The white cheesy discharge odorless - a sign of fungal infection

December 19, 2014

 white cheesy discharge odorless
 Vaginal discharge normally present in all women. Changing their consistency and color can indicate a variety of diseases. For example, a white cheesy discharge odorless - a sign of candidiasis. There are many factors that lead to the development of this pathology. With the help of a number of studies and examination the doctor can confirm the diagnosis and then prescribe the most appropriate treatment.


Causes of Candida

Candidiasis - is one of the most common infections of the vagina. It is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. For their livelihoods optimal weakly acidic medium and the temperature of 21-37 ° C, so they quickly grow and multiply in the vagina. The fungi that belong to the genus Candida, are unicellular microorganisms round, oval or oblong-oval.

Genital candidiasis is not one of those diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact, but can accompany them. There are several factors that contribute to this disease:

  • Reduced immune defense;
  • Taking antibiotics, oral contraceptives, cytostatics, corticosteroids;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Diabetes;
  • Chronic infections.

With the reduction of the body's defenses mushrooms attached to the vaginal epithelium and cause inflammation of the surface. In very rare cases, the bacteria penetrate deeper into the tissue, and sometimes even enter the bloodstream and reach other organs. Newborns often become infected when passing candidiasis infected birth canal of the mother.



The white cheesy discharge in women Selections women: how to distinguish from normal departures  Selections women: how to distinguish from normal departures
   - The main feature of genital candidiasis. Such emissions are odorless.

Other symptoms of the disease - itching, burning and pain in the vagina. They intensified after intercourse, water treatments, as well as during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . Also, join discomfort during urination.

If symptoms persist genital candidiasis no more than two months, then the process is called acute. In the chronic form of the disease duration of more than two months.



Once the doctors have found out the complaint, as well as the possible conditions for the development of candidiasis. Then the specialist conducts a pelvic examination.

The inflammatory process also involved the skin of the external genitalia. Thus the physician can see the bubbles on the skin, which are opened, and in their place formed by erosion. When viewed using the mirrors on the walls of the vagina visible redness, swelling, and white or white and gray curdled overlay.

In order to detect the fungus, carried out microbiological examination of vaginal smears. In addition, the contents of the vagina is performed seeding an artificial medium. This method allows us to determine the form of microorganisms, and their susceptibility to antifungal drugs.

If necessary, use additional methods of diagnosis. They are tested for infections that are transmitted through sexual contact, the study of intestinal microflora, determine the level of glucose in the blood.



Treatment of genital candidiasis should be carried out comprehensively. Women are advised if possible to abandon the use of antibiotics, cytostatics, corticosteroids and oral contraceptives. In the period of treatment is better to use condoms.

In the treatment of acute candidiasis commonly used topical treatment. For such drugs that are assigned as:

  • Econazole;
  • Isoconazole;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Makmiror complex.

Econazole depending on its concentration can both stop the proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida, and destroy them. Also, this tool has an antibacterial effect. Candidiasis preparation is used as a vaginal suppository. The course of treatment is three days. If symptoms recur, the physician may prescribe this drug again after one week.

Isoconazole - topical antifungal drug, which is administered in the form of vaginal suppositories. Usually only one use of the tool.

The structure Terzhinan includes several active ingredients, and the drug has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory action. Also it includes drug substances which ensure the normal functioning of the vaginal mucosa. Terzhinan issued in the form of vaginal tablets, treatment is twenty days.

Makmiror complex - a tool that is used in the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, fungi or protozoa. When genital candidiasis drug is used for eight days in the form of vaginal suppositories or cream.

In acute candidiasis instead of topical treatment can be used antifungal agents inside. Fluconazole - one of these drugs, which are produced in the form of capsules. Usually it is sufficient a single application.

In chronic genital candidiasis topical treatment must be combined with the system, that is the appointment of preparations for oral administration.

In addition to the primary therapy recommended to inject into the vagina in the form of suppositories, antiseptic and disinfectant, called Betadine Betadine - use correctly  Betadine - use correctly
 . The latter is iodine complexed with a binder. In acute process betadine applied twice a day for a week, and in chronic candidiasis - once a day for two weeks.

Pregnant women with candidiasis prescribe topical treatment, and its duration should not exceed seven days. Most often, these patients use the drug called natomitsin.

When the white cheesy discharge, itching and burning in the vagina Burning in the vagina: find the cause  Burning in the vagina: find the cause
   Consult a doctor. After the examination, a specialist prescribe treatment based on individual characteristics of women's health.

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Polycystic ovaries - watch their menstruation

April 3, 2013

  • Polycystic ovaries - watch their menstruation
  • Signs
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  • Diagnostics
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 polycystic ovaries
 Polycystic ovaries - one of the most important and common problems which studied under gynecological endocrinology. The study of this disease has been a large number of scientists, to date, they are trying to find the most effective treatments. Polycystic ovaries can be called medical-social disease, because there is a strong mutual relationship between this disease and the development of infertility.

 Polycystic ovaries - watch their menstruation

Modern ideas about the nature of the disease

Under polycystic ovaries should be understood multifactorial heterogeneous pathology with characteristic clinical manifestations. Clinical symptom development can be characterized by menstrual dysfunction with chronic anovulation, infertility and hormonal changes, while there is change in the structure and size of the ovaries themselves. The disease is fairly common, it is one of the leading places in the structure of the causes of endocrine infertility. In women with polycystic forms of infertility endocrine ovarian changes are detected in nearly 60% of clinical cases. If we talk about the frequency of occurrence, the polycystic ovary syndrome occurs in 10% of the population of women of reproductive age.

Major work on the study of this disease belong to Stein and Leventhal, so the disease is subsequently came to be called in honor of these authors syndrome Stein-Leventhal. According to the results of their work were offered basic diagnostic criteria for the disease, which include:

  • cystic ovarian enlargement changed
  • violations in cycling, the duration of the menstrual cycle with the development of amenorrhea The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom  The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom
 When menstruation is absent for more than six months
  • infertility
  • metabolic disorders, the appearance of overweight
  • Clinical manifestations of hormonal disorders in the form of excess body hair or hirsutism

The initial idea of ​​the nature of the disease is in violation of hormonal influences. Currently, representation increased significantly, due to the large number of scientific research. It has been found that changes in the ovaries, which are characteristic of polycystic can be found in other pathological conditions (elevated levels of prolactin in tubercular lesions of the genital organs). Also characteristic changes detected after a woman suffered the inflammatory nature of the disease from the genitals, have a tendency to chronic relapsing course.

 Polycystic ovaries - watch their menstruation

Stress and genetics

Stressful situations negatively affect health and can cause pathological changes in the ovaries. It should be borne in mind trauma, sharp change of climate zone of residence, since it is under certain conditions, trigger the development of disease symptoms.

If early puberty during the formation of the girl menstruation or during the early reproductive age have been confirmed cases of chronic infection tonsillogenic, it should also be seen as a predisposing factor. In adolescence is often noted for a high index of infection, including after neyroinfektsy. Particular attention should be paid to the collection of family history, especially if there are central mechanisms of development of pathological process. It is proved that the next of kin of patients with polycystic ovarian noted various organic or functional disorders of the nervous system. Pregnancy in mothers of patients proceeded with various complications, it could be traumatic or infectious complications and gestosis.

The unity of views on the nature of the disease is that there is a genetic susceptibility factor.

Genetic alterations affecting different genes, which are involved not only in secretion of sex hormones, and in the process of enzymatic transformations on steroidogenesis. This will be the cause of genetically determined fermentopathia.

 Polycystic ovaries - watch their menstruation

Clinico-pathogenetic variants of the disease

There are several common forms of polycystic ovaries, which differ by the nature of the clinical manifestations. There are the following forms of the disease:

  • typical
  • central
  • mixed

A typical characteristic of the shape of the original idea of ​​the syndrome, which was described by Stein and Leventhal. Clarification of clinical variant of the disease can only be based on the main causes of its development level. In a number of works that have appeared in recent years, it indicates that the sign of ovarian enlargement is not a mandatory clinical manifestations of disease. In some cases, one can observe the presence of typical symptoms of ovarian absolutely unaltered size and, in some cases, even smaller.

Scientists have so far can not give a clear explanation for this pathological condition. Some believe that having a normal size explains only the initial stages of developing the disease. Other authors are of the opinion that such a scenario is typical for combined forms of polycystic ovaries. Because of difficulties in the differential diagnosis of this syndrome with the need to consider the clinical features and diagnostic possibilities, depending on what was the root cause that led to the development of the disease.

In patients with polycystic ovarian marked variety of menstrual dysfunction, the severity of the defect in the enzyme systems of the ovaries.

The severity of the violations may be different from the delays, oligomenorrhea Oligomenorrhea - too short menstruation  Oligomenorrhea - too short menstruation
   to the absence of menstruation for six months or more (development of secondary amenorrhea). There may be violations of the type of acyclic uterine bleeding. Much less common uterine bleeding, having no connection with the woman's menstrual cycle. Amenorrhea syndrome always is secondary to polycystic ovaries is not characterized by the development of primary amenorrhea Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of the genetic damage  Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of the genetic damage
 . All of the cycle disorders occur with chronic anovulation Anovulation - the cause of infertility?  Anovulation - the cause of infertility?
 That, in turn, entails the development of functional infertility, often the primary character.
