Different methods are used today for the treatment of hormone-dependent tumors. With the help of conservative and operative methods and uterine fibroids treated. Operation in this disease may also be carried out in various ways - the usual, with the cut tissue, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic.
Uterine fibroids - fibroid removal operation along with the uterus
Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) - a surgical treatment for fibroids along with the uterus. Such an operation is carried out for women who do not plan for the future pregnancy. myomas at large, rapidly growing fibroids, several large myoma nodes.
This type of operation can be carried out in different ways - by laparotomy or hysteroscopy laparoskoppi
Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside
. The choice of surgery depends on the size, number and location of fibroids, the structural features of the uterus in women of pre-operative hormonal therapy
Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?
Contributing to reduce the size of fibroids, the availability of the operating laparoscope and hysteroscope and skills of a doctor in their application.
Laparotomy is usually available through the cut tissue with a scalpel is used more often by removing large or multiple fibroids interstitial fibroids, located close to the cervix and isthmus. Thus along with the uterus fibroids through an incision in the abdominal wall. To remove large fibroids laparotomy method is more convenient, despite the great trauma.
A laparoscopic method of operation is to remove the uterus myoma uteri together using a special apparatus laparoscope which is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision in the abdominal wall. The advantages of laparoscopic hysterectomy
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need
is less traumatizing the surrounding tissue.
Hysteroscopic method is to remove the fibroids from the uterus along with the machine hysteroscope through the vagina.
The operation is considered to be a radical, that is, to solve all problems - larger fibroids will never relapse. The uterus can be removed at the same time along with the neck (hysterectomy) or without neck (supravaginal amputation of the uterus without appendages). As the cervix is important for the normal state of the pelvic floor, it is removed only when located in the uterine cervix. Saving the cervix can also maintain normal blood supply (and thus the operation) of the uterus - ovary.
Uterine fibroids - conserving surgery
Young women who are planning a pregnancy in the future today often spend organ operations - remove only the fibroids and the uterus retain. The operation is called a myomectomy. Such operations can be carried out only with uterine size less than 12 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes fibroids is larger and thus to reduce its size before the operation is carried out a course of conservative hormonal therapy.
Sparing surgery performed schadyashimi methods - laparoscopic hysteroscopic. Laparoscopic access is used when the fibroid is subserous localization, as well as in interstitial myomas located closer to the outer membrane of the uterus. In this case, the fibroid is removed through a small incision in the abdominal wall.
Hysteroscopic method is more suitable for removing fibroids which grow within the uterine cavity - submucous and interstitial located closer to the inner lining of the uterus. Operation in this case may be performed using a laser, radiofrequency knife (Surgitron apparatus) or by mechanical removal using endoscopic instruments comprising the hysteroscope.
In any case, operations are carried out quickly enough on approved and proven practice techniques they do not injure tissue. The only disadvantage of these operations is that the fibroids can eventually recur. To suppress a possible recurrence of the disease after surgery should be conservative hormonal therapy.
After myomectomy the woman can get pregnant and give birth to a child within six months after the operation - the obstacles to this usually does not happen. In addition, the preservation of the uterus helps to preserve the proper functioning of the rest of the pelvic organs, the preservation of the normal menstrual and reproductive function in the majority of the operated patients. After removing large subserous or interstitial fibroids delivery is usually recommended by Caesarean section.
Operations in the uterine fibroids can be carried out in different ways and in different volumes. What kind of operation was carried out in each case, the doctor decides.
Galina Romanenko
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- treatment of uterine fibroids