The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes to the pathology - Increasing the uterus and fibroids

February 3, 2011

  • The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology
  • Symptoms and treatment of enlarged uterus
  • The increase in uterine and fibroid

The increase in uterine and fibroid

Fibroids that develops in the tissue of the uterus, can cause an increase in its size. Depending on the location and size of the tumors increase in size of the uterus can be significant or almost imperceptible. As a rule, to form a fibrous tumor associated increase in size of the uterus.

Fibroids are benign growths that develop in the walls of the uterus and are considered to be quite common among women of reproductive age. In some countries, fibroids are one of the main reasons for hysterectomy (complete or partial removal of the uterus). As a rule, fibroids do not threaten the health of the woman, but to ignore such education is also impossible - otherwise they can lead to serious health problems.

Wall-tumor - a type of fibroids, causing an increase in size of the uterus. Development of Wall-tumor begins with a small nodule in the tissues of the uterus. Expanding tumor causes deformation and an increase in the uterine cavity. Fibroids cause an increase in the uterus and in some cases can be seen in the physical examination of the lower abdomen as hard lumps.

 The increase in uterine and fibroid | Increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology

The most common symptoms of fibroid

  • The pressure on the pelvic organs - for example, the bladder
  • Incontinence caused fibroid pressure on the bladder
  • Violation of the intestine
  • Pain in the back
  • Abundant or painful menstruation Painful menstruation - the impact on quality of life  Painful menstruation - the impact on quality of life
  • Abdominal distention
  • Discomfort in the abdomen

 The increase in uterine and fibroid | Increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology

Treatment of fibroids

Surgical methods

  • In particularly serious cases, to remove fibroid resort to hysterectomy - that is complete or partial removal of the uterus Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need  Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need
  • In some cases, the tumor is removed - through a special procedure, myomectomy.


  • Fibroid embolization - blood flow to overlapping fibrous form, thereby swelling dies. Such a procedure is useless in treating large tumors. In addition, such a procedure is necessary to avoid women planning to become pregnant in the future.
  • Receiving drugs.

Article Tags:
  • diseases of the uterus

Cervical erosion - almost without symptoms, but with consequences - Treatment

March 4, 2014

  • Cervical erosion - almost without symptoms, but with consequences
  • What threatens
  • Treatment

 treatment of cervical erosion

When to seek medical help

Early stages of precancerous cervical disease and cancer often does not manifest itself. Symptoms usually appear when the cancer progresses and it is difficult to stop. Therefore, it is important to do regular Pap smears.

Seek immediate medical attention should be the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • unusual vaginal discharge The whole truth about vaginal secretions  The whole truth about vaginal secretions
  • spotting or small intermenstrual bleeding;
  • postcoital (after sex), bleeding.

The appearance of these symptoms does not mean that a woman has cancer, they can cause other processes, including erosion of the cervix. Immediate access to a doctor is necessary to timely detect and treat any chronic processes in the cervix, which in the future might be transformed into malignant tumors.

Helpful hints:

  • all women who have reached the age of majority or the onset of sexual activity before that age, it is recommended once a year undergo a gynecological examination with cytology (Pap test); the first time the analysis is repeated twice, and if it is negative, the Pap test can be done every three years until age 40; after that age Pap test should be done every year;
  • when using hormonal contraceptives, the presence of infectious and inflammatory gynecological processes, including genital herpes or papillomavirus infection, frequent change of sexual partners Pap test is recommended to do twice a year. Some elderly women find that they no longer need to conduct Pap smears, since it is not sexually active. But this is not the case with age make themselves known hormonal disorders: decreased estrogen content that support the development of normal microflora of the vagina The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
 . This leads to the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?  Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?
   and inflammatory processes. Thus, with age the risk of cervical cancer increases.


Treatment of cervical erosion

Treatment of cervical erosion always begins with the elimination of the reasons that caused it. In identifying infectious inflammation prescribed drugs inhibiting the development of bacterial, viral or fungal infection (depending on what pathogens have been identified, and their sensitivity to various drugs). Locally appointed antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of vaginal baths, candles, therapeutic application emulsions, ointments, and so on.

Chronic cervical erosion can take place against the background of hormonal disorders, in which case it is carried out simultaneously with the correction of the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes. Very often, after the cause of true erosion it runs independently.

For the treatment of pseudo-use physiotherapy: electrophoresis with zinc, short-wave ultraviolet irradiation, microwave therapy. If the disease is not amenable to conservative treatment, burning is conducted cervical erosion in various ways.

Erosion of the cervix in nulliparous women treated mostly by conservative methods, as its removal by surgery can lead to scarring of the cervix. During childbirth scars on the cervix can hinder its proper disclosure. But if erosion is not amenable to conservative treatment, it is removed by gentle methods, which do not lead to the formation of rough scars.

Removal of cervical erosion can be done in different ways:

  • by treating the erosion (more correctly - pseudo) Cervical special preparations that destroy destroyed epithelium (eg Solkovagina); It is a gentle method is used in small erosions, as well as for the treatment of erosions in nulliparous women;
  • by cryoablation - fabric in the area of ​​erosion was treated with liquid nitrogen, healthy tissue with almost no damage;
  • by ditermokoagulyatsii - cauterization of electric shock; it is painful and traumatic method to form a rough scars on the cervix; nulliparous women not applicable;
  • by laser cauterization; method is considered efficient and non-traumatic;
  • cauterization by radio waves - the most effective and safest method leaves a very little scarring.

Most cervical erosion, not only to cauterize but excised. Excision of cervical erosion (diatermokonizatsiya) - as modified by the removal of tissue.

After cauterization or excision of cervical erosion women should be supervised by a gynecologist as possible recurrence of the disease, if a woman has a hormonal disturbances, or latent infection.


Prevention of cervical erosion

This, above all, prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, including infections, sexually transmitted diseases. If a woman has multiple sexual partners, the risk of erosion is greatly increased. Of great importance is the timely detection and treatment of infections and hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • cervical erosion
