Polizhinaks - applied carefully - Mechanism of Action

February 18, 2010

  • Polizhinaks - used cautiously
  • Mechanism of action

Mechanism of action

Polizhinaks - a combined drug for local use with antibacterial and antifungal activity. Available in the form of vaginal capsules, which contain antibiotics neomycin, polymyxin B and nystatin Nystatin - help with candidiasis  Nystatin - help with candidiasis

The antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B kill pathogens of bacterial origin, they have an impact on many gram-positive and gram-negative (Gram-positive bacteria differ from Gram-negative because they have denser capsule that holds paint Gram) bacteria - staphylococci, enterococci, E. coli, ureaplasma This insidious ureaplasma - often too late  This insidious ureaplasma - often too late
   and other Streptococci and anaerobic bacteria (developing without oxygen) sensitive to these antibiotics.

Antifungal antibiotic nystatin have an effect against fungi, particularly yeast (e.g., Candida).

The excipient is included in the gel composition Polygynax dimethylpolysiloxane - it possesses shielding and antipruritic effect, improves metabolic processes in the mucosa of the vagina, promotes penetration of the active ingredients in Polygynax mucosal folds.

After insertion into the sheath capsules Polygynax penetrate the mucosa of the vagina and cervix, exerting a local therapeutic effect and little being absorbed into the bloodstream.

 The mechanism of action | Polizhinaks - used cautiously

Indications and contraindications for use Polizhinaks

Indications for use Polizhinaks is the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by susceptible to the drug by microorganisms (necessarily have to be a preliminary examination sowing vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge: normal or disease?  Vaginal discharge: normal or disease?
   on nutrient media, identifying the causative agent and the determination of its sensitivity to antibiotics):

  • bacterial vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa);
  • fungal vaginitis;
  • vaginitis caused by a mixed (bacterial and fungal) microflora;
  • vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the female genitals and vagina);
  • cervicovaginitis (inflammation of the lining of the vagina and cervix).

Polizhinaks also encouraged to apply for the prevention of gynecological infectious-inflammatory complications:

  • before operations in the area of ​​female genital mutilation, including before diathermocoagulation cervix;
  • to diagnostic studies of the uterus (eg, before hysteroscopy);
  • before birth and abortion;
  • before and after installation of an intrauterine device.

Contraindications for use Polizhinaks are individual intolerance of components, chronic renal failure, pregnancy and breast-feeding the child. No cases of overdose have been identified.

 The mechanism of action | Polizhinaks - used cautiously

Side effects that may occur when using Polizhinaks

With prolonged use Polizhinaks can produce the following side effects:

  • may cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa (including allergic) and even contact eczema in Polygynax application site, and elsewhere;
  • From the senses: in rare cases may cause hearing impairment;
  • From the urinary system: possible toxic effects on the kidneys.

Due to possible side effects, as well as to prevent the formation of resilience to individual pathogens and the risk of recurrence of the infection, timing of application should be limited Polizhinaks

 The mechanism of action | Polizhinaks - used cautiously

How to apply Polizhinaks

Polizhinaks appoint a doctor, and after the obligatory preliminary sensitivity study of infectious agents to the drug. During treatment Polizhinaks do not use caps and latex condoms and contraceptives that contain substances that suppress the activity of sperm (eg farmateks). The course of treatment during menstruation is not interrupted.

Capsule Polizhinaks injected deep into the vagina at bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   (one capsule within 6-12 days according to the doctor's prescription).

Article Tags:
  • Polizhinaks

Colposcopy of the cervix: the risk is minimal - Holding procedures

January 4, 2012

  • Colposcopy of the cervix: the risk is minimal
  • Carrying out the procedure

 How is colposcopy cervix

How is colposcopy cervix

The procedure itself usually takes no more than fifteen or twenty minutes (if you are extended colposcopy Extended colposcopy: detailed analysis of  Extended colposcopy: detailed analysis of
   cervical or simultaneous treatment process takes more time). On a visit to the gynecologist is better to take at least an hour since before performing colposcopy physician must be obtained from the patient's health information used methods of contraception, menstrual cycle and so on.

Before performing colposcopy patient takes a horizontal position on the gynecological chair Gynaecological chair: Take a closer look  Gynaecological chair: Take a closer look

Is introduced into the vagina speculum Speculum: the main tool gynecologist  Speculum: the main tool gynecologist
 , Expanding the vagina.

After the introduction of the vaginal mucous membrane mirror cervix is ​​examined using a colposcope (the device itself is not introduced into the vagina). Himself colposcope - an optical instrument such as a microscope, resembles a pair of binoculars on a tripod with a light source.

For the treatment of parts of cervical mucus during the extended colposcopy cervix using cotton swab - sterile cotton swab. When the extended colposcopy commonly used acetic acid or iodine, allowing to define the exact boundaries of abnormal formations.

In some cases, colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
   It involves a biopsy - taking a sample of cervical tissue for further examination under a microscope (usually local anesthesia).


After a colposcopy

After a colposcopy to the usual activities you can return the same day - the execution procedure has no effect on health. Colposcopy may cause slight vaginal bleeding (especially after simultaneous biopsy) or vaginal secretions (typical for an extended colposcopy). Bleeding after colposcopy may last up to three to five days. Tampons, vaginal creams, suppositories after colposcopy is not recommended to use to stop bleeding. For a period of three to five days after a colposcopy is recommended to refuse sex.

Colposcopy is considered absolutely safe procedure, but in some cases accompanied by a feeling of discomfort or pain. The risk of complications after a colposcopy is minimal - in rare cases after treatment can be observed an intense vaginal bleeding, discharge or pain in the lower abdomen.

Article Tags:
  • colposcopy
