Bifidumbacterin thrush is used to restore the normal microflora and acidity of the vagina, that is, its ability to cleanse itself. This treatment is carried out after a course of antifungal therapy, and control analysis prescribed by a doctor.
Why is there constantly recurs thrush
The causative agent of thrush and vaginal candidiasis are yeast fungi genus Candida, which are part of the pathogenic microflora living on the surface of the human body. A lot of fungi of the genus Candida lives in the intestines. Often, these fungi are natural inhabitants of the genitals of men and women, without causing disease.
To the disease has begun to happen impaired immunity, then the genus Candida fungi begin to multiply rapidly, to penetrate the mucous membranes of the genitals and cause inflammation there. "Starting torque" for the development of thrush are hypothermia, any infections, frequent exacerbation of chronic diseases, stress and so on.
Thrush is manifested first in the form of small cheesy raids on the mucous membranes of the vulva, which can then grow and become difficult to separate from the mucous membrane of the film. Sometimes, instead of films appear with copious curd flakes. In any variant of the disease there is a strong itching and burning in the genital area.
How to treat thrush
Completely remove pathogens from the body yeast impossible, but it is possible, firstly, to reduce their number, and secondly, to strengthen the immune system and body will prevent a relapse of the disease. Unfortunately, all this is not so easy to implement: the fungi of the genus Candida are finding new loopholes to penetrate into the body, and therefore the treatment of thrush
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often becomes a big problem. Treat it can only be prescribed by a doctor and under laboratory control.
Treatment usually begins with the appointment of antifungal drugs orally or topically. Sometimes reception antifungal agents are combined with the inside of vaginal suppositories, creams and other preparations with antimycotic activity. At the same time appointed restorative and stimulating the immune system treatment.
After treatment the yeast fungi of the genus Candida in smears and scrapings from the walls of the genitals disappear, and are symptoms of thrush.
But as it turned out, this is not enough. Thrush starts constantly recur. The reason for this is, as a rule, not only reduction of immunity, and vaginal dysbacteriosis
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, Which was formed on the background of yeast and its treatment.
Normally, the vagina is dominated by normal microflora, which creates an environment that prevents the growth of pathogens, that is the vagina of women of childbearing age is able to cleanse itself. This ability is regulated by female sex hormone estrogen. After any previous infection and its treatment of vaginal flora is disturbed and it begins to dominate the pathogenic microflora, which "catch the moment" for introduction in the mucosa and development of infectious-inflammatory process.
To return to the self-cleaning ability of the vagina, after treatment with antifungal drugs prescribed bifidumbakterin
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candlelight in a course of treatment.
How does bifidumbakterin thrush
Bifidumbacterin suppresses reproduction of pathogenic microflora and change the acidity of the vaginal environment that contributes to the restoration of normal microflora. In addition, bifidumbakterin helps restore local immunity tissue - is another barrier to the introduction of pathogens thrush.
How to use candles bifidumbakterin
Bifidumbacterin thrush is administered topically in the form of vaginal suppositories or solution. In addition, to suppress the vital activity of fungi genus Candida, live in the intestine and reduce the risk of re-infection, you can assign bifidumbakterin inside courses.
Bifidumbacterin solution prepared as follows: 10 doses (dry lyophilisates for solution for oral and topical) to throw a tablespoon of warm boiled water, moistened swab
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and introduce it into the vagina for two or three hours. Simply use bifidumbakterin candles, they are administered into the vagina twice a day. The course of treatment - from a week to ten days.
Bifidumbacterin used to treat thrush in the final stage for restoring self-purification ability of the vagina and prevent recurrence of the disease.
Galina Romanenko