Ultrasound of the uterus - the importance of the survey

August 20, 2014

  • Ultrasound of the uterus - the importance of the survey
  • How do

 ultrasound uterus
 Ultrasound, or ultrasound - is a safe and painless way to be used for routine screening and diagnosis of a number of violations. Ultrasound of the uterus provides a fairly detailed picture of the uterus, to identify tumors, and in some cases establish their nature.


Types of ultrasound uterus

Transabdominal ultrasound examination of the uterus is used more often. The doctor leads the ultrasonic sensor on the lower abdomen, and displays an image of the uterus. This type of ultrasound is used in the ordinary course of examination of pregnant women, as well as to identify the major growths in the uterus.

Transvaginal or internal ultrasound of the uterus is carried by the sensor, the shape of which is specifically designed so as to facilitate its insertion into the vagina. This ultrasound is used in a wide variety of problems, such as infertility and suspected cancer of the uterus. Sometimes using internal ultrasound biopsy. Transvaginal ultrasound may be more useful than transabdominal, if a woman has severe obesity or increased flatulence - in both cases by an internal ultrasound can get a clearer picture.

Sonogisterografiya - type of ultrasound of the uterus, for which the uterus is injected sterile saline solution. This procedure can not be done during pregnancy.


Why use ultrasound uterus

Ultrasound of the uterus - a very useful diagnostic method used, for example, to establish the causes of vaginal bleeding, severe pelvic pain, unusual vaginal discharge The whole truth about vaginal secretions  The whole truth about vaginal secretions
 . With the help of ultrasound can detect violations such as polyps, uterine fibroids, endometrial atrophy, malignant neoplasms. And, of course, uterine ultrasound is widely used for the survey of pregnant - this procedure at least once carried out in each trimester of pregnancy. Ultrasound allows you to install, pregnant women with one child, or not, check the fetal heartbeat, detect an ectopic pregnancy, to determine the time of pregnancy to assess the risk of having a child with Down syndrome (this is usually done between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation), and to identify various defects in fetal development Fetal development - week after week  Fetal development - week after week

Ultrasound of the uterus and is used for other diagnostic procedures, such as amniocentesis. Finally, ultrasound can be found using the fruit of the child - with the proviso that it is during the test is in a position in which the doctor can see the gender.


Where do ultrasound of the uterus

Currently, the equipment needed to conduct ultrasound of the uterus, there is virtually every clinic or hospital.

The procedure is done not a gynecologist, and physician ultrasound diagnosis - a specialist, held a special training that allows him to make and interpret the ultrasound results.

Focus on ultrasound of the uterus gives, with rare exceptions, a gynecologist - If during the inspection, he identified the symptoms that require such an examination. If you suspect a cancer of the uterus or other relatively rare disease patient may be referred for re-examination to a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis of such disorders.


Operating principle

In the development of ultrasound techniques applied the same principle that is used in nature bats: they send a beep, it is reflected from various objects, and it gives them an idea of ​​their remoteness, size, and other characteristics, such as their density. US due to this principle allows you to get information about the shape, size, consistency of internal structures.

During ultrasonic sensor sends sound waves into the body tissue of the patient, and receives reflected waves - echo. The computer interprets these sound signals, and is based on their image. This principle works the same when trasabdominalnom and transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus.

Using a saline solution during sonogisterografii allows you to get a clearer picture of the uterus shelves: liquid expands the uterine wall, improving visibility.


How to prepare for ultrasound uterus

Tell your doctor if less than two days before the US you do X-rays using contrast material (eg, barium). At this time, barium may still remain in the intestine, and influence on the images obtained using ultrasound.

In the US need to come in handy, loose clothing that can be quickly put on and take off. During the transabdominal ultrasound of the uterus is usually only need to lift her blouse or T-shirt, underwear and lower a little, the sensor can move freely on the lower abdomen. Before transvaginal ultrasound is necessary to remove trousers or a skirt and underwear. Sometimes patients before the procedure is asked to change into a special shirt that gives a doctor or nurse.

Sonogisterografiyu and undercuts by ultrasound of the uterus during menstruation is not recommended, as it is associated with a small risk of infection. In addition, during menstruation, these procedures may cause some discomfort. The best time for ultrasound of the uterine cavity with saline solution is considered to be the first week after the menstrual period - in this period, the endometrium is the most subtle, so especially well seen various anomalies. To ease possible discomfort, shortly before sonogisterografii can take analgesics such as paracetamol Paracetamol - is effective for moderate pain  Paracetamol - is effective for moderate pain

About half an hour before the transabdominal ultrasound uterine doctor may ask you to drink 4-6 glasses of water or juice to fill the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function

A full bladder pushes the bowel away from the organs of the pelvic region, and it allows you to get a clearer picture of the uterus. In the case of such an emergency ultrasound bladder may be filled with water through the catheter.

Women who will only transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus, on the contrary, it is not recommended to drink any fluids for four hours before the procedure.

Removal of ovarian cysts - surgery

June 21, 2013

 removal of ovarian cysts
 Ovarian cyst - a very common phenomenon among women of childbearing age. Most of these tumors do not cause any harm to health and does not cause symptoms. However, if because of the cyst, pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   and other symptoms, it is recommended the removal of ovarian cysts surgically.

 Removal of ovarian cysts - surgery

What are the alternatives to surgery

If the cyst does not cause symptoms, or the symptoms are mild, your doctor may be limited to observation. The patient should be screened regularly to check to see if the size of the cyst. Usually the cyst disappears after a couple of months. If a long time is not reduced cyst, or continues to increase in size, the only kind of treatment is appropriate surgery.

 Removal of ovarian cysts - surgery

Preparation for surgery

The surgeon should explain in detail to the patient how to prepare for surgery. For example, if you smoke, it will ask you not to smoke for several hours before the surgery, since smoking increases the risk of certain infections that can slow recovery.

Typically, removal of ovarian cysts Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?  Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?
   carried out in the hospital one day - that is, the patient can go home on the day of operation. Since the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, six hours before its commencement should refrain from eating any food and beverages. Usually, doctors recommend not to eat or drink in the morning of the day appointed for the operation.

The doctor may ask you to bring your compression stockings Compression stockings - check with your doctor  Compression stockings - check with your doctor
   or stockings - they help prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins of the legs after the operation.

At your request, a doctor can tell that the patient usually feels after surgery, if they need analgesics how the recovery process. You can pre-cook your questions - many women prefer to know more about various aspects of their upcoming surgery.

 Removal of ovarian cysts - surgery

How is the operation

After what effect an anesthetic, a surgeon will make three small incision (about 1 cm long) near the navel. In them, he will introduce the laparoscope (a telescopic tube with a camera) and surgical instruments. Using the laparoscope the doctor will examine the ovaries, and then remove the cyst. Sections zashyut soluble surgical threads. In some cases where it is impossible to remove the cyst using laparoscopy Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?  Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
 , The surgeon has to make a large incision in the lower abdomen. The recovery period after such surgery may last somewhat longer than after laparoscopy.

 Removal of ovarian cysts - surgery

What then?

The patient must remain in the hospital for at least as long until after the anesthetic effect. Often, women are required analgesics to deal with the pain and discomfort after surgery.

Do not drive for 24 hours after surgery; overall health, and the residual effects of anesthesia at this time cause a reduction in concentration and slower reactions. Go home in a taxi, or ask to have brought up friends or relatives.

In the first 24 hours after surgery, you should not drink alcohol, do your job with a technique that is potentially dangerous to you or others, and to sign any documents, especially if you are not very familiar with its contents.

Before you leave the hospital, a nurse or doctor will give you advice on the care of joints. You will also set the date of the next inspection.

The duration of the period for which the seams disappear, made soluble yarns can vary, but usually it takes two or three weeks.

 Removal of ovarian cysts - surgery

Recovery period

Typically, a full recovery after surgery to remove an ovarian cyst takes no more than two or three weeks - it depends on the type of surgery and general health of the patient. It is important to follow exactly all recommendations of the physician concerning the recovery period.

For the relief of pain using non-prescription analgesics such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If they do not help, consult a doctor with a request to write you a more powerful analgesics, but in any case, do not start taking their own - even if they are in your home medicine cabinet.

 Removal of ovarian cysts - surgery

Side effects

Common side effects of the removal of ovarian cysts are hematoma and abdominal pain. Many patients also appear sore shoulders - a radiating pain, which in most cases takes place within 48 hours.

 Removal of ovarian cysts - surgery


With the removal of ovarian cysts, as well as any operations related risk of adverse reactions to the anesthetic; infections also may develop severe bleeding and thrombus formation - usually in leg veins (deep vein thrombosis).

Specific complications of this operation are rare; they may include damage to internal organs in the abdominal cavity (e.g., bladder, intestine, uterus, one or both ovaries or fallopian tubes, and large blood vessels). Seek immediate medical attention if after the surgery you have a one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain or swelling in the lower abdomen;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Vaginal discharge of dark color and / or has an unpleasant odor;
  • Discharge with a strong unpleasant odor from the joints, as well as pain or swelling around the joints.

These symptoms may indicate an infection that should be treated as soon as possible.

 Removal of ovarian cysts - surgery

Is it possible to remove an ovarian cyst during pregnancy

If you are pregnant and you have found ovarian cyst, the doctor will typically wait until 14 weeks of pregnancy, before deciding whether removal of the cyst. It is not required to remove it if it does not cause pain or discomfort, and there is no indication that it may be malignant. The doctor will monitor the changes in its size during pregnancy - this measure is usually sufficient.

If the cyst causes pain, or there are signs that it could be cancer, for its removal may be recommended laparoscopy. This operation is safe for pregnant women, although, as with any kind of surgery, it is associated with certain risks.

Article Tags:
  • Treatment of ovarian cysts
