A biopsy of the cervix - do not assume the worst - How is the procedure

June 11, 2009

  • A biopsy of the cervix - do not assume the worst
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 biopsy procedure

Biopsy Procedure

A biopsy of the cervix - this is one of the main stages of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female genital organs, which is in the fence area of ​​living tissue and makes it possible to study in detail the microscopic cellular ultrastructure. This in turn allows to accurately determine the degree of malignancy of cells and, if necessary, timely treatment start.

Although a biopsy of the cervix covers almost all of the layers of tissue, the procedure is absolutely painless, so did not require anesthesia.

Nevertheless, especially impressionable girls fall into a real panic when they learn that the operation will be carried out without anesthesia. In these cases, use of a surface anesthetic (eg, lidocaine). However, this is more of a psychological technique to calm the patients because the cervix is ​​devoid of pain receptors.

The only sensation that can occur, a feeling pulling in the lower abdomen, which is associated with spastic contraction of smooth muscle of the uterus. These reflex reduction as the result of excitation of nerve cells in response to touching the uterine cervical mucosa. To even these feelings did not arise, it is necessary to calm down and relax properly. Otherwise, your tension will only increase the contraction of the muscle layers of the uterus. Besides cervical biopsy procedure continues literally no more than a few seconds.

Itself a biopsy may be performed in different ways, ranging from the "clean" surgical excision of tissue with a scalpel specially designed biopsy forceps or turbinotomy (special "cutters") to more modern methods: electric loop radionozh, laser radiation. This "hardware" methods of biopsy do not require stitching the edges of the wound (as have coagulating effect on issechёnnye fabric) and allow to obtain slices of very high quality, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis. In any case, cervical biopsy is carried out using a special microscope and provisional color mucous Lugol solution - alcoholic solution of iodine diluted in water 1:10. Lugol solution allows a closer look "suspicious" site.

Biopsy procedure is carried out immediately after the menses, but not before the doctor should ascertain whether there is any hidden infectious processes, which conducted a preliminary seeding swabs from mucous bacterial environment. If after three days, bacterial growth did not happen - everything is in order, you can proceed to biopsy. If the grown colonies of pathogenic organisms, it is necessary first to assign treatment and cervical mucous cleaned from microbes, otherwise in the open wound remaining after biopsy can penetrate infection.

A biopsy of the cervix is ​​essentially a surgical intervention, though minor. Therefore, after the end of surgery, the doctor is obliged to inform the patient about the subject to certain restrictions. For example, one - one and a half weeks after the biopsy can not be done douching and put tampons. At about the same period, to avoid heavy exercise and abstain from sex. It is also not desirable any local thermal effects, or to dramatically expand the vessels can cause bleeding.


Preparing and conducting procedures

Before performing a biopsy of the cervix is ​​recommended to inform your doctor if you are taking any medications (particularly drugs, anticoagulants such as aspirin or warfarin), as well as allergies to any medications.

24 hours before the biopsy of the cervix is ​​recommended to refuse sex, douching Douching - a controversial procedure  Douching - a controversial procedure
 Applying suppositories and vaginal tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 . In some cases, for thirty to sixty minutes before the biopsy it is recommended to take a pain reliever (such as ibuprofen) to relieve discomfort or pain sensation, which can cause cervical biopsy.

Duration cervical biopsies, even considering the pre colposcopy, is sufficiently small and is, in ordinary cases, the order of fifteen minutes. Immediately after the procedure the woman can return to normal daily routine. Biopsy results are usually available within one to two weeks.

Biopsy pre colposcopy performed by a qualified gynecologist. To perform a biopsy is required to take a horizontal position in the gynecological chair Gynaecological chair: Take a closer look  Gynaecological chair: Take a closer look
 Then inserted into the vagina a special speculum Speculum: the main tool gynecologist  Speculum: the main tool gynecologist
 , Pushes the wall of the vagina and facilitates the procedure of examination of the vagina and cervix. Thereafter, the direct inspection of the cervix with a colposcope. Upon detection of abnormal areas of tissue cervical biopsy is performed - fence one or more tissue samples from the cervix. If a biopsy is bleeding, the surface of the cervix is ​​treated with a special solution - often silver nitrate.

If necessary, sampling tissue from the endocervical canal is performed endocervical biopsy (endocervical curettage). Since the examination of the endocervical canal using a colposcope is not possible, in the endocervical canal for taking tissue samples inserted a small sharp instrument - curette. This type of biopsy of the cervix is ​​not performed during pregnancy.

And most importantly, if the doctor thinks a biopsy of the cervix required, then there is a good reason. To refuse the procedure is not recommended.

A biopsy of the cervix - do not assume the worst - Results

June 11, 2009

  • A biopsy of the cervix - do not assume the worst
  • How is the procedure
  • After the biopsy
  • results
  • Effects
  • When pregnancy
  • Forum

 biopsy results

Biopsy results

The results of the biopsy of the cervix is ​​usually ready in a week or two after the procedure. Abnormal cervical biopsy results may indicate either tserkivalnuyu dysplasia Dysplasia - what is it?  Dysplasia - what is it?
   (abnormalities in the cells of the tissues of the cervix) of various degrees, or cervical cancer. In addition, the results of a biopsy of the cervix may show the presence of benign tumors in the mucous (cervical polyps).

Cell abnormalities shown cervical biopsy - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN): the development of cell abnormality is determined by the degree of severity, from first to third degree depending on the number of abnormal cells. Cervical dysplasia is the first degree means that only a small number of cells (one in three) abnormally; dysplasia third degree indicates a large number of abnormal cells. In rare cases, the results of dysplasia may show that changes in the cells of cervical tissue has led to the formation of malignant (cancer) formation. In six out of ten cases of cervical dysplasia of the first degree (CIN 1) abnormalities in the cells disappear without treatment, and only one out of ten cases of abnormal development of cells gradually leads to the third degree of dysplasia. Only in one case out of a hundred first-degree dysplasia leads to cervical cancer Cervical cancer: possible cure  Cervical cancer: possible cure
   over a very long period of time.

Cervical dysplasia second and third degree does not mean a precancerous condition. However, in such cases, recovery of the normal state of cervical cells treatment is required and, in rare cases, removal of damaged areas of tissue with the help of special procedures (cryotherapy, wedge biopsies and so on).


Of CIN 1: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the first degree

If biopsy results indicate the presence of cervical dysplasia, cervical negligible in most cases, treatment is required. More than half of all cases of dysplasia of the first degree in violation of cervical cells usually disappear on their own. However, in some cases, the first degree of dysplasia treatment is required, assigned according to the preliminary results of the biopsy and colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?

If the results of colposcopy The results of colposcopy - how to interpret them  The results of colposcopy - how to interpret them
   appeared normal, we recommend re-execution of a biopsy of the cervix within six months after the first procedure. If the results of colposcopy showed slight disturbances in the tissues of the cervix, colposcopy is recommended to perform repeated six months after the first procedure.


Of CIN 2: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the second degree

If the results of the biopsy of cervical dysplasia show the second degree, there is a risk of further development of cellular abnormalities. In such cases usually recommended treatment - removal of abnormal areas of cervical tissue reduces the risk of developing cervical cancer.


3 CIN: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the third degree

These biopsy results indicate the presence of significant abnormalities in the cells of the tissues of the cervix with a very high chance of further development disorders. Dysplasia of the third degree requires mandatory treatment to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
