Trichopolum - he treats? - Action on the body

July 27, 2008

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 Trichopolum effect on the body

How does Trichopolum?

Think Trichopolum trichomoniasis can be treated only? And here and there. This drug is currently used widely. Why is the package of pills Trichopolum written "metronidazole"? Metronidozol - is an international non-proprietary name (INN) Trichopolum, it is always indicated on the package.

Trichopolum inhibits the development of protozoa - Trichomonas, dysentery amoeba, giardia. For a long time it was used for the suppression of these microorganisms. But in recent years, it has been found that Trichopolum possesses antimicrobial action against anaerobic (developing in the absence of oxygen) bacteria.

Trichopolum well absorbed when taken orally, into the organs and tissues (lungs, kidneys, liver, skin), as well as in bile, spinal fluid, saliva, semen, vaginal secretion, breast milk is stored in the liver and is completely eliminated from the body through 1-2 days after administration mainly in the urine, but partially and faeces.

 Action on the body | Trichopolum - he treats?

What can be treated Trichopolum

Traditionally Trichopolum indicated for diseases caused by protozoa - trichomoniasis, giardiasis and amoebic dysentery. The total duration of treatment at the same time is 7-10 days. In most cases, Trichomonas disappear from the urethra in men on the first day after the beginning of treatment Trichopolum, women from the vagina - on the second. To exclude the possibility of re-infection treatment Trichopolum held both partners. If necessary, repeat the treatment after 4-6 weeks.

Trichopolum and used to treat bacterial infections, for example, for the treatment of post-operative sepsis (blood poisoning). In this case Trichopolum administered intravenously. It is also administered before and after abdominal surgery for the prevention of septic complications (2-4 days).

INN at any drug, only one, it is given to him at the "birth" - registration of the drug. After that, the firm that developed the drug, taking a patent on its production and begins to produce it under his own brand name (brand name). Once the patent for the brand is complete, it can produce any PharmFirma under its own name (this is the so-called generated drugs or generics in the English style). But on the package next to the brand name is always INN - that's why the name of the drug can be found anywhere in the world. Metronidozol produced under eleven different names.

Trichopolum also used in the treatment of alcoholism Treatment of alcoholism: the main thing - support for loved ones  Treatment of alcoholism: the main thing - support for loved ones
 Because it causes an allergic reaction to alcohol that keeps patients from taking alcohol. Moreover, it blocks enzymes commonly cause decomposition of certain substances in the body, and accumulation of these substances can cause reddening of abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Vomiting.

 Action on the body | Trichopolum - he treats?

What might be unwanted (side) effects of the application of Trichopolum

Side effects of the treatment Trichopolum manifested not always, but nevertheless they are. The main side effects include:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, coated tongue, and an unpleasant metallic taste in your mouth;
  • neurological disorders: dizziness, headache, sometimes - movement disorder; rarely - seizures, confusion, depressed mood;
  • Allergic reactions: skin rash and angioedema (swelling of the face and neck, which can capture the vocal cords, causing suffocation); Allergic reactions are sharply enhanced by alcohol;
  • with long-term uncontrolled use Trichopolum may occur changes in the blood - a decrease in white blood cells (leukocytes), which are responsible for combating infection.

 Action on the body | Trichopolum - he treats?

This is contraindicated Trichopolum

Trichopolum contraindicated in liver dysfunction, with marked lesions of the nervous system (injuries and their consequences, cancer) and diseases of the blood. It is not necessary to apply Trichopolum during pregnancy and lactation Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!

 Action on the body | Trichopolum - he treats?

Can I take Trichopolum together with other drugs

The combined use of Trichopolum Trichopolum - indications for use are wide enough  Trichopolum - indications for use are wide enough
   antibiotics such as erythromycin, gentamicin enhances their antibacterial effect.

When taken some sleeping pills (such as phenobarbital) may decrease the effect of Trichopolum.

 Action on the body | Trichopolum - he treats?

Formulations Trichopolum

Trichopolum issued in the form of tablets, which are used inside, vaginal suppositories and intravenous fluids (used before and after surgery).

Drug treatment is not limited to the fact that the name of the disease on their own to take medication. It requires knowledge and skills to make a decision, the skill and experience of the doctor. But the most important thing is that the doctor is always in charge of the treatment, which he appointed the patient. Do not use Trichopolum yourself, it can be done only under medical supervision.

Ovarian Cysts - normal or dangerous? - When to see a doctor

June 20, 2013

  • Ovarian Cysts - normal or dangerous?
  • Cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Possible complications
  • When to see a doctor
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Hormone therapy
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 ovarian cysts when to seek medical help

When to seek medical help?

Promptly seek medical care necessary when there is a sudden, sharp pain in the pelvic area - this may be a sign of a cyst rupture, accompanied by internal bleeding, or a sign of ovarian torsion, potentially causing tissue necrosis and threaten a woman's ability to conceive Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
 . Frequent shallow breathing, cold clammy skin with weakness - signs of shock caused by internal bleeding at rupture of ovarian cysts Rupture of ovarian cysts - requires emergency surgery  Rupture of ovarian cysts - requires emergency surgery

In addition, it is better to consult a doctor if you notice any menstrual irregularities or there is persistent pain in the pelvic area.

Seek medical attention immediately in the following cases:

  • With self-detection of distinct symptoms of ovarian cysts
  • When the acute pain
  • When abnormal vaginal bleeding unrelated to any other factors

In addition, a physician must apply in cases when for at least two weeks following symptoms persist:

  • Satiation while eating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rapid weight loss without trying to lose weight

 When to see a doctor | Ovarian cyst - normal or dangerous?

Prevention of ovarian cysts

Frequent occurrence of ovarian cysts prevent the formation of new cysts helps hormonal drugs Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives  Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives
   - Such as oral contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptive pills prevent ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 , Thereby preventing the emergence of new ovarian cysts.
