C - "the tender murderer"
It may result in complete recovery, but in most cases, becomes chronic, which lasts for years and ends - 20-30 years cirrhosis. For hepatitis C is characterized by inflammation and degeneration into cancer.
The destruction of liver cells (hepatocytes) occurs as the direct effect of the virus, and due to autoimmune disorders: the formation of antibodies to its own liver cells.
It was found that if patients received timely treatment, the risk of transition to chronic acute process, as well as the formation of cirrhosis and liver cancer, is significantly reduced.
The first symptoms of hepatitis C - acute form of the disease
The incubation period for hepatitis C lasts from two weeks to six months (an average of 6-7 weeks). After that, the first symptoms of the disease. It is the acute phase and in some patients it is manifested in the form of characteristic symptoms: fever, headache, muscle aches and joint pain, general malaise and weakness. This so-called prodromal or anicteric period of the disease, which can last from two weeks to a month.
But the majority of patients during this period goes unnoticed, without significant fever and other common manifestations. This is one of the characteristics of viral hepatitis C - is asymptomatic, untreated form of acute hepatitis often become chronic. During this period, the blood can detect elevated liver enzymes (ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase), which are released into the bloodstream in the destruction of viruses hepatocytes.
The next phase of acute hepatitis - icteric or phase height of the disease. During this period can appear icteric staining of the skin and sclera, accompanied by pruritus, pain or discomfort in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, lack of appetite. But this is not always enough anicteric frequent form of the disease. During this period, there is an increased blood bilirubin (mainly direct).
Icteric phase lasts about a month, during convalescence (recovery) - a few months, after which the self-healing may occur (approximately 15-25% of cases) or the disease goes into a chronic form.
Symptoms of hepatitis C - a chronic form of the disease
Acute hepatitis becomes chronic frequently. Symptoms of hepatitis C in women may be less pronounced, and the less inflammation becomes chronic with the transition to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Symptoms of HCV infection in males can not occur, but this does not exclude the presence of active inflammation in the liver from its transition into chronic first, and then to cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Chronic hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
C may be asymptomatic, only its signs in this case are weakness, decreased performance and appetite disorders. Sometimes the disease is undulating, in the form of exacerbations, which are replaced by remissions. But rarely more severe exacerbations, causing illness and was called "the tender murderer".
If the symptoms of hepatitis C in adults is usually expressed slightly, the children the disease can be more aggressive with frequent exacerbations and the formation of cirrhosis.
Symptoms of hepatitis C may be aggravated by the impact of unfavorable factors such as heavy physical or neuropsychiatric stress, poor eating habits. Especially significant adverse effects on the liver of patients with hepatitis C has alcohol. Evolving with the alcohol toxic hepatitis
Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver
symptoms of hepatitis C strengthens and promotes rapid formation of cirrhosis.
Laboratory findings in chronic hepatitis C
Chronic hepatitis C - creeps imperceptibly
It may also be modified in waves. The patients' blood may appear periodically elevated levels of liver enzymes or bilirubin. Sometimes normal laboratory findings seen in patients over a long period of time even when the existing changes in the liver. In such cases, laboratory testing is carried out once or twice a year.
Symptoms of hepatitis C may be invisible, so special attention should be paid to the appearance of weakness and decreased performance. When such symptoms should be tested for hepatitis.
Galina Romanenko