Treatment of male and female infertility - the prospect of trying to

October 5, 2012

 treatment of male and female infertility
 Infertility treatment - a complex multi-step process, which always starts with a thorough inspection of the spouses. But if you have patience, the chance of having a healthy baby has almost all couples, with the exception, of course, those who have significant congenital anomalies of genitals.

 Treatment of male and female infertility - the prospect of trying to

Male infertility

Methods of treatment of male infertility depends on the test results and diagnosis. Thus, a decrease in the content of mobile sperm capable of fertilization of sperm (sperm fertilizing capacity reduction), immunological incompatibility between spouses or reducing conductive abilities cervical mucus of women use intrauterine insemination husband (IMS). But to carry out ISM can only be the case if the sperm of her husband even though a small number of motile sperm. For the spouse of the ISM taken semen, which is then enriched and injected into the woman's uterus.

If the male sperm does not have the ability to fertilize the sperm, the woman may fertilization with donor sperm. This technique is called insemination with donor sperm (ISD) and conducted it only with written consent of husband and wife.

When excretory form of male infertility, when sperm is, but violated their arrival in the ejaculate (sperm), provides treatment to restore patency ejaculatory tract infection (treatment of inflammatory diseases, abnormalities, dissection of adhesions) or impotence treatment Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem

 Treatment of male and female infertility - the prospect of trying to

Female infertility

Methods of dealing with female infertility also depends on its cause. When hormonal disorders in women may experience a variety of changes from a lack of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   to the impossibility of continuing the pregnancy. In such cases, after a thorough examination is conducted individually selected hormone therapy, the recovery of the menstrual cycle, and hence the possibility of having children.

Inflammatory diseases are also a common cause of infertility, and thus their detection is carried out thorough treatment, which often eliminates all the problems and pregnancy occurs.

All organic disease, preventing pregnancy occurrence, are treated, usually quickly. With operations dissect adhesions, compressing the fallopian tubes and cause their obstruction, eliminate congenital anomalies of the genitalia are removed tumor. If the treatment of infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
   does not produce results, then resorted to artificial insemination.

 Treatment of male and female infertility - the prospect of trying to

Methods of in vitro fertilization

There are several methods of artificial fertilization, used in infertility.

Intrauterine insemination by the husband's sperm (IMS), which was mentioned in the framework of male infertility, can be applied at various hormonal disorders in women and immunological incompatibility between spouses when an obstacle to the promotion of sperm into the female genital tract is cervical mucus.

But the most effective methods of artificial insemination are today considered a method of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection technique (ICSI).

 Treatment of male and female infertility - the prospect of trying to

What is IVF

ECO - is extracted from the fertilized egg of the female organism, followed by its introduction into the uterine cavity.

Indications for artificial insemination by IVF are:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes that can not be correct;
  • persistent hormonal disorders in women is not treatable;
  • External endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
   - Proliferation of endometrial cancer in other organs;
  • Infertility caused by reasons that are set after the test failed;
  • male sterility (decreased sperm quality).

IVF procedure is carried out in stages. First, suppressed their own hormonal women (it is necessary to accurately calculate the time of ovulation). Then, a artificial stimulation of oocyte maturation using hormones. The process of oocyte maturation occurs under ultrasound. After that, also under the control of US removed the egg from the ovary (the husband in this time losing sperm). Enriched sperm is combined with the egg and placed in an incubator. After the appearance of the most viable embryos are selected and are introduced into the uterus of a woman under the guise of hormones that maintain pregnancy. Two weeks later, the pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound and laboratory studies of blood.

If a woman's body full egg can not be obtained, can be used to fertilize a woman's egg donor. This modified method is called IVF OD.

 Treatment of male and female infertility - the prospect of trying to

What is ICSI

ICSI, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection method is now considered the most effective. When ICSI under a microscope in IVF prepared and recovered the body of a woman an egg using a special needle injected sperm (whichever is the most viable and moving). The rest of the method is the method of IVF.

Indications for ICSI are the reduction of sperm fertilizing capacity, the presence of sperm antibodies in semen and some types of pathology eggs.

All methods of artificial insemination are safe for women and children who are born as a result of the application of these methods are no different from their peers. Therefore, modern couples who have been diagnosed with infertility, it is hoped to have a child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • infertility treatment

Treating inflammation of the appendages - long integrated approach

August 16, 2013

  • Treating inflammation of the appendages - long integrated approach
  • Antibiotics
  • Physiotherapy

 Treatment of inflammation of the appendages
 Treating inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis) - a difficult task. If you do not have to treat as the acute inflammation of the appendages, it will go into chronic. A chronic process is fraught with the development of adhesions in the fallopian tubes and ovaries, which will eventually lead to the development of an ectopic pregnancy or infertility. Treatment of this process is no easy task, but it is doable.

 Treating inflammation of the appendages - long integrated approach

Basic principles of treatment of acute process

How to treat inflammation of the appendages? This is not an easy task, since each woman requires the selection of individual treatment. Acute and chronic inflammation of the appendages are treated differently.

Acute inflammation of the women and men carried out the same way. It is better to do it in the hospital, but if the condition is not too severe, sometimes the doctor prescribes outpatient treatment. Starting treatment with bed rest, fluid intake, diet.

Nutrition in acute adnexitis must be complete, but to exclude products that could exacerbate the inflammatory process - all fried, fatty, sweet, chocolate, baking, sweet carbonated drinks, spicy seasonings. The diet is recommended to include low-fat, cooked by boiling or stew poultry, dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable soups, porridge, steamed vegetables. Be sure to drink plenty of liquids - it promotes the excretion of pathogens and toxins produced during the inflammatory process.

Drug treatment of inflammation of the application includes a variety of drugs. Be sure to prescribe antibiotics first "blind" because the delay in this case is impossible, then antibiotics is adjusted according to the results of tests for sensitivity to them pathogens. Expressed in the treatment of inflammation of the recommended antibiotic injections and drip, as an acute inflammatory process is always accompanied by intoxication. To her relief at not heavy, you are advised to drink plenty. If a serious condition, the fluid is injected intravenously - administered in concentrated solutions of glucose, saline, reopoligljukin, gemodeza and so on.

Appointed as anti-inflammatory therapy - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - they reduce inflammation, pain and lower the temperature. In general in the treatment of inflammation appendages used NSAID tablet, but these drugs are sometimes administered in the form of other dosage forms.

Drugs with anti-allergic effect (desensitization drugs) also help to reduce swelling and pain. Men are recommended to wear a jockstrap (special sling to the scrotum - sold in pharmacies) - this reduces the pain.

If the disease is complicated by suppuration, the surgery is performed - ulcers opened. After the acute effects of the disease will be assigned treatments, whose mission - to improve blood circulation in the uterus and prevent the formation of adhesions in them. For this purpose, often assigned different physiotherapy. Later, after recovering she will need to undergo a spa treatment to consolidate the therapeutic effect and prevent the development of chronic inflammation.

Sometimes in severe disease carried plasmapheresis - cleansing the blood by removing a portion of the plasma (blood cells are returned to the bloodstream). The procedure allows to remove a significant amount of blood toxins, immune complexes, infectious agents and their metabolic products. All this leads to the revitalization of all organs and systems and a significant improvement in the patient's condition.

 Treating inflammation of the appendages - long integrated approach

Basic principles of treatment of chronic process

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the performed quite differently. Antibiotics for the treatment of chronic inflammation of the process even during exacerbations do not play a decisive role. They are assigned only in case of pronounced deterioration, which is accompanied by high fever, breach of the general condition and significant signs of inflammation in the blood count. The principle of antibiotics in this case is the same as in the case of acute adnexitis.

But most of the antibiotics for the treatment of exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the appendages are not required, as with prolonged inflammation infectious agents lose their aggressiveness and their number in the inflammation is practically not increased. Moreover, to take on the study of biological material often sterile. This suggests that chronic inflammation of the appendages Chronic inflammation of the appendages - the symptoms and course of the disease  Chronic inflammation of the appendages - the symptoms and course of the disease
   are crucial mechanisms of inflammation and allergies, and not an infection.

Therefore, during exacerbations, which flow softly, without disturbing the general conditions prescribed NSAIDs, desensitizing agents, wearing a jockstrap men.

Local treatment of chronic adnexitis Chronic adnexitis: dangerous consequences  Chronic adnexitis: dangerous consequences
   women conducted as vaginal irrigations, vaginal administration tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   with different drug solutions. Spend as pelvic massage.

After worsening over untreated, aimed at improving blood circulation in the area of ​​the appendages, adhesions resorption and suppression of adhesions. For this purpose, use a variety of physiotherapy, reflexology courses Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 , Spa treatment.

To extend the period of remission and prevention of ectopic pregnancy in the long course of chronic adnexitis, accompanied by obstruction of the fallopian tubes, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed, they are appointed for 6-8 months, and sometimes for a longer period

Of great importance is restorative treatment - inflammation of the appendages nearly always develops against the background of reduced immunity.

Women and men often recommend a walk in the fresh air, prescribed courses of medical gymnastics, balneotherapy. Will vitamin-mineral supplements and medicines from plants - adaptagenov facilitating adaptation to the environment - ginseng, devil's, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, and so on. Immunomodulators prescribed by the doctor-immunologist on the results of blood tests (immunogram).

For the treatment of chronic adnexitis applied and operative treatment. It may be required in the case where the uterus in a large number of adhesions formed. Even in the absence of relapses adhesions can cause ectopic pregnancy or complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes, that is to infertility. Therefore, surgery is performed dissection of adhesions.

Such operations should only occasion sparing methods, using laparoscopic instrumentation without additional tissue injury - any injury tissue ending proliferation of connective tissue.

 Treating inflammation of the appendages - long integrated approach

Main products

Than to treat inflammation of the appendages? This question is often asked by patients. Treat inflammation of the different drugs. Their choice of drugs is large enough, but you need to be clear that there may appoint a doctor.

Preparations for the treatment of inflammation of the appendages belong to different drug groups. Used antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, desensitizing agents, drugs, relieves intoxication, improves blood circulation, impeding the development of adhesions and absorbable already formed adhesions.

All products by inflammation of the physician selected individually for each woman, focusing on her condition and additional research data.
