Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic - What is the danger

March 18, 2010

  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic
  • What is the danger

Fallopian tubes, their structure and function

Uterine (fallopian) tube - a tube doubles authority in charge of transporting the egg and sperm, creating a favorable environment for the process of fertilization, its development in the early stages of pregnancy and promoting early days of the embryo in the uterus.

Fallopian tube with one end opening into the uterus (uterine opening of the tube), and the other free end (abdominal opening) - into the abdomen near the ovary. During ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (release of mature egg from the ovary) tube may tightly contact with the ovary. Abdominal hole closeness and usually opens only during ovulation.

From inside the fallopian tubes are covered with a mucous membrane of the cells that secrete mucus as part of a special cilia, contributing to the promotion of the egg in the right direction. The egg enters the fallopian tube and is found with the sperm, fertilization occurs it, resulting in a fertilized egg begins to divide repeatedly to form an embryo. Embryo while moving through the pipe falls from the uterine cavity and is embedded in the mucosa, where they begin to develop rapidly.


Why can develop obstruction of the fallopian tubes

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes can be organic and functional, they are there for different reasons. Organic fallopian tubes - it is the obstacles that arise from the violation of their structure, they may be:

  • after serious inflammatory diseases of internal female reproductive organs (diseases, sexually transmitted infection complicated childbirth, abortion and so on), which resulted in the inside or outside of the pipes develop adhesions Adhesions - how to get rid of them?  Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
   (connective tissue of the film), which cover the lumen of the tube and squeeze it from the outside;
  • after surgeries on the pelvic organs (such as the removal of a benign tumor of the uterus) or abdominal cavity (eg, appendectomy); In the region of the fallopian tubes are also formed adhesions;
  • congenital malformations of the fallopian tubes.

Functional obstruction of the fallopian tubes are not accompanied by a breach of their structure, but also cross-pipes broken. It found:

  • with hormonal disorders that lead to the disruption of mucus secretions in the fallopian tubes and impaired motor activity of cilia, promoting egg by the fallopian tube;
  • when fresh inflammatory processes that have not yet led to the formation of adhesions, but disrupted the fallopian tube;
  • chronic stress and nervousness, that result in permanent spasm of the muscles of the fallopian tubes and narrows their lumen; In addition, stress hormones break.


How is and how dangerous obstruction of the fallopian tubes

Unfortunately, blocked tubes is usually asymptomatic, and she realizes it only by the presence of complications - infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Tubal infertility is developed due to the fact that the sperm can not meet the egg and fertilize it because of obstacles (mostly organic). Sometimes fertilization can occur, but it will not be able to get to the uterus. And as the fetus grows, it will happen sooner or later break the fallopian tube with simultaneous rupture located in the area of ​​blood vessels. Woman feels it as a sharp (dagger), flank pain and weakness, until he lost consciousness. This is a very dangerous condition, so early in pregnancy all women undergo ultrasound to determine where the fetus.


Diagnosis and treatment of tubal occlusion

Identification of obstruction of the fallopian tubes begin to identify and treat inflammatory, infectious agent, and hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 . For this conduct laboratory research - smear (identifying latent inflammation), crop secretions from the cervix to the culture media and blood tests for hormones. If latent inflammation or hormonal background find their being treated.

In addition, carry out X-ray and ultrasound tests to determine the cause of the disease. If necessary, the diagnostic laparoscopy Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?  Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
   - Introduction through small incisions in the skin of special tools with an optical device that allows you to review the state of the inside of the fallopian tube.

Conservative treatment is only amenable to functional obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which is restored by the treatment of inflammatory processes fresh (before formed adhesions), normalization of hormonal and psychological condition of the woman.

Organic blocked tubes is subject to surgical treatment. With laparoscopic surgery adhesions are cut. Not all adhesions unable to disunite and then blocked tubes remains. But these women can be helped, there are techniques of in vitro fertilization, where the egg is taken from the ovaries, fertilized by sperm in a test tube and then introduced into the woman's uterus.

The main thing - do not give up: survey and consistent treatment sooner or later lead to a positive result.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • infertility
  • the fallopian tubes

Mikomaks - a new clone of fluconazole - Indications and contraindications

August 29, 2013

  • Mikomaks - a new clone of fluconazole
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Safety measures

 mikomaks indications and protivopakazaniya

Indications and contraindications

Effective antifungal drugs is produced not so much. One of them is fluconazole, which is available under numerous names: Diflucan, Diflazon, mikosist Mikosist - another remedy for thrush  Mikosist - another remedy for thrush
 , Mikoflyukan Mikoflyukan: thrush defeated?  Mikoflyukan: thrush defeated?
 , Flyukoral Sediq, flyumikon, fungolon, mikomaks. It is possible that by the time this article was written and released one of the clones of fluconazole under its new name.

 Indications and contraindications | mikomaks - a new clone of fluconazole

What are generic drugs

When a pharmaceutical company produces a completely new, yet no one has invented a drug, it registers it (the drug receives international nonproprietary name - INN) and receives a patent for his release for some time. Next, the original drug manufactured and marketed under a name that gives him the firm (brand). When the patent term ends this drug becomes public domain and can be produced by any other under its own name, but the international nonproprietary name on the packaging and in the instructions is always present. These drugs are called to generate or the English style generics.

 Indications and contraindications | mikomaks - a new clone of fluconazole

Mikomaks - generic fluconazole

Mikomaks - is an antifungal agent that acts on the pathogenic fungi by inhibiting the activity of enzymes, increasing the permeability of the cell membrane, disrupting the growth and reproduction of fungi. Mikomaks - generic fluconazole, it is produced by the pharmaceutical Zentiva (Czech Republic) capsules.

Once inside mikomaks well absorbed and simultaneous reception of food on absorption is not affected. The concentration in the blood reaches a peak at 0, 5-1, 5 hours after the administration, the half-life is about 30 hours, allowing to take the drug once a day.

Mikomaks penetrates well into all body fluids. Drug concentrations in saliva and sputum are similar to its level in the blood. In the skin and sweat liquid reaches high concentrations which exceed the concentrations in the blood. Mikomaks displayed in the kidneys; about 80% of the administered dose is excreted in the urine in unchanged form.

 Indications and contraindications | mikomaks - a new clone of fluconazole

Who can receive mikomaks

Mikomaks appoint a doctor if:

  • fungal infections of the oral mucosa and genital organs;
  • fungal diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs;
  • common forms of fungal disease on the background of an immunity;
  • intracranial infections caused by fungi;
  • fungal skin diseases, including feet, fingernails, groin area and so on;
  • for the prevention of fungal infections in cancer patients on chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
   or radiotherapy;
  • to prevent the spread of fungal infections after bone marrow transplantation.

 Indications and contraindications | mikomaks - a new clone of fluconazole

Treatment mikomaks

Mikomaks administered orally in capsules. Dosage and duration of treatment depends on the type and severity of fungal disease. Treatment is carried out under the mandatory laboratory control (detection of pathogenic fungi laboratory methods), otherwise there may be recurrent infection. During treatment, checked blood counts, kidney and liver function.

 Indications and contraindications | mikomaks - a new clone of fluconazole

This is counter to welcome mikomaks

Contraindications mikomaks are:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • severe kidney disease (e.g., glomerulonephritis) and liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age of children up to 3 years.

Mikomaks adversely affects the liver, therefore, should not be in its reception taking other substances which have a negative effect on the liver. This alcohol and some drugs.

In case of overdose may appear mikomaks hallucinations (seeing, hearing what is actually there), paranoid (delusional, with obsessions, when it seems that someone is following or to kill, and so on) behavior. In such cases, you need to call an ambulance: further assistance should be provided in the hospital.

Attention! Mikomaks, like all drugs on the basis of fluconazole Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution
 It is a very effective way, which is to be administered only by a physician. Self-medication in this case can have a very negative impact on health.
