Endometriosis and laparoscopy: how to increase the chances of conceiving

November 10, 2012

 Endometriosis is a serious gynecological disease, which manifests itself in violation of menstrual function, severe pain, and a sharp decline in fertility rates of women (up to infertility). Treatment of endometriosis can be both conservative (hormone), and operational. Surgical removal of endometriotic lesions is performed laparoscopically. Many doctors believe that getting rid of endometriosis can only be surgically. If you have endometriosis, laparoscopy Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?  Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
   carried out for two purposes: getting rid of the patient from pain and increase her chances of conceiving.

 Endometriosis and laparoscopy: how to increase the chances of conceiving

Laparoscopy for endometriosis

Laparoscopy is a type of advanced surgical procedures. The gist of it is small (two or three) sections at the front of the abdominal wall, through which the surgeon inserts into the abdominal cavity optical device (a laparoscope) and the necessary tools. Laparoscopy allows you to view the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity from the inside, "with his own eyes." Not for nothing is considered the best method for diagnosing endometriosis Diagnosis of endometriosis - it is important to identify all foci  Diagnosis of endometriosis - it is important to identify all foci
   - A laparoscopy and the operating surgeon.

Laparoscopy is divided into diagnostic and operative.

Diagnostic laparoscopy is performed for examination of internal organs and detection of endometrioid heterotopias, that is used to confirm or refute the diagnosis: "Endometriosis". Although the absence of visible endometriosis can not say with absolute certainty about its absence (sometimes endometrioid heterotopias are so small that the eye can not be visualized).

Operative laparoscopy aims - removing endometriotic lesions with subsequent cauterization (eg, husking endometrial cysts), or excision of the scar tissue.

Laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis is conducted in the following cases:

  • expressed endometriosis lesions and the presence of scar tissue on the internal organs (usually the intestine and the bladder);
  • pain associated with endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
 Which is stored or held back after hormone treatment;
  • endometrial severe pain that interferes with their lifestyle and disabling the patient;
  • the presence of endometriosis, ovarian cysts;
  • the inability to become pregnant endometriosis;
  • suspected endometriosis (diagnostic laparoscopy).

After laparoscopic surgery in 70-100% of women showed a significant improvement (pain virtually disappear). In addition, laparoscopy greatly increases the likelihood of becoming pregnant. If pregnancy does not occur within six to nine months (maximum per year), the doctor will recommend a woman in vitro fertilization technique.

 Endometriosis and laparoscopy: how to increase the chances of conceiving

In vitro fertilization after laparoscopy

In some cases, the patient immediately after the laparoscopic surgery is recommended in vitro fertilization. These include:

  • complex for widespread severe endometriosis, when the capacity expansion and volume operation is too dangerous, because it increases the risk of severe postoperative complications (ie, laparoscopy was carried out purely for diagnostic purposes);
  • after surgery laparoscopy, the surgeon is dissatisfied with the results and suggests the inability of women to conceive in the future;
  • Laparoscopic surgery was performed to eliminate pain;
  • the presence of additional factors that reduce the possibility of pregnancy (age older than 35 years, long experience of infertility, poor semen quality, poor condition of the fallopian tubes);
  • women older than 38 years;
  • a categorical refusal by the patient's surgery.

 Endometriosis and laparoscopy: how to increase the chances of conceiving


Laparoscopic surgery has a number of absolute and relative contraindications.

Absolute contraindications include: decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, shock and coma, cachexia, disorders of blood coagulation, the hernia of anterior abdominal wall or diaphragm.

For relative contraindications include: severe obesity, the presence of blood in the abdominal cavity (one to two liters), large formation of the pelvic organs, ovarian cancer Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations!  Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations!
 , cervical cancer.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • endometriosis

Infertility Treatment - What principles are the priority - Traditional methods

September 12, 2012

  • Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
  • Traditional methods
  • Herbs

 traditional methods of infertility treatment

Infertility Treatment folk methods - possible pregnancy

In the treatment of infertility can be applied not only to the methods of traditional medicine and folk remedies. Some patients still prefer to use the healing power of nature in the treatment of various diseases. This fully applies to the problem of infertility, as folk remedies for infertility treatment is highly effective.

 Traditional methods | Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority

Why Effective Herbal Treatments

As a remedy in folk medicine used herbal medicine Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects  Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects
 Ie therapy herbs. They contain large amounts of micronutrients, biologically active substances, which can be determined to achieve the therapeutic effect.

Natural sources of vitamin E is a rose (white, pink roses). This vitamin is still called "vitamin of youth". Rose used to normalize hormonal imbalance Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   a woman in the ovarian dysfunction Ovarian dysfunction - a responsible attitude to health  Ovarian dysfunction - a responsible attitude to health
 For stimulation of spermatogenesis in males. The therapeutic effect of providing water, syrup or oil made from petals. And in the East (China, Japan) as a remedy for infertility recommend the use of chrysanthemum, especially lilac and purple. A positive effect can be achieved by simply admire these beautiful flowers. Chrysanthemum petals are added to the food, which with regular use leads to normalization of a woman's hormonal balance.

Women of childbearing potential is able to recover knotweed. This plant is able to exert a therapeutic effect in endocrine disorders and infertility uterine shape. Infusion of knotweed is better to prepare in a thermos, which is necessary to take three tablespoons of fresh herbs (available as a raw material to take the dry grass) and pour boiling water (500 mol of water). It is enough to infuse for four hours. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach cooked infusion of half a cup four times a day. In the old days before the planned conception knotweed Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
   women were to give birth to the long-awaited boy. That is the effect of this miraculous herb.

 Traditional methods | Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority

Is there a universal therapeutic mixture

Recipes of traditional medicine suggested a surprising therapeutic agent for the treatment of infertility. Core components are eggs. Six untreated raw eggs to pour the juice from the lemons and put twelve for one week stored in the refrigerator. Under the influence of lemon juice dissolves the egg shell and then be separated yolks. The resulting mixture is added a spoonful of brandy and everything is mixed. Consume this mixture a tablespoon up to three times a day. Store in the refrigerator, be sure to preserve the medicinal properties. It is possible to improve the taste add a little honey. This mixture is particularly indicated for the treatment of male infertility, as well restores performance and stimulates sperm production, which normalizes the male fertility potential.

It is impossible to say that nature is a universal tool that can completely solve the problem of infertility. This fully applies to the use of traditional therapeutic agents. Infertility is a complex disease, so the approach to treatment regimens should be too complex. Traditional remedies can be an effective complement to the means at the disposal of the national medicine. It is important to understand that in the case of folk remedies, it is necessary to carry out cure for a long time. This should be prepared couple.
