Is it possible to cure infertility - no harm in trying, and a high probability

October 6, 2012

 is it possible to cure infertility
 Many couples want to have a child, but can not. In previous years, their dream would have remained unfulfilled, but today modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in most cases allows accurate diagnosis and cure infertility. But treatment can be lengthy, and it is important to follow it exactly.

 Is it possible to cure infertility - no harm in trying, and a high probability

Who are "guilty" in infertility - she or he

It is well established that the cause of infertile marriages can be either a woman or a man, as a percentage of "guilt" is divided in half. It is very important not to blame each other, and promptly see a doctor establish the correct diagnosis and a course of treatment.

The causes of female infertility can be different ovarian disease in which there is the maturation of the egg (polycystic cysts, ovarian failure), diseases of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus (their hormones regulate the menstrual cycle), thyroid gland (it affects the whole body), obstruction or other disorders of the fallopian tubes inflammatory or congenital nature, diseases of the uterus (inflammation, tumors, endometriosis), chromosomal abnormalities in eggs (this leads to the death of the embryo prior to its introduction into the uterine wall), immunological disorders in which a woman's body produces sperm antibodies.

Infertility occurs in violation of the formation, separation or sperm quality. For example, it may be insufficient sperm (oligospermia), the absence or insufficient number of sperm (azoospermia, oligozoospermia), poor sperm motility (asthenozoospermia), a large number of non-viable abnormal sperm (teratozoospermia), lack of sperm (anejaculation), immune disorders, with which in the male develop antibodies to their own sperm.

 Is it possible to cure infertility - no harm in trying, and a high probability

Where to begin with the signs of infertility

It is best to start treatment with antenatal care. At the same time the man should be examined by a urologist. It is possible that the cause of infertility can be identified and eliminated at this level. Obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation will examine women take tests for bacterial flora and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents and assign additional examination. It -Studies blood on hormones, ultrasound (US) of the pelvic organs, colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
   (endoscopic method of investigation of the vagina using a special optical instrument), if necessary X-ray (hysterography) and endoscopy (hysteroscopy) examination of the uterus.

In addition, we investigate overall health: complete blood count, urinalysis, biochemical blood analysis, the study of immunity as to identify a particular disease. There are also consulted various specialists. No less detail is examined and a man. Only after establishing a definitive diagnosis of treatment is prescribed.

 Is it possible to cure infertility - no harm in trying, and a high probability

Infertility treatment with hormonal disorders in women

When hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   changes menstrual cycle - the main mechanism of procreation. In the first half of the menstrual cycle under the influence of female hormones estrogen and pituitary hormones occurs oocyte maturation. If not enough hormones, the egg does not mature, not released from the ovary, so fertilization can not occur.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the fertilized egg must penetrate the mucous membrane of the uterus, but produced little if the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , The embryo will not be able to penetrate into the uterine wall, and if put in place, it will not be able to evolve as the mucous membrane of the uterus is not ready for its implementation.

There are various options to hormonal changes, but the essence remains the same: to become pregnant, hormonal correction is needed. This correction is quite possible to hold a women's clinic.

 Is it possible to cure infertility - no harm in trying, and a high probability

Infertility treatment in inflammatory processes of female genital mutilation

Chronic inflammation in women often goes unnoticed and is only detected by careful examination. When inflammation often affects the fallopian tubes - they become impassable because of the connective tissue growths - adhesions. If conservative methods to cure the inflammatory process fails, then held various kinds of recovery operations.

 Is it possible to cure infertility - no harm in trying, and a high probability

Treatment of immunological infertility

Immunological infertility is a condition in which a woman's body produces antibodies that kill sperm. A special feature of this type of infertility is that when you change the partner women's reproductive function is restored.

Immunological infertility way out may be in vitro fertilization (IVF), when the process of fertilization occurs in vitro, and then the embryo is introduced into the woman's uterus.

There are other methods for treating infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
 Including curable and most kinds of male infertility. But in some cases, infertility can not be disinfected, for example when significant abnormalities of the uterus or the complete lack of male sperm. But such cases are the exception rather than the rule, most types of infertility can be treated.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • infertility treatment

Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of

December 31, 2011

 The causative agent of thrush - yeast-like fungus candida (candida albicans), which, along with certain bacteria, in relatively small quantities is always present in the body. Thrush or candidiasis - a consequence of the rapid and uncontrolled multiplication of fungal organisms, which can be caused by a variety of reasons - a violation of the microflora of the vagina, trauma, HIV infection. Reproduction of fungal colonies can trigger an increase in the pH level in the vaginal environment, an allergic reaction, high blood sugar, hormone changes, reducing the amount of bacteria that control the proliferation of fungal microorganisms.

 Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of


Antibiotics - one of the most common causes of thrush. Although it would seem, antibiotics - the invention is extremely useful, in fact prolonged use of antibiotics for the treatment of a disease can cause other diseases. Antibiotics destroy harmful bacteria simultaneously neutralized and "good" bacteria, disrupting the balance and causing uncontrolled multiplication of fungal microorganisms. In some cases, cause the yeast only certain drugs, other - continuously taking any antibiotics. Prevention in this case does not exist: if the cause of yeast infection are antibiotics, it is impossible to prevent the disease, and can only treat the consequences.

 Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of


Too close, tight-fitting clothing or clothing made from synthetic fibers, which prevents the normal circulation of air and retains moisture, it becomes an ideal breeding ground for fungal microorganisms. To prevent yeast infection, it is necessary to pay special attention to the choice of clothes and underwear. Underwear necessarily have to be natural, undyed cotton and apparel - from natural fabrics, to pass air. Underwear should be changed on a regular basis - for example, once a day. Also, keep in mind that fungal organisms may be for some time to live in the fabric, so wash underwear should be thoroughly (especially during the treatment of fungal infections).

 Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of

Chemical substances

The chemical compound - for example, dyes or flavorings in intimate hygiene - may disrupt the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina or to provoke an allergic reaction, which in turn causes thrush. A classic example - Intimate gel: contained in these substances means neutralize the beneficial bacteria that control the proliferation of fungal organisms and disrupt the microflora of the vagina, thus causing thrush. There are, however, and much less obvious sources of harmful chemicals - such as washing powders and fabric softeners used in the washing underwear, salts and bubble bath, scented tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   or sanitary napkins, and even ordinary scented toilet paper.

 Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of


Studies have shown that a condom with a lubricant comprising a spermicide, nonoxynol-9, may cause a vaginal yeast infection and other infection. If there is a possibility that the cause of thrush is steel condoms, condoms with lubricant should be abandoned and start using other means of contraception. In addition, in rare cases, condoms can cause allergic reactions.

 Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of


One of the indirect causes of thrush - an unhealthy diet. Statistics show that women with different types of diabetes and high blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   increasingly faced with fungal diseases (sugar - the staple food of fungal microorganisms). Therefore, many experts recommend for preventing thrush adhere to the basic rules of healthy eating Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
 : Reduce the amount of sugar and sugar-containing foods in the diet, give up the junk food.

 Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of


Hormonal changes - another common cause of yeast infection: for example, pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to fungal diseases, as well as women taking oral contraceptives. The cause of yeast infection can be a steroid drug used to treat certain diseases - such as arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus.

 Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of


Any damage to the tissues of the vagina or vulva can lead to fungal diseases. For this reason, in violation of the natural mechanism of vaginal glands during sexual intercourse is recommended to use lubrication, compensating the lack of secretion. Not all substances are suitable for this purpose: an oil-based agent (such as a conventional petrolatum) destroy the latex and lean often contain dyes and fragrances, which in turn can provoke thrush.

 Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of

Infection through sexual contact

Fungal organisms can be transmitted by direct contact, so you can catch thrush during intercourse. Please note that the thrush, often with no visible symptoms, can occur in both men - often through unprotected sexual intercourse with a woman thrush can infect their partner. Distributed reverse situation - when a man who has no obvious symptoms of fungal disease infects his partner thrush.

 Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of

Weak immunity

Weak immunity - another very common cause of a variety of fungal infections, and yeast as well. The weakening of the immune system can lead to symptoms of yeast infection not only in the vagina: for people with weakened HIV, Lyme disease or other diseases characterized by immune oral thrush and esophageal candidiasis.

Article Tags:
  • causes thrush
