Endoscopic examinations are widely used in gynecology. Today, women are rarely complete without a survey endoscopy condition of the vaginal mucosa, cavity and cervix. For the endoscopic examinations in gynecology is used special equipment.
Endoscopic examination of the vagina and cervix
Endoscopic examination of the vagina and cervix and colposcopy
Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
It is the most common endoscopic examination, used in gynecology. This study is conducted by a special device - a colposcope.
A study of the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal part of the cervix can tell a lot about the state of the female genital organs, including the presence of inflammatory processes, hormonal disorders, precancerous lesions, benign and malignant tumors. Colposcopy - it is a simple and painless procedure that it has no contraindications.
A colposcope is an optical device with built-in illuminator, with which you can multiply and examine the surface of the vagina and cervix. With the colposcope can just to inspect the mucous membrane of the cervix (simple colposcopy), and can be carried out and a more detailed examination of it - extended colposcopy
Extended colposcopy: detailed analysis of
Extended colposcopy is performed after processing the surface of mucosa with various preparations. Thus, treatment of a solution of acetic acid, contributes to a better visibility of pathological changes on its surface. If you suspect a precancerous vagina and cervix with a solution of Lugol - it reveals the past in the form of clear white spots.
Do colposcopy usually in the first three days after the end of menstruation. This study makes it possible to detect even minor changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix and establish the correct diagnosis. Colposcopy allows you to select the most suitable plot mucosa biopsy - taking a piece of tissue for research. With colposcopy can detect cervical erosion (areas of the vaginal part of the cervix, devoid of epithelium), cervical pseudo (ectopia - replacement of stratified squamous epithelium of the cervical columnar epithelium a bright color with clear smooth contours), polyps, sites of endometriosis (impregnation in the areas of the cervix of the uterus mucous membrane), areas of leukoplakia (hardening of the mucous membrane of the cervix - a precancerous condition), papillomavirus and cervical cancer in the initial stages.
Endoscopic examination of the uterus
Endoscopy of the inner surface of the uterus is called hysteroscopy. Conducted this study using endoscopic device - hysteroscope. Hysteroscopy can be diagnostic and therapeutic. Furthermore, hysteroscopy divided into types according to the method of its implementation: the introduction into the uterus of a liquid or gas in order to be able to see the inside surface - liquid or gas hysteroscopy.
During hysteroscopy the mucosal surface can be considered under multiple magnification, it is especially important to detect cervical cancer in its early stages.
Diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed with uterine bleeding of unknown origin, hormonal disorders, anomalies of the structure of the uterus, infertility, miscarriage
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, Suspicion of benign and malignant tumors. During the study if necessary piece of tissue is taken for analysis.
Therapeutic hysteroscopy may be performed immediately after diagnosis, if necessary. But most of it is spent planning: carried out the removal of small polyps, small, superficial benign tumors (eg, myomas), adhesions separation that arose after the inflammatory process, and so on.
Contraindication to conduct hysteroscopy is the presence of inflammatory gynecological processes, thrombophlebitis, any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases, and severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.
Hysteroscopy - a painful procedure, so it is performed under general anesthesia. In the course of hysteroscopy, sometimes there is a complication, as the perforation of the uterine wall. After hysteroscopy possible exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes of female genital mutilation.
Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy
Endoscopy - not only diagnosis but also treatment procedure
gynecology quickly and accurately correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Galina Romanenko