Polyps in the uterus - the result of hormonal disorders - Types

August 20, 2013

  • Polyps in the uterus - the result of hormonal disorders
  • Kinds
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment
  • Remove
  • Gestation

 types of polyps in the uterus

Types of polyps in the uterus

Prevalence of pathology in the structure of gynecological diseases are hyperplastic process, which may take the form of the formation of polyps in the uterus. Polyps tend to recur, so it is important to determine the shape and type of education, because it affects the choice of treatment strategy. Types of polyps in the uterus are classified according to their shape by the prevalence therein of a component (or prostate stroma).

Polyps occur in both the cavity and the cervix. They are glandular (tissue composed of glands, they occur more frequently in young women), iron-fibrotic (of glandular and connective tissue) and fibrous (connective tissue - usually occur in older women). In the field of polyps in some cases appear circulatory disorders and hemorrhage, which can lead to cell death polyps (necrosis) and the connection of inflammatory processes.

 Forms | Polyps in the uterus - the result of hormonal disorders

What contributes to the formation of polyps in the uterus

Normal and pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus depends on the state of the nervous and endocrine systems, which are interconnected in a complex relationship. Manages all these relationships the hypothalamus - an area in the brain, which is composed of neurosecretory cells, capable of transmitting nervous excitement and allocate secrets or neurohormones.

Hypothalamic neurohormones affect the main endocrine glands - the pituitary, stimulating (these hormones called Riesling-factors) or inhibiting (an inhibitor of factor) production by the pituitary gland of his (gonadotropin) hormone. Gonadotropins (FSH, luteinizing hormone and prolactin) in turn affect the gonads. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone increases the secretion of estrogen, and under the influence of luteinizing hormone - progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the mucous membrane of the uterus grows under the influence of estrogen, ready to accept a fertilized egg at the end of the menstrual cycle under the influence of progesterone the mucous membrane is torn away and menstruation occurs.

If broken any link in the chain formation of hormones, hormonal shift takes place, and the mucous membrane of the uterus begins to grow properly.

 Forms | Polyps in the uterus - the result of hormonal disorders

Types of polyps form

The structure includes a different number of polyp connective tissue stroma and glands. Depending on their relationship are the following forms of polyps:

  • ferruginous
  • glandular-fibrous, or mixed
  • fibrous

The most favorable course and have a mixed form of glandular polyps. They respond well to hormone therapy, so if a full course of treatment (hormonal agents) recovery occurs. This does not exclude the risk of re their development or recurrence. Another situation is the formation of fibrous polyps. This type of polyps does not possess hormonal sensitivity, they can only be removed surgically. In the structure of fibrous polyps virtually no cancer, they are represented by connective tissue formations.

By the nature of pathological changes polyps are benign processes.

But at the same time does not exclude the possibility of malignancy of polyps, the development of malignancy. As the process can be considered precancerous adenomatous polyps variety, which is characterized by a change at the level of the structure of the glands. Rate changes taking place at the level of the mucosa of the uterus allows histological examination, holding of which is mandatory in the case of established endometrial polyposis.

Rate the structural features of the structure of the polyps in the uterus can be during the ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs. The results of ultrasound can not be fundamental for the establishment of a particular form of education, it is only an additional diagnostic method. Classify changes in the uterus allows histological diagnosis resulting material.

To improve the reliability of the method of ultrasound scanning is recommended in the first phase of the study (it should be a 5-7 day cycle). Fibrotic polyps have distinctive features in the form of the appearance of an acoustic shadow behind them, and the inner structure of the formation is homogeneous.

 Forms | Polyps in the uterus - the result of hormonal disorders

Features histological classification

This type of classification divides the different kinds of polyps into several types. The main difference lies in the condition of the endometrium. The first type of fibroid polyps are united and mixed polyps. They are represented by the normal functioning endometrium, the changes that take place according to certain phases of the menstrual cycle.

The other type is represented by glandular polyps in the uterus. According to the results of histological examination can detect the presence of endometrial hyperplasia with cystic dilated glands. These changes are the result of dishormonal influences when disturbed cyclicity in the production of hormones, and they begin to have an effect on the endometrium, causing enhanced growth. Hormonal effects is also evident in the glandular component, which is reflected in the expansion of the lumen of the cystic mucous glands.

Polyps are entities that originate from the uterus, so their structures are present all the components of the mucous membrane of the uterus.

Most polyps can be seen against the background of hyperplastic endometrium. Differential diagnosis of hyperplasia Hyperplasia - do not be afraid  Hyperplasia - do not be afraid
   or various types of polyps can only be based on histological examination of the removal of polyps from the uterus. In this connection, it is recommended to carry out removal of polyps under the direct control of the body, which provides a method of hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside  Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside

 Forms | Polyps in the uterus - the result of hormonal disorders


The most common manifestation of endometrial polyps are menstrual irregularities in the form of bleeding, which appear in the nascent polyp. As a result of a gradual increase in the polyp starts uterine contractions, it is an opening hole, and a polyp as it is pushed into the vagina. Leg nascent polyp is pulled, squeezing disposed therein vessels causes poor circulation and secondary necrosis (death of tissue) changes in the polyp. At this point, the woman can be confusing pain cramping in nature. Selections can be bloody, or as sukrovichnymi cables Beli: abnormal discharge  Beli: abnormal discharge

Sometimes polyps did not make themselves known and come to light only in the course of the survey. This often creates in women the illusion that polyps - a minor diseases that can be ignored. But the main danger of uterine polyps is that they may degenerate into a malignant tumor, it is more typical for glandular polyps. In addition, the polyps can cause bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy, creating a threat to its interruption, and also become a hotbed of infection.
