The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology

February 3, 2011

  • The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology
  • Symptoms and treatment of enlarged uterus
  • The increase in uterine and fibroid

 uterine enlargement
 The increase in the uterus - quite common in women before menopause. With age, shape and size of the uterus changed, so an increase in the uterus is considered perfectly normal. However, in some cases, increasing the uterus can cause pain and evidence of some diseases.

With age, women are more prone to various disorders of the reproductive system; uterine enlargement is one of the most common problems in women before menopause. In some cases, the uterus may increase in size during pregnancy and after childbirth.

In most cases, the uterus is observed with increasing abdominal distension Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 ; sometimes the stomach can not increase in size and change the size of the uterus can be stated only gynecologist in the direct examination.

 The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology

Causes and symptoms of an enlarged uterus

Fibroids: one of the most common causes of enlarged uterus. Studies show that in a given age fibroids suffer from 40-45% of women. Fibroids is a benign tumor A benign tumor - is not always safe  A benign tumor - is not always safe
   in the uterus, and is considered to be quite common among women of reproductive age. Fibroids can form inside, outside, or in the wall of the uterus. Fibroids can be both single and group. Fibroid size may also be varied.

 The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology

Symptoms of uterine enlargement due to fibroids

  • Excessive bleeding during menstruation
  • Pain during sex
  • Participation urination
  • Pain in the pelvic area
  • Pain or pressure in the abdomen and lower back
  • Constipation

If the fibroid is small and does not cause discomfort, it is not necessary to remove.

Ovarian Cysts: can also cause an increase in cancer. As with fibroids, ovarian cysts - a very common phenomenon among women. A cyst is a formation in ovarian tissue, consisting of a cavity filled with fluid. Typically, ovarian cysts do not cause discomfort or is accompanied by minimal discomfort.

 The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology

Symptoms of uterine enlargement due to cysts

  • Back pain
  • Painful menstruation, accompanied by profuse bleeding
  • Abdominal pain
  • The difficulty with urination
  • Increased breast tenderness

As a rule, after some time, ovarian cysts Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?  Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?
   It disappears by itself, but in some cases can lead to complications - such as increasing the uterus.

Cancer: cervical cancer most often affects women during menopause. Usually the cancer forms in the lining of the uterus - the endometrium, resulting in an increase in size of the uterus.

 The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology

Symptoms increase due to uterine cancer

  • Vaginal bleeding between periods or during menopause
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • The difficulty with urination

Furthermore, increase in size of the uterus can be caused by cervical cancer Cervical cancer: possible cure  Cervical cancer: possible cure

Molar pregnancy: a rare disease, with the growth of abnormal fetal tissue, which increases the size of the uterus. Compared with normal flows pregnancy uterine size increases much more.

Adenomyosis: a condition in which the muscle layer of the uterus grows endometrium, rather common in women over the age of 30 years and accompanied by intense pain.

 The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology

Symptoms of uterine enlargement due to adenomyosis

  • Isolation of blood clots during menstruation
  • Excessive bleeding during menstruation
  • Vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods
  • Cramps during menstruation

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need

October 7, 2007

  • Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need
  • Cancer of the reproductive system

 hysterectomy to remove the uterus
   Hysterectomy - a surgery to remove the uterus. Removal of the uterus is considered only as a last resort when all other treatments have been tried and have not given a positive result.

 Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need

This operation may be necessary for various reasons, including:

  • Uterine fibroids, which cause pain, bleeding and other problems
  • Uterine prolapse - a disorder in which the uterus is displaced from its normal position in the direction of the vagina
  • Uterine cancer, cervical cancer or ovarian
  • Endometriosis
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Adenomyosis, or thickening of the walls of the uterus

 Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need

Types of hysterectomy

Depending on the reason why the hysterectomy is performed, the surgeon may remove the entire uterus or only a portion thereof.

When supracervical or subtotal hysterectomy only removes the upper part of the uterus and cervix do not touch. When complete hysterectomy completely removed the uterus and cervix. A radical hysterectomy involves removing uterine tissue adjacent to the uterus, cervix, and upper vagina. Such an operation may be required in the later stages of cancer Breast cancer - the verdict?  Breast cancer - the verdict?
 . In some cases also remove one or both ovaries.

 Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need

Methods for removing the uterus

The choice of surgery depends on the surgeon's experience, the reason for which surgery is scheduled and the overall health of women. The chosen technique partly determines the length of the recovery period after surgery and scarring.

Approximately 70% of the hold open hysterectomy. On the outer wall of the abdominal incision through which the uterus and removed. Women after such an operation must remain in the hospital, usually more than three days. On the belly is a noticeable scar.

There are several types of minimally invasive surgeries to remove the uterus.

  • Vaginal hysterectomy. The uterus is removed through the vagina, where the pre-incision. After the operation is not any visible scars.
  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy. During such an operation using a laparoscope - a thin, flexible tube with a camera. Surgical instruments are introduced through several small incisions in the abdomen. The surgeon sees an image of the internal organs on the monitor and carries out the operation, focusing on this image.
  • Vaginal gisteektomiya with laparoscopic-assisted: using a laparoscope, the uterus is removed through the vagina.
  • Robotic gisterektoriya. During operations of this type are also used by the laparoscope. Using an image that he gives, the doctor manages the operational activities of the robot. Today, there is equipment that allows the surgeon to see three-dimensional images of internal organs.

Minimally invasive hysterectomy have many advantages over traditional open hysterectomy. AT

To restore after such an operation is faster, the patient needs less time to stay in the hospital; moreover, in the post-operative period it suffers less pain. The risk of infection in a minimally invasive procedure is significantly lower than traditional open surgery.

After minimally invasive surgery women return to business as usual after an average of 3-4 weeks after open surgery - 4-6 weeks. However, minimally invasive procedures are not always suitable for women who are suffering from obesity and have some other violation.

After hysterectomy patients should be at least 6 weeks to abstain from sex. Many patients who have passed a hysterectomy, a significant reduction or complete absence of libido. Often, women who have had your uterus removed, a psychologist is required.

 Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need


Hysterectomy - quite a safe procedure. The vast majority of women who received it, there were no serious problems associated with the procedure itself. But sometimes removal of the uterus may have the following complications:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Coleoptosis
  • The formation of a fistula (an abnormal passage that connects the vagina and bladder)
  • Chronic Pain
